Author Topic: Moding CR's BC Supermod V3  (Read 721 times)

Offline starfox1701

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Moding CR's BC Supermod V3
« on: March 03, 2010, 07:39:54 PM »
I recently got around to reinstalling BC on my new used PC. I am having trouble with the Nebula class models grinding my instali to a 1 frame per 3 seconds halt. I can't pull them into milkshape to have a look under the hood so to speak. I ether need a fix from elsewhere or need a replacement ships. If I do replace the model do also need to replace the script files? Speaking of script files; whats the best editor for the script files?


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Re: Moding CR's BC Supermod V3
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2010, 08:19:02 PM »
the .py script files can be edited in any word processor, such as notepad, although it does have an native editing program called IDLE that is specifically designed for this language.  before you ask, you cannot edit the .pyc files, they are the compiled version of .py, and you need the source .py file.  If you replace the model, you only need to change the script files in if you changed the name of the model file, the file to change that is located in the Scripts/ships folder or if the model is not the same exact scale, in which case you will need to edit the hardpoint file in the scripts/ships/hardpoints folder using either your word processor, or the MPE included in the SDK. 
To answer your other question, you can also edit the models by opening them with niftools' nifskope, and exporting them to whatever program you need to use, although you shouldn't have any problems loading them in milkshape with milkshape's nif importer if you are doing it right.
But don't go off meddling with the models just yet, usually slowdowns are caused by the oversized textures most mods use, not the models.  Try scaling down the textures from their current size to the next size down, if it is 2048px on a side resize  it to 1024px if it's 1024px, try 512px, just make sure they stay the same ratio.  I don't remember what size the nebula's use off the top of my head, but that should work.

Keep in mind that Supermod isn't really designed to be messed with, if you change the wrong thing, it won't work right.

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Moding CR's BC Supermod V3
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2010, 08:48:15 PM »
Keep in mind that Supermod isn't really designed to be messed with, if you change the wrong thing, it won't work right.
that and
Quote from: readme
You'll need an extremely-powerful computer system in order to play this mod as it looks in the included screenshots; nothing less powerful than my old X700PRO will even let you play with antialiasing or anisotropic filtering enabled, especially during the large-scale battles of E6M5 and E7M4. To run speculars, antialiasing, anisotropic filtering, and high resolutions, you'll need at least 512MB of graphical memory - no less will do.

Offline starfox1701

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Re: Moding CR's BC Supermod V3
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2010, 10:51:58 PM »
Well I have seen some slow down with other meshes in the past but their is somthing specific about the Nebula Class models in this mod; somthing different because they are the only ones causng this level of problems and they are the only ones that my importer won't work on. They are the CR Nebulas and  I would like to keep them if  I can. Any ideas what could be up?


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Re: Moding CR's BC Supermod V3
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2010, 11:28:57 PM »
well, they were kitbashed from the SNS Galaxy in the same mod, so they shouldn't be much more high poly than those, or the other galaxy bashes in the mod.  Chances are your computer just isn't powerful enough to run the supermod, try lower settings.

Offline CptBenSisko

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Re: Moding CR's BC Supermod V3
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2010, 11:36:45 PM »
the problem is that CaptRussel breaks his models up into a lot of parts to eliminate smoothing errors....MS3D can't import it because there are too many chunks in the .nif. Starfox my should know me btw from MSFC and Armada2Files...lolol..i have the MS3Ds for those Nebulas if you want them...I encountered the same problem almost 2 years ago

Offline starfox1701

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Re: Moding CR's BC Supermod V3
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2010, 04:34:46 AM »
Sure I would love them. Question when I'm ready what needs to be done to export a Nif oout of MS3D?

Offline CaptainRussell

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Re: Moding CR's BC Supermod V3
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2010, 10:17:25 PM »
Decrease the size of the textures on the Nebula-class; polygon count has very little impact on performance.