Author Topic: Single Player Revisited!!!  (Read 637 times)

Offline DKealt

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Single Player Revisited!!!
« on: April 13, 2010, 04:21:39 PM »
Hi all,

I'm wanting to replay BC Campaign but with the heavily tweaked ships I have on my install. Before I attempt this I was wondering if there was any guidance anyone can give, ie. hints/tips.

I've looked into BC Supermod 3 and whilst it's fantastic it's just too heavy. I simply want to replace the existing ship models and hardpoints.

I figure I have to change all the following ...
All model folders with to correspond to changed files.
Add in my Tactical textures.
Replace ship Icons.

But then I'm stumped. How to I install the basic manipulator files, adding the folders QBAutostart and Autoload. I only really need them to add the Custom SFX files.

Offline deadthunder2_0

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Re: Single Player Revisited!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2010, 10:29:00 PM »
i think that all other than messing with scripts is allow you ships to have stock torp loadouts EX.
Sov had Photons, quantums and phased plasmas, also for sound, you need to replace stock sounds
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