Author Topic: Linux Dedicated Server  (Read 421 times)

Offline Rct. Tsoul

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Linux Dedicated Server
« on: July 03, 2012, 04:54:33 AM »
Is there a Linux Dedicated Server for Bridge Commander, basically designed to run on a headless server in your home or at a server hosting company/colo?
If a Windows Dedicated server exists that purely runs the server logic such as a dedicated server for Quake3 does, then it could be easily ported to Linux using the source code, and would be able to start the server via SSH with a command like so:
Code: [Select]
./stbc_ded.x86_64 +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_port 37990 +set game multiplayer +set vm_game 2 +exec server.cfg &Then the server.cfg would contain the rest of the server settings such as:
server name
server max players
server minimum ping
server maxiumum ping
server allow downloads yes or no
server map/system
admin email
admin website
This would allow for an incredibly versital server and then even add support for web/php admin controls, if any coders are seeing this, I could post source code for a Quake3 style game so that they could have some insight on how its done, and I HOPE that Star Trek Bridge Commander 2 will create headless server support for both Windows & Linux, this would allow for a very lengthy game life and would most definatly land the dev team some good jobs in the future as pretty much anyone that once coded mods for Quake 3 style game are now well off with  $$$$$

Offline Defiant

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Re: Linux Dedicated Server
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2012, 10:01:23 AM »
There is no dedicated server, nor we do have the source, so no.