Author Topic: A few questions: BCSupermod3, Hardpoints, etc.  (Read 814 times)


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A few questions: BCSupermod3, Hardpoints, etc.
« on: November 30, 2009, 10:04:52 AM »
             I had BCSupermod3(.1) installed (had to uninstall my BC due to it being ridiculously coded) and plan to reinstall it, i just have a few questions:

In my install i tried changing the NXSovereign hardpoints for Single Player (changing them out with another HP mod...what can i say, i like impenetrable shields) aswell as doing it via the script and had absolutely no luck, so essentially:

What would i modify for the Dauntless/NXSovereign hardpoints to get it to actually register power changes, shields, weapons positions, etc.

Does changing the hardpoints cause problems ingame? (after i tried with the rankuf at one point to make it a bit ballsier in the shields, the mission where you defend the Sov as the warp drives being repaired didn't play out. Warped in, sat there staring at them, nothing else, no scripted events, same with the first mission with the Enterprise)

Can i actually beef up the rankuf so its not dead in 3 seconds without causing drama? (I love Supermod3 but damn the rankuf is weak)

Cheers guys! Good to see the BC community isn't dead, I love that game. Oh...can i replace bridges with BCSM3 installed? I want to replace the galaxy and sov bridges but when i tried that, it didn't like it.

Also (pain, ain't i?) Any warp engine flash FX about that work with BCSM3?

Offline Morgan

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Re: A few questions: BCSupermod3, Hardpoints, etc.
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2009, 03:26:16 PM »
Modifying hardpoints won't have an adverse effect on single player, but you will have to start a new game for the new hardpoints to be used, trying to load a saved game will result in the game loading the old hardpoint for some reason.

The Rankuf can be changed yes, download the SDK from BCFiles and pull out the rankuf hardpoint from there and modify away.

Bridges are a different story, very few people in all of BC's history has gotten them and the ones that did didn't get them in SP, so you're kinda s*** outta luck there.

Warp flash, there's a good one on BCFiles, search for FC Warpflash or something similar.


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Re: A few questions: BCSupermod3, Hardpoints, etc.
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2009, 06:31:48 PM »
Cheers, bit of a pain that a new game is required for new hardpoints and it also sucks with the bridges, the slight tear i see on the Sovereigns bridge in SP is a pain in my ass, it sticks out like a sore thumb!

And that warp flash is champion, thanks!


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Re: A few questions: BCSupermod3, Hardpoints, etc.
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2009, 10:50:48 PM »
to expand on what Nero said, if you make changes to any file in BC you need to delete the accompanying .pyc file, or else it won't recompile the .py file.  You should know, SP is very delicately balanced, if you change the wrong thing, it won't work, for example you need to keep the sovereign's torpedo loadout, more or less, as is or else it will screw up certain scripted events later in the game.  The reason you can't change the bridges, is that the characters have scripted animations that will be broken if you use a different set.   

Offline Morgan

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Re: A few questions: BCSupermod3, Hardpoints, etc.
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2009, 02:37:29 AM »
Cheers, bit of a pain that a new game is required for new hardpoints and it also sucks with the bridges, the slight tear i see on the Sovereigns bridge in SP is a pain in my ass, it sticks out like a sore thumb!

And that warp flash is champion, thanks!
A good work around would be to simply load BC in test mode and select the mission where you were at. It will load with the new hardpoints, but I'm not sure if it will accept any other difficulty level besides captain.