Author Topic: UMM 1.0 problem  (Read 652 times)

Offline Hazeyface

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UMM 1.0 problem
« on: February 06, 2011, 07:11:31 PM »
Hey guys! I recently got back into BC after finding my old disk laying around.  :thumbsup: I've got a fresh copy with the 1.1 patch and foundation. The first thing I downloaded was the Unified Main Menu 1.0 Utility, located in the top downloads list. I read the readme carefully and copied the files as instructed, then launched the game. When I reached the main menu, I was horrified to see that the menu itself was "locked up". I could click on the buttons, (configure, quick battle, quit game etc..) but nothing would happen. It would just stay on the main menu screen, even when I clicked the "quit game" button. I had to use task manager just to exit to the desktop. I'm running a vista 64 bit platform. I can't think of what it could be. Maybe the that came with the utility?  Thanks in advance for any help!
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Offline Nebula

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Re: UMM 1.0 problem
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2011, 07:56:46 PM »
Do not install BC in the programfiles folder on Vista or Win 7 machines... issues with mods will crop up thx to windows file protection.
best to install in a directory such as C:/Games.
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Offline Hazeyface

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Re: UMM 1.0 problem
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2011, 08:22:27 PM »
Hi, I made a fresh copy with the 1.1 patch and foundation in the C:games folder. After that, I attempted to apply the UMM1.0. I copied the "scripts" folder over my existing one, located in C: games. I replaced all files as needed, and placed the nanofx plugin in the folder specified in the readme. Sadly, this process gave me the same result as before. The main menu is still "locked". No matter what I click on, it does not leave the main menu screen and had to use task manager to exit.(As the "quit game" does not work either) I wonder if a file regarding the main menu is not "named correctly. Thank you for posting though! I appreciate it.   I     
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Offline Nebula

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Re: UMM 1.0 problem
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2011, 08:29:24 PM »
I don't know if this will fix it but you may want to try the that's in here.,1732.0.html
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Offline Hazeyface

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Re: UMM 1.0 problem
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2011, 09:51:40 PM »
 I replaced the with the one in the post you provided, but the main menu is still "locked". :banghead: No change at all, but thanks again for trying! I'm going to make a fresh copy and do some trial and error, maybe a file is misplaced.  

UPDATE: Well, the only thing I could do is replace the that came with the UMM1.0 with a stock file from a fresh copy. Doing this fixed the "locked" menu and I have mutators, but no configuration option. A little progress made at least  

UPDATE2: I have tried to install UMM1.0 on 4 different fresh copies of BC. All with the same result, a "locked"menu". They all have 1.1 patch and foundation. I can't see why this is giving me so much trouble :help:

UPDATE3: I tried making a fresh copy, applied the 1.1 patch and downloaded BCUT. From there, I let BCUT install the foundation that came with it. I then used the mod installer and directed BCUT to the UMM1.0 zip file from BC files. I hit the install button. BCUT said it installed successfully. I then launched the game. When I reached the Main Menu, It was the same problem. A "locked" main menu. I can click on the buttons that say "configure" "quick battle" etc.., but the screen stays on the main menu. Again, I had to use task manager as the "quit" button will not work either. I installed the mod directly from the zip file just as BCUT instructed!  I even have the root folder on my desktop just to be sure it isn't a vista problem. I'm totally clueless as to how to solve this issue. Oh, and before anyone asks, YES I have a 100% legal copy of the game that I bought in 2002.      

PS: I have put aside a COMPLETELY stock copy of the game with no 1.1 patch, no foundation, and no mods. Just in case someone would like to walk me through step by step.

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Offline JimmyB76

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Re: UMM 1.0 problem
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2011, 12:25:38 PM »
very bizarre issue - this is the first im hearing of something like this...
perhaps a console report might describe whats going wrong?

also - you may want to consider using KM as a base install and mod it from there...  it would save alot of time and effort by installing a bunch of mods one by one...

Offline Hazeyface

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Re: UMM 1.0 problem
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2011, 01:17:39 PM »
Here you go. I had to upload the screenshot as a .rar because I kept running into errors. Thanks again
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Offline Nebula

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Re: UMM 1.0 problem
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2011, 01:40:17 PM »
WAIT!! I think you shouldn't install the nanofx fix unless you have nanofx install first XD

this may be one of the issues.
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Offline Hazeyface

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Re: UMM 1.0 problem
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2011, 03:17:23 PM »
Thank you!! :yay: The problem was as you described! I installed nanofx2.0 using BCUT instead of BCMI and it worked perfectly. I followed up with UMM1.0 and it also works perfectly now. BCMI Wasn't installing ANYTHING correctly for whatever reason. Though the readme included with UMM1.0 does mention the nanofx2.0 plugin, It does not say that nanofx2.0 is required.     Everything works now. Thanks a lot for the help!
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Offline Hazeyface

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Re: UMM 1.0 problem
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2011, 08:50:41 PM »
Alright, I have one more small problem.  I decided to download KM (latest version). I installed it using BCUT as well as the KM patch. I launched the game and encountered a BSOD with a mouse cursor. This was all done on a fresh copy with the 1.1 patch.  Here's my report :P
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Offline Nebula

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Re: UMM 1.0 problem
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2011, 08:59:37 PM »
ok KM does not use BCUT to install lol

KM install order is
BC 1.1 patch
KM 2009.12
KM 2010.02

just need to extract the files copy them into BC and overwrite when asked.

and ya done XD
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Offline Hazeyface

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Re: UMM 1.0 problem
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2011, 09:13:09 PM »
Thanks alot! The last time I played this was back in 03 lol
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