Author Topic: Coolest thing to ever happen to me in BC  (Read 2921 times)

Offline flarespire

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Re: Coolest thing to ever happen to me in BC
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2009, 04:52:02 PM »
i was playing as voyager against a borg cube and i had disabled its impulse, warp, shields and weapons systems, so i went to intercept it, half way through intercepting it BC froze for 2-5 secs...when it unfroze i had bounced off of the cube and was sent hurtling into star base i decided to warp out....and i got slungshot around the star base and warped straight up...then in warp the effects of the "collision" finally took place and i came out of warp at vesuvi 2 and exploded...
my dad had watched the whole thing and his expression was :wtf wtf?

Offline undedavenger

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Re: Coolest thing to ever happen to me in BC
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2009, 04:34:09 PM »
Would be neat if the slingshot could be used to throw you into a different version of the same map. Say you're doing it with the TMP Enterprise and when you slingshot, the star system looks the same, but you have a Sovereign class bearing down on you!

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Offline Flowrellik

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Re: Coolest thing to ever happen to me in BC
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2009, 10:56:10 PM »
So Far, the coolest thing that ever happen to me is when I was fighting a Terran version of ISS Enterprise A with the KM miranda.
The ship cloaked out on me, And I was in severe damage. Just out of luck by at least a split second, I fired a photon right up it's Impulse engines, and another at it's cloaking device. The enemy had also suffered a great deal of damage for out of this that both warp engines started shooting plasma.
I quickly aimed for both plasma streams to ignite it, And once the explosions reached the ship, IT TORE IT APART, AND SPLIT THE SHIP IN HALF, KILLING IT WITH AN IMENSE EXPLOSION! However, I got to close to the explosion myself, And I began spinning out of control until I Hit a nearby starbase.
After that, well, u know the rest.

Offline flarespire

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Re: Coolest thing to ever happen to me in BC
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2009, 06:40:53 AM »
WHOAS :funny

Offline JamesTiberiusKirk

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Re: Coolest thing to ever happen to me in BC
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2009, 07:27:46 AM »
The best thing i did was using the slipstream intercept on the PSI blackhole. man that was crazy, i warped out, it made a REALLY big BOOM and my speed was incredibly high, i couldnt move a bit with my ship. crazy

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Offline flarespire

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Re: Coolest thing to ever happen to me in BC
« Reply #25 on: October 19, 2009, 02:19:14 PM »
try this out then......i was the examius class......and i was being pulled into the omega draconis i turned to face it and engaged the in system warp(KM 1.0) and i manually went around the star and as i cam to leave the manual orbit i cam out of warp and got flung so far that I shot straight through the borg tactical cube i was fighting and then warped to starbase was dog was next to me and it made the loudest explosion noise ever and woke him up.  :funny :funny :funny

Offline Daystar70

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Re: Coolest thing to ever happen to me in BC
« Reply #26 on: October 24, 2009, 11:32:32 AM »
The coolest thing to me happened the other day, i was testinga  ENT era Klingon D-2 ship in battle with the TOS akira, i was losing, and decided F*** it i'll Ram him! so i chased at him till i could line up for a Fast Ram, the Akira Tried to evade and i side swiped his Port Nacelle with my D-2's Head, suddenly i BOUNCED and went nuts and swirled in circles around and around, and port entire WING blew off, i figured i was done, but i saw the akira EXPLODE from my impact delayed, and finally i stopped swirling around and though i had one missing entire wing/nacells, i LIVED!!! Mua haha !!

Offline flarespire

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Re: Coolest thing to ever happen to me in BC
« Reply #27 on: October 25, 2009, 08:24:08 AM »
holy crud on a popcicle stick.......that blooming funny.......before my charger broke and my laptop ran out of power(whaaa....i ran out of juice and the charger broke) i was playing as a type 11 shuttle...on it cockpit i walked into my panel(walkfx..km1.0) and i saw brex and saffi sitting there with no bottom jaws........then i decided to go look out the windows and walked too far so i was stuck in that part of the model even when i was i played as the ship...i tried to capture an escape pod.....and well....i got fulng into a star and then bc crashed because i started to run low on juice....hence:"before my charger broke and my laptop ran out of power(whaaa....i ran out of juice and the charger broke)"