Author Topic: A little graphic work.  (Read 375 times)

Offline Viper

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A little graphic work.
« on: November 13, 2009, 01:23:48 AM »
Most of my artistic talent has been going to scale models lately. I now do reviews for two websites/ Magazines.  So I stay busy with them. But I did find time to do some graphics work for one of my clubs. I did two logos for them. The first goes on the back of our T-Shirts. It took about 2 hours to do. First drawing it in pencil, then ink, then scanning it in and adding the text. the second is a 3D logo that is featured on the club's website [also done by me].  I'm going to try and get Max reinstalled on the new computer [if my old version will work on Win 7 Ultimate 64bit]. Then I may try some other stuff. Anyway, on to the artwork.
"The original Meister der Brucken"