Author Topic: Non-stock Damage fx don't work right  (Read 643 times)


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Non-stock Damage fx don't work right
« on: April 05, 2009, 07:14:21 PM »
I have a frustrating bug that I've been putting up with for a while, but no more.  Anyway, whenever I use non-stock damage textures, they don't work right.  I've used Nanofx, E7s Realistic Damage And Shields, Flux Capacitor's Realistic Damage Textures v.1.1, and a few older ones that I can't remember anymore.  None of them work right.  With all of them, when I say, blow off a warp nacelle, the nacelle just vanishes.  In stock, the nacelle will float off.  Its worse with KM.  When I shoot at a Sovereign class and a few others, once I would have put a hole in the ship, the entire ship glitches, becomes hollow, with half the textures just missing.  Damage textures work how they should in stock, but not otherwise.  This problem has plagued me for years, so its not just a one time botched install.  Its occurred in both Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7, using Nvidia 5600, Nvidia 8800GTS, and an ATI 4870.  I've also used the latest drivers.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this or any other information that might help?


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Re: Non-stock Damage fx don't work right
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2009, 10:40:09 PM »
that actually has nothing to do with any of those mods, this even can happen in stock BC, you need to clear out all of your vox files.  do a windows search for any file containing "_vox.nif" without the quotes, then delete all of these, BC will regenerate better ones the next time you run it.  Also, make sure you have your damage settings set to high in the options menu, low just uses burn marks, medium will just put holes in the ship and make stuff disappear, High is needed to make things break off and float away.


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Re: Non-stock Damage fx don't work right
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2009, 01:38:01 AM »
Thanks, that fixed the problem with the Sovereign and the like.  While I was testing, I noticed that the nacelles and stuff do break off, they just disappear almost instantly.  Same with debris when the ship explodes.  Any ideas?  I am using KM 1.0 right now as the only mod.  Everything is enabled.

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Re: Non-stock Damage fx don't work right
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2009, 08:16:19 AM »
You need to disable the "stabilize BC" option in the DS9FX Config. But I would suggest not to have really large battles afterwards.


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Re: Non-stock Damage fx don't work right
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2009, 03:49:44 PM »
Thanks, its working how I want it to now.