Author Topic: Starfleet Museum Era  (Read 629 times)

Offline Villain

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  • The artist formerly known as Prime
Starfleet Museum Era
« on: June 10, 2010, 01:10:19 PM »
I'm curious as to how many people play with these. I've always had a browse over them every so often, admired the very retro designs, but only recently decided to download them. Quite fun, and different...

Perhaps we should have an SME appreciation day or something. :P

"The design is clearly ancient... Launched hundreds of thousands of years ago."

Quote from: JimmyB76
der-ner-ner-ner-ner ..... der-ner-ner-ner-ner .....
Quote from: Rick Sternbach, on the topic of the Galor Class' length
...Probably not, but the number I get(379.6m) could be considered ?original intent,? a term that I think I will be using from now on, and ?canon? be damned.