Author Topic: Latest BC Story  (Read 422 times)

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Latest BC Story
« on: November 06, 2010, 09:47:09 AM »
Hey, I just had a little encounter in BC and I afterwards decided to write it down in a small novel.

Dominion Wars

?Captains log: stardate 55137.9.
The first fleet has been ordered to attack the prendel system. Recent intelligence reports by the romulans indicated a obervation post. The light defense force present there wasn?t so much of a challenge. Our ship, the USS Archer, a nebula class starship, just yesterday refitted with a new weapons pod was asked to join the battle. We are making last preparations for the attack.?
I sat in the captains chair, reading the chief engineers report on the latest power fluctuations in the forward cupplings. Nothing important of course, but it was a problem, and it was there. I didn?t have time to think about that, the Dominion wanted to be kicked out of Prendel, and I wanted to give them the pleasure.
The Fleet reported ready and I ordered the Helmsman to engage the warp engines. A small shock told me we were on warp speed and I watched the stars sweeping over the main viewer.
The Dominion wasn?t such a fool. It was a obvious trap, but what kind of a trap? A cardassian Outpost and a Galor class cruiser aren?t enouh for a entire system. We missed something.
I asked Lt. Savali, our tactical officer, to my ready room.
?I want your tactical opinion on this mission, Lt.?, I asked him straight.
He looked at my face for several seconds until he answered: ?It?s a trap.?
I knew. He wasn?t stupid. At least not that stupid. But advising his captain about the obvious wasn?t exactly the wayto an officer.
?What kind of a trap do you think it is??, I continued.
Savali looked at the tactical starchart and replied: ?A hidden Jem?hadar fleet in the itari sysem waiting for a sign of our fleet.?
My first Officer, Cmdr. Mckay had the same opinion.
Colonel Tobin, our Bajoran advisor about cardassian tactics thought there were planetary defenses  on the surface of the planet.
Ensign Cassady (Helmsman) was convinced the dominion finally possesed cloaking technology.
Ltcmdr. Zatek (Science) was less creative and said almost the same as Savali and Mckay.
Then I sat there, with many opinions, but none seemed possible enough to me. The Itari system  was too far away to be a place for reinforcements, the report from the Romulan scout ship didn?t indicate any enegry signatures on the planets at all, and either the Cardassian military nor the dominion were even near cloaking technology.
I finally got back to the bridge. ?ETA: 5 minutes?, was the report from Cassady at his helm.
Mckay had sweat on his face when he said ?Red alert. B-battle stations.?
I just thought: ?Dammit Mckay, don?t be always that terrified. It only destroyes the moral!? But that was his character, always getting terrified at the tiniest sign of danger.

After a eternity of 5 minutes we arrived at Prendel with our entire fleet. ?Fire at will? was the only order I had to give when that lonely Galor engaged us. It was shredded in that swarm of torpedoes, disruptors and phasers.
?Get me that Base on screen.?,  I stared at it a second, maybe to, then I finally ordered: ?Plot an intercept course, half impulse.?
It was a almost terrifying thought to fight an entire space station all alone, although they had no chance.
?Savali, prepare a full barrage of photon torpedoes. I want that spacestation blown into bits.?
?Torpedoes ready?
?Pattern sierra! Fire!?
?Medium damage to their shields?, came the report from the science station.
I was astounded. It must have been a dozen torpedoes and this shielding just slurped them away as if nothing had hppened at all. ?Helm, set a new course. 357 mark 213, half impulse.? this course took us directly between their ops and docking pylons. We only had to pass the shields.
?Zatek, modify the shield to a phase variance of 0.6. We need to get passed their... WHAT THE HELL?!? Lights went off and the consoles flickered and then the ship shaked as if  it would break apart. Something was very wrong. ?REPORT!?
Zatek was in quite a panic for a Vulcan, as he reported in: ?We lost main power, shields, weapons, propulsion. Hull breach decks 5 through 15, sections 25 to 36! We are on a collision course with the station!?
?Hail the fleet, we need someone to hold us with a tractor beam!?
Cassady reported that communications were dead, too. I just stared onto that pylon getting nearer on the viewer. ?Crap?, was my last thought.

you should know that i?m german, so don?t blame me for grammatic mistakes.

Just for those who want to know what really happened i spoiler it for you: (okay, not what i call a spoiler, but if you have a better way say so)

It was a Akira chrashing into my back disbaling the impulse engines and a quick emergency repair wasnt quick enough to save me from the deadly second collision with the cardassian station