Author Topic: What StarFighters do you use?  (Read 741 times)

Offline Worf359Alpha

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What StarFighters do you use?
« on: August 03, 2009, 08:06:48 PM »
I've downloaded alot of ships over the years, somwhere around 450-500 and i love HPing them and making full carriers out of some and adding Fighters and Shuttles to nearly all, but due to the lack of StarTrek race specific Fighters i have coopted many fighters from differant scifi shows in order to fill the gap, sum fit in nicely but others dont, and i was curious to know what others use for Fighters.
I use the Peragrine, Fedfighter, and S4 for Federation Fighters,
the SG F302 and green Drop ship form alians for Klingon Fighters,
the Scorpion and a nice romulan Starfighter i got with the romulan Starbase, for romulan fighters, (I forget its name)
the SG Deathglider Movie version and B5 Sentri for Dominion Fighters,
The B5 Thunderbolt for my own custom race,
the MK 2 and 7 BSG fighter for the Orion Sydicate,
The S4 again for Terran Empire
and a handfull of others all rehardpointed with trek tecnologies.

How bout you?? (Lookin forward to the day when more Fighters are created, especialy Klingon)
500+ HardPointed Ships and counting! Man where do i find the time!

Offline 086gf

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Re: What StarFighters do you use?
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2009, 08:36:24 PM »
Well, I've got a pair of Fed fighters on my to-do list that should be out before the end of the year. There are no pictures if you're curious(well...that kind of depends on how you look at itreally) though I will give you a hint...X and Y.
All hail the messiah!

Offline Worf359Alpha

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Re: What StarFighters do you use?
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2009, 09:19:07 PM »
sounds great, fedfighter is my faverite Fed Dogfighter, for a little up close and really personal Dominion butt kickin.
500+ HardPointed Ships and counting! Man where do i find the time!