Author Topic: Warp travel lag, & quickbattle crash  (Read 471 times)

Offline kentrj

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Warp travel lag, & quickbattle crash
« on: August 30, 2009, 02:41:03 PM »
Hi all

I've just got into the modding og STBC this last month and there are really a lot of mods to catch up on.

Heres the deal, my imeddiate problem is that when i'm in an intense battle, i.e Hybrid & Galor vs. War Galaxy the game tends to crash out into the desktop. I've used MLEO console logger and got this repport:

Outdated Foundation, updating functions
Outdated Foundation, installing FolderManager
Updating FoundationMenu.ShipMenuBuilderDef V2
Foundation Tech loaded
Galaxy Charts v1.5 is online
BridgeFX Enabled...
CameraFX Enabled...
ExplosionFX Enabled...
SpecialFX Enabled...
WarpFX Enabled...
['lActiveMutators = [', '\011"""NanoFX v2.0 BETA""",', '\011"""Stock Systems""",', '\011"""BCS:TB: Advanced Core Options""",', '\011"""Per Bridge Loading screen""",', '\011"""Extra Ships and Mods""",', '\011"""Sneaker98\'s Bridge Menu Scroller""",', '\011"""BCS:TB: Torpedo Yield""",', '\011"""BCS:TB: Assimilation Beam""",', '\011"""Sol MultiSystem""",', '\011"""Sol""",', '\011"""QBautostart Extension V0.9""",', '\011"""Stock Ships""",', '\011"""BCS:TB: Silent Running""",', '\011"""MultiSystems AIs""",', '\011"""BCS:TB: WalkFX""",', '\011"""Skinning And Damaging Tool""",', '\011"""BCS:TB: Transport Torpedoes""",', '\011"""BCS:TB: Tractor Beam Settings""",', '\011"""BCS:TB: Boost Shields""",', '\011"""Advanced Technologies Pack""",', '\011"""BanzaiZAP SystemPack""",', '\011"""Foundation Technologies""",', '\011"""Helm Override""",', '\011"""Sneaker98\'s MVAM Infinite""",', '\011"""USS Frontier\'s Galaxy Charts""",', '\011"""BCS:TB: Emergency Repair""",', '\011"""BCS:TB: Targetable Plasma Streams""",', '\011"""BCS:TB: Transport Tribbles""",', '\011"""ZMSystemPack""",', '\011"""Sneaker98\'s Core Ejection""",', '\011"""BCS:TB: Intensive Scan""",', ']']
AttributeError: PreLoadAssets
Registering listener Cloak Timing FoundationTriggers.8388727
['TractorStartedHitting8388734', '__doc__', 'TractorStoppedHitting8388736', 'Engineering Extension Trigger init8388629', 'NanoFXBlinkers8392975', 'WeaponHit8388708', 'AI Inaccurate Weapons8388737', 'NanoFXTrigger8392976', 'GalaxyCharts Trigger8388686', 'PauseConsole Trigger8389780', '8388727', 'WalkFX8392977', 'Engineering Extension Trigger Restart8388622', 'PauseOptions Trigger8389781', 'SovButtonTrigger8388629', 'RemoveShip8388687', 'SDT Trigger8388808', 'GalaxyCharts Trigger8388701', 'FTB Event Loop0', 'AddShip8392975', '__name__', 'WALKFXGUI8388629', 'RandomDefenceForce Trigger8393008', 'SovWarpResetTrigger8388622', 'WalkFX Sitdown8388808', '__file__', '__builtins__', 'SovFixTrigger8388610', 'CoreEjectFix Trigger8388734', 'TorpedoFired8388710', 'SB12_DryDock LoadFix Trigger8388701']
Registering listener Decloak Timing FoundationTriggers.8388729
['TractorStartedHitting8388734', '__doc__', 'TractorStoppedHitting8388736', 'Engineering Extension Trigger init8388629', 'NanoFXBlinkers8392975', 'WeaponHit8388708', 'AI Inaccurate Weapons8388737', 'NanoFXTrigger8392976', 'GalaxyCharts Trigger8388686', '8388729', 'PauseConsole Trigger8389780', '8388727', 'WalkFX8392977', 'Engineering Extension Trigger Restart8388622', 'PauseOptions Trigger8389781', 'SovButtonTrigger8388629', 'RemoveShip8388687', 'SDT Trigger8388808', 'GalaxyCharts Trigger8388701', 'FTB Event Loop0', 'AddShip8392975', '__name__', 'WALKFXGUI8388629', 'RandomDefenceForce Trigger8393008', 'SovWarpResetTrigger8388622', 'WalkFX Sitdown8388808', '__file__', '__builtins__', 'SovFixTrigger8388610', 'CoreEjectFix Trigger8388734', 'TorpedoFired8388710', 'SB12_DryDock LoadFix Trigger8388701']
ImportError: No module named ISCmini
ImportError: No module named ISCmini
ImportError: No module named ISCmini
ImportError: No module named ISCmini
ImportError: No module named ISCmini
ImportError: No module named ISCmini
PlasmaFX Communicating with Targetable Plasma Streams...
Setting splash damage for Hybrid-1 to (1666.852173, 33.337044)
Traceback (innermost last):
  File ".\Scripts\QuickBattle\", line 2785, in ShipExploding

  File "c:\utopia\current\build\scripts\", line 218, in PlayFanfare
NameError: dsMusicTypes
killing the player class instance
Setting splash damage for Galor-2 to (1121.602417, 22.432049)
Traceback (innermost last):
  File ".\Scripts\QuickBattle\", line 2785, in ShipExploding

  File "c:\utopia\current\build\scripts\", line 218, in PlayFanfare
NameError: dsMusicTypes
Traceback (innermost last):
  File ".\Scripts\QuickBattle\", line 2768, in ShipExploding

  File "c:\utopia\current\build\scripts\", line 218, in PlayFanfare
NameError: dsMusicTypes
PlasmaFX Communicating with Targetable Plasma Streams...

