Author Topic: Damage questions  (Read 342 times)

Offline Lord Tribble

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Damage questions
« on: May 18, 2013, 06:11:41 PM »
I've got a number of issues/ questions about ship damage that have cropped up and thought I'd stick them all in one thread rather than flooding the forum with them ;)

1) A number of ships I have massively impact the frame rate when they take physical damage. For example, Wileys Kelvin along with Baz's Narada, tmp K'tinga and Quonos 1 (though not his tos version) reduce BC to a slide show when phasers are hitting them. It's very disappointing to install a shiny new ship and find that BC doesn't like it. :(
I originally encountered this on my old laptop with the Kelvin and hoped that when I upgraded to a more powerful pc that it may be lessened. However it still happens just as badly.

2) I get damage like this on the latest 09 enterprise from sfsy:
I've tried deleting the vox.nif file but it doesn't help. I'm not sure if it's relevant but I also get a vox debug file that says about double sided triangles.

3) If there is no way to solve the above issues, is there a way to limit damage to only change the texture on a ship-by-ship basis rather than setting the games damage settings to low?
The majority of ships don't have a problem and I don't really want to keep swapping graphic settings all the time.

I'd be very interested to hear if anyone has the same issues or any solutions.


Offline vonfrank

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Re: Damage questions
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2013, 07:06:04 PM »
1) I have the same problem with some ships, even on a very high end pc. I think this is some issue with the game engine's ability to modify the .nif file of certain models while they are being damaged. There is no direct solution that I know of.

2) I also have the same problem with some ships. DJ's Ambassador is one in particular that has strange damage effects on the underside of the saucer when it takes some hits. Deleting the .vox file will have no effect on this issue. There is also no solution for this that I am aware of.

3) There is a pseudo solution that will remove the FPS and faulty damaging issue.... Go into the ship script .py file for the ship you are having troubles with. (ex, for my Ambassador class I would go to "Bridge Commander\scripts\ships\" and open the file.

This is what my file looks like:

Code: [Select]
import App
import Multiplayer.SpeciesToShip

def GetShipStats():
kShipStats = {
"DamageRadMod" : 0.0,
"DamageStrMod" : 0.0,
"FilenameHigh": "data/Models/Ships/Ambassador/Ambassador.nif",
"FilenameMed": "data/Models/Ships/Ambassador/Ambassador.nif",
"FilenameLow": "data/Models/Ships/Ambassador/Ambassador.nif",
"Name": "Ambassador",
"HardpointFile": "Ambassador",
"Species": Multiplayer.SpeciesToShip.AMBASSADOR
return kShipStats

def LoadModel(bPreLoad = 0):
pStats = GetShipStats()

# Create the LOD info
if (not App.g_kLODModelManager.Contains(pStats["Name"])):
# Params are: File Name, PickLeafSize, SwitchOut Distance,
# Surface Damage Res, Internal Damage Res, Burn Value, Hole Value,
# Search String for Glow, Search string for Specular, Suffix for specular
pLODModel = App.g_kLODModelManager.Create(pStats["Name"])
pLODModel.AddLOD(pStats["FilenameHigh"], 10, 150.0, 15.0, 15.0, 400, 900, "_glow", None, None)
pLODModel.AddLOD(pStats["FilenameMed"],  10, 300.0, 15.0, 15.0, 400, 900, "_glow", None, None)
pLODModel.AddLOD(pStats["FilenameLow"],  10, 1500.0, 15.0, 30.0, 400, 900, "_glow", None, None)

# kDebugObj = App.CPyDebug()
if (bPreLoad == 0):
# kDebugObj.Print("Loading " + pStats["Name"] + "\n")
# kDebugObj.Print("Queueing " + pStats["Name"] + " for pre-loading\n")

def PreLoadModel():

Notice the 2 lines:
      "DamageRadMod" : 0.0,
      "DamageStrMod" : 0.0,

Add these lines in this exact place to any ship script file in order to solve both of your problems. The only downside to this is that that particular ship will no longer show any damage at all. Its a big price to pay (because blowing holes in ships is fun :) ) but its the only way around this problem.

Offline King Class Scout

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Re: Damage questions
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2013, 07:18:59 PM »
besides the above solution, the one I always ran into was this: Wiley and Baz pack ships with hi-def texture sizes.  I had to drop textures one or two size scales(down to 1024's max on most ships) to prevent hangups.  it's really helpfull with ships that have more than 5-6  texture sheets.

there's also a little trick with two of the scripts that Tiq knows and taught me, but I forget the exact details of.  i know the two values have to match for the thing to damage well.
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Me: mine [my bridges] would probably be simple to get the characters to use.  the only person that sits is the captian.
Baz: space is vast there[sic] legs will be tired by the time they get to the next planet

Offline moed

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Re: Damage questions
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2013, 06:11:21 PM »
I just remove the "DamageRadMod"  and DamageStrMod" altogether.  Takes care of my problems with this issue.