Author Topic: Couple of issues  (Read 2630 times)

Offline MLeo

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Re: Couple of issues
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2009, 01:01:54 PM »
In case of Vista, install BC in a directory different from Program Files, BC can't handle Vista there.
I suggest C:\Games (or another drive/directory).

Probably explains why every few days it goes mental and turns planets into giant starfish... Or why every so often ships mysteriously turn insideo out and then vanish, leaving me looking at a blank viewscreen
Well, I've never heard of the first, but the second one could be explained if you have a ship warping in(to the current system) that has blinkers. I'm afraid there isn't a solution for that yet.

Do you mean "selected quick battle setup from saffi's menu"?

Well it' just called quick battle (i think). I've got KM 1 installed and iirc that changes the name, i'm not sure
I suppose that's possible.
I'm trying to think of a reason why BC could crash when you click that button, unsure at the moment.
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Offline djnattyd

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Re: Couple of issues
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2009, 01:11:04 PM »
Yeah, it's as if someone has dragged the inside of the planet through itself and then spread it around into a star shape. It's very odd, next time it happens i'll have to get a screenshot and post it on BCfiles pic of the day. I noticed it on a dominion battleship the other day as well, i just had giant pink "things" that i'm presuming were the ships impulse engines (or whatever the pink bits are) all over my screen!
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Offline MLeo

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Re: Couple of issues
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2009, 01:32:36 PM »
That wasn't what I was refering to.
Sounds like some driver glitch.

Do other games have this as well?
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Offline djnattyd

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Re: Couple of issues
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2009, 01:56:16 PM »
Yeah i understand what you was getting at, don't worry...

Not noticed it with anything else but i just updated my GFX drivers the other day and it seems to have cured it, for now at least. When i changed from T&L settings to the normal display settings i kept losing the text from the buttons but i noticed Vistas' upgrade drivers button was giving me the old drivers so i got a direct download from ATI and it looks like its working now.

To be honest, i'm more of a console gamer than pc (less maintainence) so when things go wrong or act wierd i'm not sure why it is or how to solve it
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Offline djnattyd

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Re: Couple of issues
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2009, 02:08:43 PM »
Hey Mleo, i decided against the whole saving and scripting malarkey and managed to get the sol multisystem working by adding it manually to my install and then adding the systems to, this was the good news. However, i think i've found a bug and a very strange one at that.

Everytime i play a game and it crashes to desktop for what ever reason (too many ships or just playing too long), i check the console tracker log. Now for some reason it keeps stating that Shuttle Launch Framework isn't installed along with Ablative Armor and a whole host of other things.

I know that it is as I have KM 1.0 which comes with FTech (Yes it's turned on) and Shuttle Launching. I even went as far as re-installing FTech and the Shuttle Launch mods but i still get the same message and there's only so many times you can see "Shuttle Launch Framework not loading... Bye, Bye" before it gets annoying.

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Offline MLeo

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Re: Couple of issues
« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2009, 02:39:12 PM »
Do note that this log is for several BC runs.
The only problems are with GalaxyCharts and Slipstream.
I would suggest posting the log on the BCS:TNG support forum.
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Offline djnattyd

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Re: Couple of issues
« Reply #26 on: January 12, 2009, 03:57:52 PM »
Do note that this log is for several BC runs.
Oops, should've probably trimmed it down a bit

The only problems are with GalaxyCharts and Slipstream.
I would suggest posting the log on the BCS:TNG support forum.

That's the wierd thing, GC and slipstream work fine. GC has a problem if i try to jump to saturn or venus but i think that's because i'm missing some requirements 'cos it crashes when GC isn't installed.

It's these two lines that get me "FedAblativeArmor isn't installed: USS Defiant"
                                            "FedAblativeArmor isn't installed: USS_Lakota"

From what i read in the FTech .pdf and the .py files it should be. As for the shuttle launching script, i know that's there as i put it there one file at a time. This log doesn't show the error but previous ones have and the ships that could launch have now stopped.

 Also the very top where it states that my Foundation is obsolete, i thought KM came with the latest one? A search of BCFiles didn't turn up a newer one, so what's that all about?
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Offline MLeo

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Re: Couple of issues
« Reply #27 on: January 12, 2009, 04:45:21 PM »
Oops, should've probably trimmed it down a bit.
It doesn't matter, I know the difference. ;)

That's the wierd thing, GC and slipstream work fine. GC has a problem if i try to jump to saturn or venus but i think that's because i'm missing some requirements 'cos it crashes when GC isn't installed.
Well, the exceptions, which could be caused by only a slightly related script, do point to GC and Slipstream.

It's these two lines that get me "FedAblativeArmor isn't installed: USS Defiant"
                                            "FedAblativeArmor isn't installed: USS_Lakota"

From what i read in the FTech .pdf and the .py files it should be.
FedAblativeArmor is different from AblativeArmour.
Infact, FedAblativeArmor is a tech created by Defiant for use in KM.
It's a FTech feature that it doesn't crash BC when a tech isn't installed, it just notes the fact (by printing to the console) and moves on.

As for the shuttle launching script, i know that's there as i put it there one file at a time. This log doesn't show the error but previous ones have and the ships that could launch have now stopped.
Also the very top where it states that my Foundation is obsolete, i thought KM came with the latest one? A search of BCFiles didn't turn up a newer one, so what's that all about?
Fixes and improvements to the Foundation are "layered" on top of each other for one specific purpose, to prevent "multiple-but-actually-the-same-file-but-different-version" problems. And some of them print to the console that they are now installed.
If you were to install every SubMenu version, you would get a line from each of them.
I still can't read peoples minds, nor can I read peoples computers, even worse, I can't combine the two to read what is going wrong with your BC install...

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Offline djnattyd

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Re: Couple of issues
« Reply #28 on: January 12, 2009, 06:12:06 PM »
Ahh... Understood.

So should i message Defiant about the Fed Armor or is it hidden somewhere in my install?

Or for that matter, do i even need it?
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Offline MLeo

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Re: Couple of issues
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2009, 11:18:54 AM »
BC won't crash because you miss it. You simply don't have that functionality (in other words, your ship won't have that functionality).

There is no real way to hide it, there is no mutator (by default anyway) for it.
I still can't read peoples minds, nor can I read peoples computers, even worse, I can't combine the two to read what is going wrong with your BC install...

"It was filed under 'B' for blackmail." - Morse, Inspector Morse - The dead of Jericho.

Offline djnattyd

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Re: Couple of issues
« Reply #30 on: January 14, 2009, 04:31:18 PM »
Well in that case, I'll just ignore the message in the console report.

You can go ahead and lock this up mate, Cheers for all the help
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