Author Topic: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight  (Read 1614 times)

Offline Meteorafallen

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MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« on: November 16, 2010, 05:16:46 PM »
Hello everyone!

I have an important announcement to make.

I have not seen this done before so I thought I would give it a try, it will be somewhat of a large undertaking but I'm sure that in the long run it will become very popular.

I present... Spotlight.

Here's the synopsis:

We all use mods, and most of us take them for granted. But wouldn't you like to get a to know who it was that made your favorite mod, and why? That's what Spotlight will seek out to accomplish, every two weeks I will introduce you to one of the hundreds of modders and modding teams that make it their mission to make the games we play, better. Spotlight will be composed of interviews, and previews of upcoming mods and ships. As well as a look into the creative processes that each individual modder and modeler goes through, in order to create that masterpieces that we have all come to know, love, and appreciate.  

I am currently in the process of writing questions, as well as coming up with the massive list of people that I would like to try and interview.

I am not doing this for myself, I am doing this for everyone. I believe that the public deserves to know who the people are behind these mods that they use everyday, what their likes/dislikes are, how they live, what their favorite mods are. It will bring a more personal touch to each community.

If you would like to volunteer a portion of your time to Spotlight and to put a face to your mods, feel free to send me a PM with the subject line "Spotlight"  

I hope that everyone will appreciate what I am trying to accomplish with this, and will donate some of their time to the project.

Have a look at my website MeteorCreations

Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2010, 06:11:50 PM »
I have just received word of my first group of volunteers, to participate in Spotlight. 

Chris Jones Gaming founder, Chris Jones.

Bankrupt Studios.

And founder of Outalance Shipyards, Fallen_Warrior.

I thank them for their participation and cannot wait to begin. I will keep everyone informed of the progress that is being made within the project. The first round of interviews will begin soon.
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Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2010, 12:25:14 AM »
The Spotlight page on MeteorCreations is now live

The first guest will be the director of Star Trek Legacy: The Ultimate Universe, and founder of Chris Jones Gaming, Chris Jones.
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Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2010, 08:12:22 PM »
Don't you just love when you loose your internet? I know I do. LOL Anyways Chris Jones's interview will be taking place Next Monday. I would like to announce my second guest who is a veteran of the BC community. Some of us know him as Legacy, everyone knows him as LC.
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Offline JimmyB76

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2010, 08:01:22 AM »
assuming this would be meant for all trek games (not just BC), ill move this to Trek Games forum...

Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2010, 08:12:27 AM »
And you would be right sir, thanks for the move :)
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Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2010, 06:41:32 AM »
Spotlight Update!

The first of what I am now calling Artisan Spotlight articles has been posted over on MeteorCreations. These will feature artwork done by various modders and modelers in the communities.

Their artwork will also be featured in the MeteorCreations Gallery, as well as the availability (if you wish) to allow your artwork to be downloaded.

If you would like to get the word out on your 3D artwork, please feel free to PM me about having your work featured on the site.

The first person featured in the Artisan Spotlight is Bridge Commander's very own Centurus!
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Offline Centurus

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2010, 08:17:21 AM »
*hangs upside down in mid air, looking at the site and the pictures*

I, Centurus, approve this message.   MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *looks back quickly at everyone with shifty eyes, then grabs a Bat'Leth and picks my teeth*  I'd use dental floss, but that stuff makes my gums bleed.

Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2010, 02:59:45 AM »

The first episode of Spotlight featuring Chris Jones, is now live and ready for reading!!

Spotlight will be brand new every Tuesday and Thursday.

Please direct yourselves to the Spotlight webpage to begin reading this incredible article!

This Thursday's special guest is a veteran in the Bridge Commander community, and is responsible for the ever popular Excalibur Class. I'll let you guess who it is... ;)
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Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2010, 03:02:49 PM »
I would like to announce that the second episode of Spotlight, featuring the veteran Bridge Commander modeler LC, has now been released and ready for reading.

You can read the article here:

Next week's guests have been announced, and their names can be found in the Show Notes at the end of the interview.

Please excuse the tardiness of today's release, I could not get it out sooner due to connection issues.
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Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2010, 05:58:54 AM »
Attention readers!!!

Spotlight Episode Three featuring Bridge Commander modeler Bankrupt Studios, is now available or your viewing pleasure.

Happy reading !!
Have a look at my website MeteorCreations

Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2010, 05:47:00 AM »
Greetings Programs!

Spotlight Episode Four featuring assistant director of Star Trek Legacy: The Ultimate Universe Muldrf, is now available for your viewing pleasure.

Enjoy the read!
Have a look at my website MeteorCreations

Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2010, 03:31:00 AM »
Happy holidays everyone!

I would like to announce that Spotlight Christmas Special Part One, featuring Bridge Commander modeler WileyCoyote is now live and available for reading.

Part Two, featuring Bridge Commander Modeler DJ Curtis, will be made available at a later date.

I would also like to take this opportunity too announce that MeteorCreations now has it's own forums as well!

The site is called MeteorForum (catchy huh?)

A link can be found on the MeteorCreations homepage, as well as in this post.

Please enjoy the interview, and have a Merry and Happy Christmas!

Link to Spotlight Christmas Special Part One, Featuring WileyCoyote:

Link to MeteoForum, the official forums of MeteorCreations!
Have a look at my website MeteorCreations

Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2010, 04:35:26 AM »
 Congratulations everyone!!! You have made Part One of Christmas Special the most read episode on MeteorCreations!!! Surpassing the first two episodes!!

For this being the FIRST program to do this, it has been a very big success in my eyes.

 And since the first episode, which was released only three weeks ago there has been a total of 1,515 views for the entire series! I would have never expected this!

 One thing that I AM disappointed about is at the lack of comments, only 8?... :( With all of these readers I would think that someone would have something to say. Please show your support and give your opinion about each episode and leave a comment on the interviews.

But I would like to end with with saying thanks to everyone who has participated in the program thus far.
Have a look at my website MeteorCreations

Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2010, 06:34:58 PM »
Hello everyone, I hope you all had a pleasant holiday.

Until the release of the second part of the Christmas Special, Spotlight will continue on as planned with this weeks episode. Featuring Assistant Director of the Ultimate Universe Mod, Phoenix.

This will be the last Episode of the year, so it has been made slightly longer.

Spotlight Episode Five: Featuring UUM Assistant Director Phoenix:

Enjoy the read, and happy new year!
Have a look at my website MeteorCreations

Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2011, 03:00:42 AM »
Happy new year everyone!

Time for a new episode of Spotlight.

This week is a special edition, featuring the Visual Effects Leader of Excalibur Development team, NanoByte.

Please don't forget to follow MeteorCreations on Facebook, or to Follow me on Twitter, to keep up to date on all the latest news regarding the website and Spotlight.

Spotlight Special Edition, Episode Six: NanoByte

MeteorCreations Facebook Page:

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Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2011, 08:17:43 PM »
Due to severe connection issues, Spotlight will be postponed until further notice.

I do apologize for the inconvenience
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Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2011, 04:20:43 PM »
While I have been suffering through trying to keep a stable connection to the internet, I will be attempting to get an episode produced this week.

The episode in question will be the second part of the long awaited Christmas Special, featuring none other than Bridge Commander modeler and Excalibur contributor DJ Curtis.

More details will be released soon. 
Have a look at my website MeteorCreations

Offline Meteorafallen

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Re: MeteorCreations Presents: Spotlight
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2011, 04:46:34 AM »
You've waited for it, and now the time has finally come.

Part Two of the Spotlight Christmas Special, featuring DJ Curtis has been released.

Happy reading!
Have a look at my website MeteorCreations