Author Topic: Crashing to desktop when fighting Borg Cubes in QB  (Read 472 times)

Offline Thomas Jefferson

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Crashing to desktop when fighting Borg Cubes in QB
« on: September 10, 2012, 12:50:24 PM »
Greetings.  Newcomer here wondering how I can prevent crashes when fighting a cube in QB.  I don't experience crashes when battling other , smaller Borg vessels - or any other vessel for that matter.  Could it be my laptop, which isn't geared specifically for gaming, is simply overwhelmed when dealing with large ships? Thanks

Offline CyAn1d3

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Re: Crashing to desktop when fighting Borg Cubes in QB
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2012, 01:33:18 PM »
Since I myself mod and play on a laptop, I can help here.

Yes, there is a direct corrolation between the model size and crashes, simply put, bc dosnt like large models all too much, and being on a laptop youre more than likley to run into this.

There ARE methods to improve your performance, mainly dumbing down your visual themes for windows to high performance will help GREATLY if your running a newer os than xp.. Wich would be most these days.

Other things like texture sizes play a burden as well, tone them down to medium setting, also dumbung down or turning off nanofx helps as well... Especially the explostionfx. Cut the particle count down to LOW (i run below 50 and they still look great.

Other running programd will affect everything as well.. Simply put, if it dosnt NEED to run.. Close it before booting bc.

Others will tell you the AMOUNT of mutators active affects performance, try duaabling mutators you DONT normally use.. Beware tho.. Some mutators RELY on others.

It all varies from comp to comp, but this should point u in the right direction..

Whats your comp specs and BC install details? (installed mods)
I came, i saw, i added a Sig.
Later gents, i have Youtube to take over.
Cy - 1-12-15

Offline Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Crashing to desktop when fighting Borg Cubes in QB
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2012, 08:08:41 PM »
Thanks for writing.  Toshiba Sattelite L755-5244, 2GHz, 4 GB, 640 GB ATA133, Windows 7, etc.  In terms of mods I've got KM, upgraded damage textures and an assortment of extra ships.

Finally, I was able to get a First Contact-inspired Cube to run without crashing but it seemed indestructible!  5 Bioships could do nothing but put holes in the hull - no damage.  The readme mentioned the strength of the ship but I expected to at least make a dent.  Any thoughts on that?

In short I'm looking for a Cube that's decently detailed and stoppable. 

Offline CyAn1d3

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Re: Crashing to desktop when fighting Borg Cubes in QB
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2012, 09:20:48 PM »
you basically run the same setup i do.

JTKs Borg Cube could only be destroyed one way you have to take out a certain system......

i would suggest the Cube included in the Delta Quadrant Pack, its quite balanced IMO.

I came, i saw, i added a Sig.
Later gents, i have Youtube to take over.
Cy - 1-12-15

Offline Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Crashing to desktop when fighting Borg Cubes in QB
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2012, 09:27:46 PM »
So just as in the film, the JTK has a specific vulnerability. Very nice.

Thanks for the tips.