Author Topic: Intesting battles?  (Read 874 times)

Offline Psyco Diver

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Intesting battles?
« on: June 22, 2009, 03:55:36 AM »
Hey what are some of the more interesting battles I can set up, my computer can handle about 30-40 ships at a time, anymore than that it lags. I've done borg, wolf359, dominion battles, I've bouced around numbers to see what works best for me. So far the best battle I've set up usully involves 10-15 fed/rom/kilg vs 15-20 dom/card/breen ships sometimes my fleet gets destroyed, sometimes we pwn them alot of times I've come out with 2-5 ships left all damaged. I try to use a mix of all types of ships, except for god ships like the Sov, personally I usually use a interpid or a rhode island class. I'm using the KM1.0 mod and I'm looking for more interesting or some canon battles, suggestions?

Offline Lionus

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Re: Intesting battles?
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2009, 11:58:23 AM »
download all three stargate ship packs and see if you can stop the Ori.. mind you, Ori warship was good enough to disable the KM Borg cube while receiving equal amount of damage. It's almost but not quite a godship, just like The Borg.. and if you really want something interesting, how about Tau'ri and Asgard vs Dominion and Cardassians..
Star Trek Quad-nacelle fanboy Extraordinaire

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My love
Is wand'ring in star-flight
I know
He'll find in star-clustered reaches
Strange love a star woman teaches.
I know
His journey ends never
His star trek
Will go on forever.
But tell him
While he wanders his starry sea
Remember, remember me."

Offline Psyco Diver

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Re: Intesting battles?
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2009, 01:53:51 PM »
I'll give it a try

Is there a way to set up battles that if a key ship dies you lose? I was setting up a battle between the feds vs card/dom and I just set it as 2 defiants and 2 rhode islands protecting a achilles or excalibur, I was giving the doms 6 attack ships, 2 cruisers and a battle ship and the cards 4 galors and 2 kedons, funny thing is the 2 defiants and 2 rhode islands always seem to survive but the achillies or excallibur barely survive or get destroyed, I'm to busy to realize this till everyone is destroyed


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Re: Intesting battles?
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2009, 02:33:11 PM »
you might be able to set objectives in the QBR mode.  otherwise the only way to do it would be to control the "Flagship" yourself

Offline Psyco Diver

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Re: Intesting battles?
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2009, 12:43:36 AM »
Ah those ships are to slow, and the breen tend to be able to take out the slow moving targets with thier engery disruption weapons

Offline Psyco Diver

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Re: Intesting battles?
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2009, 04:27:55 AM »
Heres a tough one. take one Nebula sensor model, 3 Novas and 2 Rhode Islands, on patrol and come accross a meeting of 2 dominion attack ships, a cruiser, 2 cardassian galors and a keldon, and 2 Breen frigates. I flew the Nova all times just to make it tougher, man what a underpower ship, died 2 out of 4 times, one of those times I accidently ran into another ship, but the battle was going badly anyways, the breen managed to disable 2 novas and the nedula, how they managed to hit the novas is a mystery to me, but I highly doubt I was coming out alive in that fight either way. Last battle I took out the rhode islands and replaced it with them with novas so now there were 5 novas including me, the nebula some how survived with little damage, I barely survived along with 2 other novas which were badly damaged too

Offline Lionus

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Re: Intesting battles?
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2009, 08:58:05 AM »
well, lately I've been seeing how long I can survive with TMP/TNG era ship, such as Constellation class. I've been victorious against Romulans, Klingons, Feds, Dominion and cardassian, but Breen are annoying with that energy drainer weapon of theirs..
Star Trek Quad-nacelle fanboy Extraordinaire

StarFleet Research and Development Crash Test Dummie/Test pilot

"Beyond the rim of the star-light
My love
Is wand'ring in star-flight
I know
He'll find in star-clustered reaches
Strange love a star woman teaches.
I know
His journey ends never
His star trek
Will go on forever.
But tell him
While he wanders his starry sea
Remember, remember me."