Author Topic: BC crash after getting into quickbattle  (Read 935 times)

Offline JamesTiberiusKirk

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BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« on: August 27, 2009, 12:02:36 PM »
I start BC, click Quickbattle. It loads, camera turns to saffy and ZAP its back to windows even without a failure warning

btw thanks dalek!

with the consoledump i get this:

oh and I should inform you it just happended after I installed blackrooks galaxy pack!

>> This is a console tracker dump       by USS Frontier
>> This dump started on -> Thu Aug 27 18:00:00 2009
#----------------------------------------------------------------------->>> Thu Aug 27 18:00:00 2009
Outdated Foundation, updating functions
Outdated Foundation, installing FolderManager
Updating FoundationMenu.ShipMenuBuilderDef V2
Repairing ship description outputs...
Tracking Console
Foundation Tech loaded
Gravity FX has been loaded.
CameraFX Enabled...
ExplosionFX Enabled...
SpecialFX Enabled...
WarpFX Enabled...
Slipstream Drive 20070905 Initializing...
DS9FX Initializing...

Fixing Jaggies

AttributeError: PreLoadAssets
Registering listener WalkFX FoundationTriggers.8392977
['TractorStartedHitting8388734', '__doc__', 'TractorStoppedHitting8388736', 'NanoFXTrigger8392991', 'FTB Trigger8388629', 'NanoFXBlinkers8392990', '8392977', 'AI Inaccurate Weapons8388737', 'Slipstream Disable Button Active8388701', 'AddShip8392990', 'Quitting Slipstream8388610', 'DS9FX Explosion Cleaning Up Active8388687', 'GravityFX Trigger8388701', 'Slipstream Delete Navpoint Active8388703', 'DS9FX Restart Trigger8392991', 'Slipstream Handlers Active8388629', 'Slipstream Loaded8392991', 'SovButtonTrigger8388629', 'GravityFX Obj Destroyed Trigger8388687', 'RemoveShip8388687', 'SDT Trigger8388808', 'DS9FX Game Start Cleaning Up Active8392991', 'FTB Event Loop0', 'Thrusters8393003', '__name__', 'Slipstream Loaded8388622', 'ThrustersPart28388629', 'DS9FXPrintOut8393036', 'SovWarpDegradingTrigger8388701', 'DS9FX Weapon Hit Cleaning Up Active8388708', 'SovWarpResetTrigger8388622', 'DS9FX Load Trigger8388629', '__file__', 'DS9FX Ending8388610', '__builtins__', 'DS9FX Restarting Trigger8388701', 'WeaponHit8388708', 'DS9FX Remove Dying Ships8388629', 'TorpedoFired8388710', 'MLeoDaalder Detail Fix8388808', 'GravityFX Exit Set Trigger8388703']
Registering listener Cloak Timing FoundationTriggers.8388727
['8388727', 'TractorStartedHitting8388734', '__doc__', 'TractorStoppedHitting8388736', 'NanoFXTrigger8392991', 'FTB Trigger8388629', 'NanoFXBlinkers8392990', '8392977', 'AI Inaccurate Weapons8388737', 'Slipstream Disable Button Active8388701', 'AddShip8392990', 'Quitting Slipstream8388610', 'DS9FX Explosion Cleaning Up Active8388687', 'GravityFX Trigger8388701', 'Slipstream Delete Navpoint Active8388703', 'DS9FX Restart Trigger8392991', 'Slipstream Handlers Active8388629', 'Slipstream Loaded8392991', 'SovButtonTrigger8388629', 'GravityFX Obj Destroyed Trigger8388687', 'RemoveShip8388687', 'SDT Trigger8388808', 'DS9FX Game Start Cleaning Up Active8392991', 'FTB Event Loop0', 'Thrusters8393003', '__name__', 'Slipstream Loaded8388622', 'ThrustersPart28388629', 'DS9FXPrintOut8393036', 'SovWarpDegradingTrigger8388701', 'DS9FX Weapon Hit Cleaning Up Active8388708', 'SovWarpResetTrigger8388622', 'DS9FX Load Trigger8388629', '__file__', 'DS9FX Ending8388610', '__builtins__', 'DS9FX Restarting Trigger8388701', 'WeaponHit8388708', 'DS9FX Remove Dying Ships8388629', 'TorpedoFired8388710', 'MLeoDaalder Detail Fix8388808', 'GravityFX Exit Set Trigger8388703']
