The design is clearly ancient... Launched hundreds of thousands of years ago.
This, I hope, will be my crowning glory. My child. Yes, I am attempting to not only model Destiny, but get a very sharp, quality model in game, with as many greebles as I can. Think of it as a personal goal, and a gift to other fans of the fledgeling series. I've been going over every fly-by the show has given us, and taking notes. The season finale gave us a great sense of the ships scale several times, and I have concluded it to be
roughly about the length of two Sovereigns (Such an accurate unit of measurement
Anyway, she's not nearly done, not by a very, very long shot. With any luck (And no midseason hiatus) the ship will be ready to be discovered within 20 major updates. Time-spent being another personal goal of mine.
So, with nothing more to add, please enjoy the renders! Constructive criticism is always appreciated and encouraged.