Author Topic: THANK YOU! I have TOS Bridge, Ship, Uniforms and sounds thanks to you modders!  (Read 2784 times)

Offline darrincates

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ok, kewl ... Thanks for hanging with me on this .. I REALLY appreciate it!
Yes KM1 and KM2 are the two gig files in order.  

I'm back to fresh install with KM working great .. freakin' LOVE that intro movie .... I got popcorn to watch again, yes it's that kewl ....

VERY greatful to be able to control ship from bridge! - didn't even know it was possible .. missed that MOD ... the stars look great too .... I'll figure out how to warp to earth after [if] I get TOS stuff in there ....

I am now making a copy of that folder.  

I now have a fresh install BC patched folder, (533 mb)
and 2 other BC folders both with KM working, [one to fall back on as I try these TOS mods] (3.14 gb each)

Now I will try the TOS stuff again ... one thing at a time .... of these, which or in which order would be best:

TOS.exe (TOS Bridges)
tos12_tucv1point1.rar (TOS uniforms) [I suspect this one is the trouble maker, don't know why, just do)

If I can get these, or at least the TOS Bridge/Sounds pack & Uniforms Pack I'll be a pretty happy camper and will never bug again ....!  

What order should I try, or should I ask which do think would be the safest to try first, second, third, etc .... unless I NEED to go in a particular order for bridge/ship compatability?

 I still have not even loaded BCUT today ... do I need anything from that? Nano Atmosphere fix?

 I know, a lot of questions, but If I can get this working, I'll never bug again! ..... probably ... thanks Nebula! - Darrin

Offline darrincates

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Nevermind All Above! - I just orbited Earth in TOS ship, TOS bridge, TOS Sounds and TOS Uniforms through KM Quickbattle ..... awesome .... it might have been the order I was installing mods causing the BSOD....

My goal to have all the best of BC with TOS feel is complete thanks to KM .... really it's truly amazing just scratching the surface! .. .from warping to better looking textures, ease of everthing, integration of all the best ....

I see Earth could use the high res ... I'm doing that next ..... Thanks again!

edit - wow ... a 73 meg earth.tga ... can't WAIT to see what that looks like!

Offline Nebula

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hehe I'm glad you're enjoying the game and the mods :D
Canon is what people argue exists on ships that don't exist.

Offline darrincates

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hehe I'm glad you're enjoying the game and the mods :D

You know it Nebulas, and thanks ... km's the best ... it increases the total amount of BC by ten .... all those guys who made all those mods ... and you guys smart enough to put them all together for us ....

My head trackir works, so i just look around my TOS bridge and glad the new Walkfx is faster across the bridge.

The 'living' galaxy is just great for the offline player

Today I installed and TOS modded ST Elite Forces.

Getting BC all TOSsed out drove me too it.    I wanted to run through the whole ship ... which now even has tribbles in some areas .... that make tribble noises .... and well known TOS villians trying to scavenge the ship for parts and/or take control of it. And levels based on TOS episodes: The Argas Effect, Amok in Time ...

Now between BC TOS modded, and EF TOS modded, I can: run a TOS Ship, on a TOS Bridge, against TOS enemy  ships in a 'living' galaxy to roam, AND walk the decks, see other known TOS characters both on the ship, and when I beam down to TOS episode based, 1st person enviroments/levels. ... I'm a pretty happy TOS purist now. -

Thanks Modders!