Author Topic: Mass Effect 3  (Read 7463 times)

Offline Mario

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #40 on: March 20, 2012, 04:07:35 PM »
Well, I just finished playing the game... I feel so... I can't even put it in words. Re-playability just got killed with what they call an ending.

Overall it is a solid game, ruined by the last 10-15 minutes. I'd give it 8.5/10.
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Offline TheConstable6

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #41 on: March 20, 2012, 04:17:25 PM »
Sadly those are my thoughts exactly. It kinda crushes you.
Though much is taken, much abides; and though
 We are not now that strength which in old days
 Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;
 One equal temper of heroic hearts,
 Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
 To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #42 on: March 20, 2012, 04:50:17 PM »

Felt the same but then after thinking about it for a while I came to conclussion that it was the best way to end this game, Shep had to commit ultimate sacrifice to save galaxy, Reaper tech had to be destroyed so the cycle is broken once and for all (remember what Sovereign told to Shepard on Vermire, that every major space faring race evolves in the way Reapers want because of their tech spread through the galaxy ? (namely mass relays and citadel) so in order to stop it those had to be destroyed.

I also thought it was uber sad for Normandy crew, but after credits we also get that cinematic clearly showing the same planet Normandy crashed on several centuries later so the crew, although very unlikely, did survive and managed to establish colony which grew to quite a population judging by the dialog (they had to achieve certain level of advancement to speak about traveling space soon.

So all in all, Krogans are free from their disease and now can rebuilt themselves independantly, Turians and Asari also will have to live on their own, Earth is saved and also separated from everyone else, but they keep the tech and eventually will rise from ashes like other races. Depending on how many Quarians went to the battle and how many stood on their reclaimed world they either extinct or somehow survive and continue living with Geth in peace (provided that you managed to bring them to peace), Joker and Co. establishes colony and lives happily till the end of his happy life.



Shepard dies for nothing, Reaper tech destroyed, severs all major races from eachother, colonies have to live on their own (without supplies, they eventually die) Turians looses their homeworld due to Krogan expansion (genofage cured, madness unleashed) Asari have to struggle with all that pureblood crap (at least they don't have krogans around), Quarians left on their planet fails to adjust to 'new' ecosystem  and eventually die, Geth coninue to expand (provided you didn't choose 'destruction of synthetics ending'). Earth, or what's left of it is in total chaos, Turians starves to death, Krogans starts to overrun the planet killing everything in their way, Citadel wreckedge falls down to the Earth surface killing countless of lives, whole allied fleet is stranded in SOL and might aswell share the fate of Turians (I remember Turians can't digest human food and so does the Krogan and Salarian, Quarinas would eventually die too due to their immune problems.
Normandy crew stranded on the tropical 'paradise' full of carnivoreus critters of all sorts with only handful of military personel, food and weapons... either they die due to incompatibility with environment (see the 'paradise' planet from ME2 where Jacob's dad crashed) or they will die naturally due to too small gene pool ( no way they could establish healthy population that would grow for centuries eventually hitting the same level of advancement as their ancestors had - namely Normandy crew - there simply to few of them + some of them were alines, robots or cripples ...)

It really depends on your imagination, at first I was realistic about it but then I went for optimistic point of view :P

Offline Mario

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #43 on: March 20, 2012, 05:19:22 PM »
I'm actually okay with that, what bothers me is the introduction of that "master of the galaxy kid" (ghostly child). That's really old and a cheap trick. And a lack of variety in the endings, I kind of expected DAO style endings to be honest.
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Offline Killallewoks

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #44 on: March 20, 2012, 05:37:48 PM »
It wasn't bad though I don't belive you ever left Earth, the whole going up the beam thing and the Crucible part felt surreal.

Offline captain_obvious

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #45 on: March 20, 2012, 05:44:02 PM »
Bones, it was the Quarians and the Turians who couldn't eat the same food as us.  The salarians, krogan, asari etc were more or less ok with our stuff as far as I remember.

I for one hated the endings.  It seemed like you had to pick from 3 nasty ones.  The whole thing was a bit of a damp squib.  I disliked the first half hour and the last half hour of the game.
The multiplayer is ok though the equipment/weapon unlocks system is a bit cack.  Far too random imo and it should be rather more like COD.
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Offline Saquist

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #46 on: March 23, 2012, 12:39:00 AM »
Just finished today. 

