Author Topic: Using Galaxy Charts w/ KM2009  (Read 756 times)

Offline Locke

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Using Galaxy Charts w/ KM2009
« on: June 20, 2010, 03:30:33 AM »
Well, I've had it installed for a month or so, but I can't seem to get anything going.  I read most of the ReadMe's included with the installation as well as the KM ReadMe, but it mostly seems to be a list of what mods are installed and what you can do with those.  But I can't seem to make heads or tails of GC.

For instance, whenever I start the war simulator, all star systems are listed as "NEUTRAL" in Stellar Cartography.  When I travel to a system, there are no enemy ships waiting, nor are there any friendlies around unless I go to Sol and hang around for a good bit.  I can add ships via both the QB menu as well as the "AddShips" menu from my XO.  I haven't installed any extra tech packages, just ships.

So am I just missing the point, or do I need to do something specific to get things rolling?  I have this idea that GC is really what I want to be doing, but I can't seem to make heads or tails of it.  Is there a quick guide out there somewhere that can just get me started on it?  I realize that I sound a bit of an idiot, here.  But I'm actually thoroughly lost.  Any help is good help!

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Using Galaxy Charts w/ KM2009
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2010, 08:12:05 AM »
youre using KM 2009.12?  i would recommend upgrading to 2010.02...
as far as the Tech Manual for GC - look in the "doc" folder that came with your KM installaion, there is also a tut for War Simulator...  
the full tutorial is in there (with all the other KM docs)...  
if youve already done that, please feel free to post any questions about GC in it's forum HERE

Offline Vbeserk

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Re: Using Galaxy Charts w/ KM2009
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2010, 01:40:03 PM »
I have the same problem as he has and i have read ALL literally all of the read me the come with KM mod and i didn't seem to understand how that thing works everytime i start the war simulatori start with the ship that the QB selector has in the main menu this means i can start with any ship that i want now thats the point where i start to get lost because i often start with the Enterprise J a super powerful ship that can rip starbases apart it appears in the upper right corner Player Fleet Status  but when i get to the junkyard there has some destroyed but working ship some are friendly and some aren't i destroy the unfriendly ones and order the others to follow, they follow me but it doesn't appear anything in the fleet status but when i open the strategic command it appears that the ship is from the Federation 1st fleet anbd now is where my problems come together because when i go to drydock and say to them to build a ship within my funds limit they gime always or a NX-01 or a Saber but i don't have any problems with this ships i like them both but when i get transported to the new ship it appears the name of the federation ship that was in the junkyard and it doesn't appear the name of the ship that i was so i just destroy the ship that i was, now i have more two issues with the war sim there are currently no ships in the space ofcourse there are the ones in the junkyard and one warbird in romulus and the ones in earth that are standard and when i go to romulus this warbird appear as enemy but it doesn't attack i have stayed face to face like in Star Trek Nemesis and he didn't fire a single projectile at my ship and the races are already with a preset status as enemy and friendly and the last part of my problem other day i have ordered an attack i seemed normal but one thing the attack didn't come i went to the attack area a minute before the attack and i have waited one hour and nothing happened.
So now here comes the questions that i ask for help.
1-How does it work the ships issues and the fleet status wat should i do?
2-How do i win money or funds in this war sim?
3-What should i do to appear a bunch of ships and how to make them attack me and just not stay stopped like a dampening field?
4-What should i do to make the attack order work and make that option "player leads the attack" work?

Note:I don't have experinece with Python files and please make a step by step help like to win funds you should sell starbases ok but how do i sell starbases try to make the help as clear as possible or i will be lost.

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Re: Using Galaxy Charts w/ KM2009
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2010, 03:28:47 PM »
so, someone else finally noticed that KM '09 and it's patch HAVE galaxy charts, but that it doesn't want to work.  I'd hate to go over all those docs AGAIN.
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Offline Vbeserk

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Re: Using Galaxy Charts w/ KM2009
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2010, 02:13:08 PM »
Yes the KM 09 has the galaxy charts but it's hard to understand it and it's boring to keep reading the doc files.

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Using Galaxy Charts w/ KM2009
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2010, 03:31:52 PM »
the newest version of KM has the newest version of Galaxy Charts...
and as far as reading docs, it may be boring to do so - but then dont come to the forums complaining you dont understand the mod or what to do...  thats not fair for everyone else...

Offline Vbeserk

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Re: Using Galaxy Charts w/ KM2009
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2010, 05:15:56 PM »
I have already read all of the docs, if you have read the big text that i have put there you would understand my problem.

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Re: Using Galaxy Charts w/ KM2009
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2010, 05:08:20 PM »
You should really direct all GC related questions to Galaxy Charts tech support forum and there the mod creator will answer your questions:
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Offline Vbeserk

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Re: Using Galaxy Charts w/ KM2009
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2010, 03:56:59 PM »
I have Found a way that may helps i have downloaded the galaxy charts from BC Filefront and i have replaced my old galaxy charts now works perfectly.