So what am i missing, a little edgy cause i got it working properly after installing BCUT.

Also when warping in galaxy charts, it's pretty lagging, sometimes more, but recently less, i've read somewhere that this could have something to do with file logging, or file writing. But i don't know if this would show up on a console repport? Maybe it has something to do with the Travek set thing I just got but never seen before.

I just re-installed all the mods cause my STBC malfunctioned, and that was before i discovered BCUT.

Appreciate all the help i can get!  :)

Offline MLeo

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Re: Warp travel lag, & quickbattle crash
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2009, 03:02:38 PM »
Install DiamondBC_Projectiles for, mostlikely, the crashes. But it's possible that isn't the true cause of the crashes.
I still can't read peoples minds, nor can I read peoples computers, even worse, I can't combine the two to read what is going wrong with your BC install...

"It was filed under 'B' for blackmail." - Morse, Inspector Morse - The dead of Jericho.

Offline USS Frontier

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Re: Warp travel lag, & quickbattle crash
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2009, 04:02:18 PM »
And for GC lagging while travelling, read the Full Readme.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold"
                    -Old Klingon Proverb
GravityFX Download
Galaxy Charts Download

Offline kentrj

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Re: Warp travel lag, & quickbattle crash
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2009, 02:01:42 AM »
Thanks guy's  :D

It all worked great, and thanks for refering me to the readme for GC, i tend to scroll to fast to the installation point.

Well still new to moding bc, really enjoying myself since it brougt a new aspect of the game, and actually turned it into something i always wanted.

Offline kentrj

  • Posts: 3
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Re: Warp travel lag, & quickbattle crash (update)
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2009, 10:49:59 AM »
Hmm a new problem occured, nothing i've noticed before. Although i can battle now, when warping, the game crashes as it enters Travel set. Here's the log!

Outdated Foundation, updating functions
Outdated Foundation, installing FolderManager
Updating FoundationMenu.ShipMenuBuilderDef V2
Foundation Tech loaded
Galaxy Charts v1.5 is online
BridgeFX Enabled...
CameraFX Enabled...
ExplosionFX Enabled...
SpecialFX Enabled...
WarpFX Enabled...
AttributeError: PreLoadAssets
Registering listener Cloak Timing FoundationTriggers.8388727
['TractorStartedHitting8388734', '__doc__', 'TractorStoppedHitting8388736', 'Engineering Extension Trigger init8388629', 'NanoFXBlinkers8392975', 'WeaponHit8388708', 'AI Inaccurate Weapons8388737', 'NanoFXTrigger8392976', 'GalaxyCharts Trigger8388686', 'PauseConsole Trigger8389780', '8388727', 'WalkFX8392977', 'Engineering Extension Trigger Restart8388622', 'PauseOptions Trigger8389781', 'SovButtonTrigger8388629', 'RemoveShip8388687', 'SDT Trigger8388808', 'GalaxyCharts Trigger8388701', 'FTB Event Loop0', 'AddShip8392975', '__name__', 'WALKFXGUI8388629', 'RandomDefenceForce Trigger8393008', 'SovWarpResetTrigger8388622', 'WalkFX Sitdown8388808', '__file__', '__builtins__', 'SovFixTrigger8388610', 'CoreEjectFix Trigger8388734', 'TorpedoFired8388710', 'SB12_DryDock LoadFix Trigger8388701']
Registering listener Decloak Timing FoundationTriggers.8388729
['TractorStartedHitting8388734', '__doc__', 'TractorStoppedHitting8388736', 'Engineering Extension Trigger init8388629', 'NanoFXBlinkers8392975', 'WeaponHit8388708', 'AI Inaccurate Weapons8388737', 'NanoFXTrigger8392976', 'GalaxyCharts Trigger8388686', '8388729', 'PauseConsole Trigger8389780', '8388727', 'WalkFX8392977', 'Engineering Extension Trigger Restart8388622', 'PauseOptions Trigger8389781', 'SovButtonTrigger8388629', 'RemoveShip8388687', 'SDT Trigger8388808', 'GalaxyCharts Trigger8388701', 'FTB Event Loop0', 'AddShip8392975', '__name__', 'WALKFXGUI8388629', 'RandomDefenceForce Trigger8393008', 'SovWarpResetTrigger8388622', 'WalkFX Sitdown8388808', '__file__', '__builtins__', 'SovFixTrigger8388610', 'CoreEjectFix Trigger8388734', 'TorpedoFired8388710', 'SB12_DryDock LoadFix Trigger8388701']
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.ISCmini is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.ISCmini is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
WARNING: the projectile: Tactical.Projectiles.FTBAntimatter is not found!
Traceback (innermost last):
  File ".\Scripts\QuickBattle\", line 2768, in ShipExploding

  File "c:\utopia\current\build\scripts\", line 218, in PlayFanfare
NameError: dsMusicTypes
Traceback (innermost last):
  File ".\Scripts\Bridge\", line 1680, in FriendlyEnteredSet
    if pSet.GetName() == pPlayerSet.GetName():
AttributeError: 'None' object has no attribute 'GetName'
Exception AttributeError: 'thisown' in <method WarpEvent.__del__ of WarpEvent instance at 369721c8> ignored