Author Topic: Screen Resolution & Viewer FOV or Zoom  (Read 1032 times)

Offline darrincates

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Screen Resolution & Viewer FOV or Zoom
« on: January 21, 2011, 03:45:17 PM »
I know KM has the widescreen mod, but it doesn't have 1920 x 1200, and the resolutions that are there cause crash.  I looked into this tutorial ( doable, but too many posts with troubles and apparently it doesn't end up truly correct anyway.

Everything is great in my TOS set up except for the fact that everthing is stretched out, wide people, planets, ships, etc ....

I know real planets aren't truly perfectly round in the real world, but this is ridiculous! - I've been grunting and bearing it, as every other aspect of the awesomeness of my TOS set up makes up for it.

If anyone knows a sure way for me to acheive true 1920 x 1200, I sure would appreciate any advise.

I was also wondering if anyone new anything about changing the viewer FOV for my TOS bridge? - When on the bridge and I see an object, it appears to be far away, but when I hit space bar for out of ship view, the object is much closer than it looked while I was on the bridge. I'd like to get the bridge viewer to be true scale, like a window. I saw an aspect ratio in one of the mutatotrs, like 1:8 or something, but I couldn't edit the value ... I click on it but no cursor. Any ideas? Thanks! - Darrin

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Screen Resolution & Viewer FOV or Zoom
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2011, 04:03:48 PM »
if you arent familiar with scripting, dont try and change it...
instead, ask about that resolution at KM forums HERE...

Offline darrincates

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Re: Screen Resolution & Viewer FOV or Zoom
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2011, 04:12:22 PM »
if you arent familiar with scripting, dont try and change it...

I'm comfortable scripting ... I've edited .ini's to run a hex editor on .exe's to get wide screen ... I made Jedi Knight a first person rather an 3rd by editing scripts to change camera loactions and remove head (It was weird when I loaded up and saw the backside of teeth and eyeballs) 

Have you gone through the widescreen hack?
Are you saying the above mentioned tutorial does produce a perfect native result? If so, I'll give it a go ....

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Screen Resolution & Viewer FOV or Zoom
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2011, 04:19:46 PM »
Have you gone through the widescreen hack?
Are you saying the above mentioned tutorial does produce a perfect native result? If so, I'll give it a go ....
honestly - i would really recommend not trying to do it...  youll find some GUI problems even if you everything perfectly...
ask about it at KM forums and im sure it will be included in the next release...  Defiant has broken grounds with that whole realm, he already got a few windscreen resolutions all set...  (only in the beta testers versions so far)
until then, only choice but to make do with what you have for now, unfortunately...

Offline darrincates

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Re: Screen Resolution & Viewer FOV or Zoom
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2011, 04:33:41 PM »
honestly - i would really recommend not trying to do it...  youll find some GUI problems even if you everything perfectly...

ok, glad to read that .... That's the impression I got reading around, but you've convinced me ..... and now I CAN be happy with 1600 x 1200 for naow, and will post to KM firums in hopes of inclusion for furtre release ... but know I now!  - Thanks JimmyB!

What about the bridge viewer FOV / Zoom question I had ... Do you know anything about getting it to show 1:1 scale? Is it right under my nose again? - Thanks! - Darrin

Offline Lurok91

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Re: Screen Resolution & Viewer FOV or Zoom
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2011, 06:32:50 PM »
I managed to get my widescreen working in KM1.0 following steps in link Jimmy posted in this thread:,7883.msg157811.html#msg157811

External views are perfect rez, but bridges are slightly squashed (apparently they are in native-newKM also). 

But like Jimmy says, unless you're happy hacking scripts (which I always am), then best to use the new KM support.

Offline darrincates

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Re: Screen Resolution & Viewer FOV or Zoom
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2011, 06:47:35 PM »
... but bridges are slightly squashed (apparently they are in native-newKM also). 
hmmmm, that's what I was wondering about, ... I love to edit every .ini, .cfg, bat, or whatever to get a game to my liking ... I'm known for never settling for out of the box ...  With that said, I don't want to go through the steps if it isn't going to produce a perfect solution knowing that a future KM release might have it onboard if I ask ... .... thats it, I'm asking ...  thanks Lurok!