Registering listener Decloak Timing FoundationTriggers.8388729
['8388727', 'TractorStartedHitting8388734', '__doc__', 'TractorStoppedHitting8388736', 'NanoFXTrigger8392991', 'FTB Trigger8388629', 'NanoFXBlinkers8392990', '8392977', 'AI Inaccurate Weapons8388737', 'Slipstream Disable Button Active8388701', 'AddShip8392990', 'Quitting Slipstream8388610', 'DS9FX Explosion Cleaning Up Active8388687', 'GravityFX Trigger8388701', 'Slipstream Delete Navpoint Active8388703', 'DS9FX Restart Trigger8392991', 'Slipstream Handlers Active8388629', '8388729', 'Slipstream Loaded8392991', 'SovButtonTrigger8388629', 'GravityFX Obj Destroyed Trigger8388687', 'RemoveShip8388687', 'SDT Trigger8388808', 'DS9FX Game Start Cleaning Up Active8392991', 'FTB Event Loop0', 'Thrusters8393003', '__name__', 'Slipstream Loaded8388622', 'ThrustersPart28388629', 'DS9FXPrintOut8393036', 'SovWarpDegradingTrigger8388701', 'DS9FX Weapon Hit Cleaning Up Active8388708', 'SovWarpResetTrigger8388622', 'DS9FX Load Trigger8388629', '__file__', 'DS9FX Ending8388610', '__builtins__', 'DS9FX Restarting Trigger8388701', 'WeaponHit8388708', 'DS9FX Remove Dying Ships8388629', 'TorpedoFired8388710', 'MLeoDaalder Detail Fix8388808', 'GravityFX Exit Set Trigger8388703']
Registering listener Engineering Extension Trigger init FoundationTriggers.8388629
['NanoFXTrigger8392991', 'FTB Trigger8388629', 'GravityFX Exit Set Trigger8388703', 'NanoFXBlinkers8392990', '8392977', 'DS9FX Game Start Cleaning Up Active8392991', 'Slipstream Disable Button Active8388701', 'GravityFX Trigger8388701', '8388727', '8388729', 'Slipstream Loaded8392991', 'GravityFX Obj Destroyed Trigger8388687', 'RemoveShip8388687', 'SDT Trigger8388808', 'FTB Event Loop0', '__name__', 'Slipstream Loaded8388622', '8388629', 'ThrustersPart28388629', 'DS9FX Weapon Hit Cleaning Up Active8388708', 'Slipstream Handlers Active8388629', 'DS9FX Load Trigger8388629', '__file__', '__builtins__', 'TorpedoFired8388710', 'MLeoDaalder Detail Fix8388808', 'DS9FX Remove Dying Ships8388629', 'TractorStartedHitting8388734', '__doc__', 'TractorStoppedHitting8388736', 'WeaponHit8388708', 'AI Inaccurate Weapons8388737', 'AddShip8392990', 'Quitting Slipstream8388610', 'Slipstream Delete Navpoint Active8388703', 'Thrusters8393003', 'SovButtonTrigger8388629', 'DS9FX Restart Trigger8392991', 'DS9FXPrintOut8393036', 'SovWarpDegradingTrigger8388701', 'SovWarpResetTrigger8388622', 'DS9FX Ending8388610', 'DS9FX Explosion Cleaning Up Active8388687', 'DS9FX Restarting Trigger8388701']
Registering listener Engineering Extension Trigger Restart FoundationTriggers.8388622
['NanoFXTrigger8392991', 'FTB Trigger8388629', 'GravityFX Exit Set Trigger8388703', 'NanoFXBlinkers8392990', '8392977', 'DS9FX Game Start Cleaning Up Active8392991', 'Slipstream Disable Button Active8388701', 'GravityFX Trigger8388701', '8388727', '8388729', 'Slipstream Loaded8392991', 'GravityFX Obj Destroyed Trigger8388687', 'RemoveShip8388687', 'SDT Trigger8388808', 'FTB Event Loop0', '8388622', '__name__', 'Slipstream Loaded8388622', '8388629', 'ThrustersPart28388629', 'DS9FX Weapon Hit Cleaning Up Active8388708', 'Slipstream Handlers