1.  Not being able to use my Custom Sheppard cuts it in a special place.
2.  The End..was incredible.  I chose to Synthsis Life and Synthetics...and it was just...PROFOUND a solution to the problem.  You can hate what you are a part of....Epic.
3.  I looked on You tube for the other endings to see what the big deal is....(It's bad...the other endings are exactly the same except for extremely minor details like....COLOR?)

I see what people are upset about but for me...this was just ONE ending and while I agree that they should have given us more at the end about how things turned out for the respective versions, I don't think it ruins the game. 

4. Playability on this one is the lowest of the three games.  I'm not sure if there is any reason at all to play different custom sheppards (especially because you can't import) none of the decision in this game have any impact at all on the current situations or the ending.

Still this was truly EPIC....

Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #47 on: March 23, 2012, 03:18:45 AM »
That's exactly what bothered me at the end... while I liked ending I was quite disappointed that every thing I did in all three games had little to no impact (only change was that if we kill Wrex in ME1 we won't be able to have Salarian help in ME3, screwing things up in ME2 also would make things harder for us in ME3 - namely gaining war assets - which had so much impact on ending as if during Normandy crash either the crew survives or they just die  :eek wow ... I think someone got sloppy here ...

nevertheless got to agree ... still this game is fraking epic.

Now I'd love to see a prequel like First Contact War, Battarian Blitz, Cerberus beginnings, Zaed founding Blue Suns or Anderson becoming SPECTRE, those would be awesome :)

Offline Killallewoks

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #48 on: March 23, 2012, 04:43:46 AM »
They sound like great ideas, the first contact war has definate promise.

Offline captain_obvious

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #49 on: March 23, 2012, 11:55:28 AM »
1.  Not being able to use my Custom Sheppard cuts it in a special place.

Really?  why not?
(especially because you can't import)

I did.  Although my femshep was the default in me 1 and 2.  I just can't bring myself to use the new default fem shep :(
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Offline KrrKs

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #50 on: March 23, 2012, 07:56:05 PM »
Really?  why not?

I think he means that the Face Recognition for ME1 custom Characters is gone.
... Not that anyone would want to play all three games with a similar looking Shepard or anything... :facepalm: [Sarcasm end]

Oh Spoilers ahead:

And jumping on the "crappy Ending" Bandwagon (I mean the Game was great, apart from the first few minutes and that End)
Bringing in this "Citadel-Child-Reaper-Master-Avatar" thingy was really Cheap and could have been left out Imo.
But really "We kill organics so they don't build machines killing themselves" was really bad and I have seen way better implementations of that Theme.

About "three Endings + minimalistic variances" - Didn't they tell us all three games long that blowing up Mass Relays was a baaad Idea because the Explosion would wipe out whole solar Systems??? -So in the End, no matter what, most "hospitable" Star Clusters are blown up and the Galaxy has some freaking big holes in it.

I don't mind that there are Only "insert number" Endings. I would gladly take only one Ending- if it were good.
I mean the games were about how you get to the Ending; Saving Earth/ The Galaxy was always the Goal, no matter if played as paragon or lying, cheating, murdering Renegade, or something in-between.
But this kind of ending takes the fun out of playing ME again.

Edit: Scrapped some repetitive "Oh"s (I shouldn't write late at night)
   Another thing that just popped up in my head: I didn't hear the Shepard/ME Theme score once in the Entire game. :idk:

Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #51 on: March 25, 2012, 03:38:33 AM »
yeah ME relays blow up star system when collided with asteroid but not when hit with RGB beam from Citadel I guess, otherwise all these poor lads are screwed  :evil:

I didn't notice any problem with importing custom face cuz I always played with either standard male or fem shep.

Rumors says Bioware is about to bend and release DLC with additional endings :O dunno where I read it (I think it was gamespot) apparently Bioware did that on purpose, so they couold make people think, thought, rant about the game (marketing magic ?) so it gets even more controversial/ popular, also I heard those additional endings were finished before the game was released, they just wanted o give us one set along with the game, then another set with more DLC additions ... but it's all rumored so I wouldn't trust these news, just thought I would share it incase you didn't read it ;)

For me these additional endings will not make any difference if there still won't be any sensible impact of our choices in the end like different cinematics, higher - lower casualities among the fleet etc. instead we can choose what color the beam will be or if Joker gets flashy green robot eyes  :facepalm:

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #52 on: March 26, 2012, 02:46:21 PM »
Yeah, Bioware's going to "fix" the ending.  I almost want them to do what Gainax did with Evangelion when people complained about that show's ending(including even sending death threats): make the ending so no matter what you do EVERYONE DIES! :evil:

Just playing through the Horizon mission and we just found that Cerberus is monkeying around with Reaper technology and Garrus says, "Nothing good ever came from Reaper tech."  Weren't the Mass Relays Reaper tech? :facepalm:

To Boldly Go...Again.

Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #53 on: March 26, 2012, 03:05:34 PM »
I'm reading stuff about endings and I'm surprised to read that in the red ending Shepard lives  :eek that is the biggest horse crap I've ever read... seriously, would it be possible for a man dressed with only torn shirt and trousers to survive a blast from that exploding 'thing' he just shot then survive even bigger blast from exploding citadel on which he stood ??? if that's not enough then he would most definitely NOT survive orbital freefall from hugeass explosion.

Most likely the first explosion killed him or even disintegrated ... if not then citadel explosiond efinitely killed him.

when I said that at Bioware forums people were ready to kill me for heresy but it's really silly idea to think Shep could survive any ending (all ended with citadel going KABOOM)

the N7 dogtags could be anyones, I even remember Vega getting N7 commendation after we encourage him to join N7 program, my guess would be it is him we see briefly at the end, whatsmore person lying at the end has parts of a armor chestplate still on him, Shep was without armor at the end (dunno why, if reaper laser hit him then I guess armor wouldn't be much of help and if it vaporized then so would the guy who's been wearing it :P)

just felt I would share my nerdy thoughts  :funny

Offline Mario

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #54 on: March 26, 2012, 03:24:28 PM »
Most likely the first explosion killed him or even disintegrated ... if not then citadel explosiond efinitely killed him.

when I said that at Bioware forums people were ready to kill me for heresy but it's really silly idea to think Shep could survive any ending (all ended with citadel going KABOOM)

So, Bones, where's the end of that 'I want to kill Bones' line? One more person wants to stand it in :P

Seriously, they're changing the ending? It's more likely that they're going to tweak somethings here and there. It's too expensive to change the whole ending, as much as I'd want to see a new one. It's time consuming, they'd probably need to hire all the actors to record additional lines of dialogue, spend a lot of development time... Too much work for paid DLC with little profit. It's more logical to see a tweaked ending.
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Offline KrrKs

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #55 on: March 26, 2012, 03:58:13 PM »
Well, if the Rumor/Theories are true, then everything after you get shot by the Harbinger is just a dream or an Indoctrination Fantasy, and maybe
Bioware planned it that way from the beginning. Thats why you see the suppose Shepard in grey rubble.

If that would be true, they either delivered the Game without a proper ending because they did not have enough time ( Eventhough releasing a bit later with an ending would not have been that bad Imho),
OR they go totally mad and want to charge additional 5 - 10 ? f?r the "Real End DLC".

About Vega, didn't he say he got the N7 invitation just before the Invasion, and N- Program was unreachable due to the war?

Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #56 on: March 26, 2012, 04:46:16 PM »
Well, if the Rumor/Theories are true, then everything after you get shot by the Harbinger is just a dream or an Indoctrination Fantasy, and maybe
Bioware planned it that way from the beginning. Thats why you see the suppose Shepard in grey rubble.

If that would be true, they either delivered the Game without a proper ending because they did not have enough time ( Eventhough releasing a bit later with an ending would not have been that bad Imho),
OR they go totally mad and want to charge additional 5 - 10 ? f?r the "Real End DLC".

About Vega, didn't he say he got the N7 invitation just before the Invasion, and N- Program was unreachable due to the war?

Yes, you might be right about Vega, forgot this small detail :P

oh and yes, you can kill me now for heresy, go ahed, shoot (cookies)  :funny

Offline captain_obvious

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #57 on: March 26, 2012, 05:12:05 PM »
Yes, you might be right about Vega, forgot this small detail :P

oh and yes, you can kill me now for heresy, go ahed, shoot (cookies)  :funny

Give me a sec Bones, just lining you up nice and tight  :evil:
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Offline Bones

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #58 on: March 27, 2012, 09:45:14 AM »
Fine ! I'll just shut my mouth and sit down  :funny

Offline Mario

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Re: Mass Effect 3
« Reply #59 on: March 27, 2012, 04:11:05 PM »
Fine ! I'll just shut my mouth and sit down  :funny

As it should be  :D
Acta, non verba.
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