Author Topic: BC Files POTD Question  (Read 450 times)

Offline deadthunder2_0

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BC Files POTD Question
« on: February 03, 2011, 11:31:42 PM »
In Gimp which I use to convert the BMP screenshots to JPG when you select to save to JPG format there are multiple options. These include a option called smoothness and the higher it is, the smoother, less blurry and more AAed it is.
Does this count as modifying the image? It is just the way the file is saved. I have never posted a pic using it.

Also just so we can have them posted, lets post the general rules to POTD submitting.
I know-
No explicit or pornographic materials.
No editing the image.
No subliminal messaging or advertisements for other sites.
No offending content.
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