Active8388629', 'DS9FX Load Trigger8388629', '__file__', '__builtins__', 'TorpedoFired8388710', 'MLeoDaalder Detail Fix8388808', 'DS9FX Remove Dying Ships8388629', 'TractorStartedHitting8388734', '__doc__', 'TractorStoppedHitting8388736', 'WeaponHit8388708', 'AI Inaccurate Weapons8388737', 'AddShip8392990', 'Quitting Slipstream8388610', 'Slipstream Delete Navpoint Active8388703', 'Thrusters8393003', 'SovButtonTrigger8388629', 'DS9FX Restart Trigger8392991', 'DS9FXPrintOut8393036', 'SovWarpDegradingTrigger8388701', 'SovWarpResetTrigger8388622', 'DS9FX Ending8388610', 'DS9FX Explosion Cleaning Up Active8388687', 'DS9FX Restarting Trigger8388701']
Registering listener WalkFX Seatbelt Interface FoundationTriggers.8388629
['NanoFXTrigger8392991', 'FTB Trigger8388629', 'GravityFX Exit Set Trigger8388703', 'NanoFXBlinkers8392990', '8392977', 'DS9FX Game Start Cleaning Up Active8392991', 'Slipstream Disable Button Active8388701', 'GravityFX Trigger8388701', '8388727', '8388729', 'Slipstream Loaded8392991', 'GravityFX Obj Destroyed Trigger8388687', 'RemoveShip8388687', 'SDT Trigger8388808', 'FTB Event Loop0', '8388622', '__name__', 'Slipstream Loaded8388622', '8388629', 'ThrustersPart28388629', 'DS9FX Weapon Hit Cleaning Up Active8388708', 'Slipstream Handlers Active8388629', 'DS9FX Load Trigger8388629', '__file__', '__builtins__', 'TorpedoFired8388710', 'MLeoDaalder Detail Fix8388808', 'DS9FX Remove Dying Ships8388629', 'TractorStartedHitting8388734', '__doc__', 'TractorStoppedHitting8388736', 'WeaponHit8388708', 'AI Inaccurate Weapons8388737', 'AddShip8392990', 'Quitting Slipstream8388610', 'Slipstream Delete Navpoint Active8388703', 'Thrusters8393003', 'SovButtonTrigger8388629', 'DS9FX Restart Trigger8392991', 'DS9FXPrintOut8393036', 'SovWarpDegradingTrigger8388701', 'SovWarpResetTrigger8388622', 'DS9FX Ending8388610', 'DS9FX Explosion Cleaning Up Active8388687', 'DS9FX Restarting Trigger8388701']
Registering listener TechExpansion FoundationTriggers.8388629
['NanoFXTrigger8392991', 'FTB Trigger8388629', 'GravityFX Exit Set Trigger8388703', 'NanoFXBlinkers8392990', '8392977', 'DS9FX Game Start Cleaning Up Active8392991', 'Slipstream Disable Button Active8388701', 'GravityFX Trigger8388701', '8388727', '8388729', 'Slipstream Loaded8392991', 'GravityFX Obj Destroyed Trigger8388687', 'RemoveShip8388687', 'SDT Trigger8388808', 'FTB Event Loop0', '8388622', '__name__', 'Slipstream Loaded8388622', '8388629', 'ThrustersPart28388629', 'DS9FX Weapon Hit Cleaning Up Active8388708', 'Slipstream Handlers Active8388629', 'DS9FX Load Trigger8388629', '__file__', '__builtins__', 'TorpedoFired8388710', 'MLeoDaalder Detail Fix8388808', 'DS9FX Remove Dying Ships8388629', 'TractorStartedHitting8388734', '__doc__', 'TractorStoppedHitting8388736', 'WeaponHit8388708', 'AI Inaccurate Weapons8388737', 'AddShip8392990', 'Quitting Slipstream8388610', 'Slipstream Delete Navpoint Active8388703', 'Thrusters8393003', 'SovButtonTrigger8388629', 'DS9FX Restart Trigger8392991', 'DS9FXPrintOut8393036', 'SovWarpDegradingTrigger8388701', 'SovWarpResetTrigger8388622', 'DS9FX Ending8388610', 'DS9FX Explosion Cleaning Up Active8388687', 'DS9FX Restarting Trigger8388701']
Setting Stock System Planets Random Density.
Slipstream: Quick Battle is running... Mod is starting up...
DS9FX: Kobayashi Maru is Installed. Deleting DS9FX Docking Function!

