Author Topic: mods  (Read 838 times)

Offline sg2

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« on: May 13, 2010, 10:18:51 AM »
Hey, Dont know if this goes here or not but here we go lol. I brought BC out of the box a few days ago along with my old PC because i had the urge to play it after watching all 7series of DS9 and i'm not too sure where the game has got to based on all the mods as of the past year or so. Are there any mods people consider essential to bringing the game up to spec or anything else i need to do with the pc? I know there is a page with a list of mods but its abit outdated from what i can tell so any help is greatly appreciated..  :)

P.S: I know when i was playing it last Kobayashi maru was the mod to have along with one of the installers and NanoFX..

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: mods
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2010, 10:51:40 AM »
welcome back to BC!
i would recommend starting an install and using KM as a base...  KM contains all the latest mods (including NanoFX, as well as some that cannot be found elsewhere) and has them all working together perfectly with no issues...
the latest version can be found HERE
when installing KM, all you need is a fresh untouched install of BC, then install BC's 1.1 Patch, then KM - thats all you have to do...  and then you can build your install from there (of course making backups before installing anything else, and test each thing out ingame before adding something else)
as far as installers - get Bridge Commander Universal Tool...  youll find alot of old mods call for BCMP and BCMI - but those programs are outdated and buggy...  BCUT contains all the functions of those other 2 programs, and alot more functions...

Offline King Class Scout

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Re: mods
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2010, 11:00:50 AM »
I seem to remember a thread on recommended mods, somewhere, too.  the problem is going to be selecting from the literally thousands (or now, maybe tens of thousands) of ships for not only the best and brightest but personal favorites in design, etc.  good luck starting all over.  and listen to these guys in here.  they know what they're talking about BIG time.
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Offline Lurok91

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Re: mods
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2010, 12:06:35 PM »
Possibly this thread?,3441.0.html

Curious myself:  what's the word on the latest KM beta, which I think has new ships & features (including the widescreen support).  Is it worth upgrading to yet, or stick with stable 1.0  for present?   I could do with the widescreen support but not at expense of installing a whole new still WIP mod...

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Re: mods
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2010, 02:39:05 PM »
hey now Jimmy don't forget about my list of mods thread lol,28.0.html
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Offline metalnick

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Re: mods
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2010, 04:14:51 AM »
 The beta is pretty good. I've not had too many problems with it and its what I use for my custom install. The addition of Galaxy Charts makes it lots of fun. Plus there are supposed to be a lot of major bugs that have been fixed with it.
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