DS9FX: You're not currently running a QB Mission. DS9 Set cannot be reached by Warp!
Trying to clean memory

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Offline teleguy

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Re: BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2009, 01:09:01 PM »
Maybe it has something to do with this? *shrug*

Offline JamesTiberiusKirk

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Re: BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2009, 01:16:21 PM »
that could be it. maybe Mleo can tell something from the console report

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Offline Kirk

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Re: BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2009, 02:36:26 PM »
Console report is clean. Sounds like a case of missing models and/or animations.

Offline MLeo

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Re: BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2009, 05:01:34 PM »
If you are using USS Frontiers console tracker then there is a big chance that it won't log everything.
The reason for this is because it's a polling tracker, meaning it queries the console at a fixed rate. So if the game crashes after it has logged something, but before it is polled, then it won't pick it up.

My console tracker doesn't poll, it ties into the printing functionality. But it also isn't 100% perfect, but it would log the situation detailed above. My console logger floats about in the threads here in several locations.

But this type of error doesn't seem particular to a scripting error. Atleast not something that would show up in the console.
Do you have any crew mods installed? Did Saffi normally speak? Did Saffi look completely normal?
I still can't read peoples minds, nor can I read peoples computers, even worse, I can't combine the two to read what is going wrong with your BC install...

"It was filed under 'B' for blackmail." - Morse, Inspector Morse - The dead of Jericho.

Offline JamesTiberiusKirk

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Re: BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2009, 05:41:18 PM »
KM 1.0 as a base and then the elite force models, but yeah everything works, its just a pair of seconds and it crashes to the desktop. I dont even have to click something.

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Offline JimmyB76

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Re: BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2009, 07:18:34 PM »
have you tried what BR suggested in that thread at BCS?  teleguy mentioned nif issues...

Quote from: Blackrook32
Redownload the pack or get the CEGalaxy/Venture from BC Files, it uses the same models.
Quote from: Blackrook32
I'm going to pull the pack from circulation for the moment. But, do as I suggested and download the CEVenture from BC Files. And place a copy of the GalaxyRefit, & StardriveRefit in the Challenger, Venture, Magellan, Trinculo and San Francisco folders to resolve the problem.

also be aware that for now (until the issues are fixed)
Quote from: teleguy
there's also a conflict with DJ's Galaxy Pack. All the MVAM submenus are getting mixed up. I fixed it by giving each ship  unique longnames like "GCMP Galaxy", "GCMP Galaxy Saucer", etc..

try all that, and then if youre still having QB issues, we can at least know it isnt because of BR's Gal Pack...  (hopefully)

Offline Joshmaul

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Re: BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2009, 10:27:10 PM »
I mentioned this earlier - this error didn't happen until I installed this pack, and now it keeps happening even after I took the pack off. I now do not have any of those ships installed at all, and yet it still crashes as soon as it loads up into QB. I dunno what happened, but something got screwed up in translation.
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Offline Blackrook32

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Re: BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2009, 08:36:46 AM »
I mentioned this earlier - this error didn't happen until I installed this pack, and now it keeps happening even after I took the pack off. I now do not have any of those ships installed at all, and yet it still crashes as soon as it loads up into QB. I dunno what happened, but something got screwed up in translation.

I've checked my pack. The reason it caused a crash, because it didn't have the GalaxyRefit, GalaxyRefitSaucer and StardriveRefit were not in the folder, instead the Galaxy, Saucer & Stardrive were in the ship folders representing the MK: Venture Variant. That was fixed.

I had a PC crash and I had to repack the mod. More over, I released this mod in two locations as a control.

The only way a person would be having these amount of problems? If they had a pre Alpha of this pack. Which had different scripting names and assigned tags for the ships MVAM and Hardpoints..

Curious, because I don't remember releasing that pre Alpha publicly.

As I said before, without a decent console report, it's all speculation.

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Offline FekLeyr Targ

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Re: BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2009, 04:41:53 PM »
I've noticed something else:
I also had those QB start crashes since I've installed GCMP. But the strange thing is: It only crashed when QBAutostart was active. And if it wasn't enough, the console doesn't show anything unusual at all.
TaH pagh, Tah be.

Offline JamesTiberiusKirk

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Re: BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2009, 07:31:56 PM »
man this is getting stranger with every step we take. i have absolutely no idea what could cause the problem. i looked over ever individual file in the pack. there is really nothing strange about it  :arms:

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Offline Joshmaul

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Re: BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2009, 05:45:45 AM »
I've noticed something else:
I also had those QB start crashes since I've installed GCMP. But the strange thing is: It only crashed when QBAutostart was active. And if it wasn't enough, the console doesn't show anything unusual at all.

I tried this too, and - despite the fact it shut off a lot of the features that came with KM1 (can't open the plasma streams, stuff like that) - it works, that's important enough. So I'm wondering if maybe the pack - for some weird reason - fouled up the QBAutostart...but if that's the case, it sounds selective, because I'm seeing only a couple people mentioning problems with it after downloading this pack.
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Offline MLeo

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Re: BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2009, 06:59:31 AM »
Mostlikely it is not QBA itself that is giving problems, but one of the mods that use QBA to start/install itself into BC.
I still can't read peoples minds, nor can I read peoples computers, even worse, I can't combine the two to read what is going wrong with your BC install...

"It was filed under 'B' for blackmail." - Morse, Inspector Morse - The dead of Jericho.

Offline JamesTiberiusKirk

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Re: BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2009, 08:35:06 AM »
Conflict between some other galaxy class mods perhaps?

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Re: BC crash after getting into quickbattle
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2009, 11:24:05 AM »
This will happen when distributing unsupported pre-alpha's.

Either fix it yourselves or get a legit copy of the mod.