Author Topic: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....  (Read 8676 times)

Offline FarShot

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #80 on: March 15, 2009, 11:44:13 PM »
That doesn't have to be true...  I'm working on something showing what I mean.


See you can have them be like clamp things that keep it down, then have them move away.  That way either end doesn't have a tooth looking thing.

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #81 on: March 15, 2009, 11:56:30 PM »
gah that animation is toooo fast *my eyes*

also couldn't you have a rail going into the other rail.....

*edit seems fixed*
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Offline FarShot

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #82 on: March 16, 2009, 12:13:57 AM »
gah that animation is toooo fast *my eyes*
Yeah, I exported it from Fireworks then realized it was changing frames at 7 milliseconds. :lol:  Changed it so it changes after 1 second.
also couldn't you have a rail going into the other rail.....
That was what I was thinking too but I'm too lazy to spend the time working on something that complex when he might disregard it altogether. :P

Offline Raven Night

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #83 on: March 16, 2009, 01:29:11 AM »
That was actually a pretty good idea, but I think I already solved the problem. I found a way to move the rails back to the better sep point without breaking the profile of the ship.

Ill post a pic in a minute...note that the recess to the rear of the main hull is still rough and is evolving, but you get the basic idea.

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #84 on: March 16, 2009, 02:04:55 AM »
I love it! She looks really bad@ss!

Offline Raven Night

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #85 on: March 16, 2009, 02:56:59 AM »

Here is one more pic, then I retire for the evening/morning. Shows my progress on the ventral hull. There is still alot of tweaking to do on this mesh, but its coming along. Note how I carried over the cobra theme on to the nacelles. I didnt think it was going to fly, but it looks like it works.

She looks a bit portly doesnt she hehe. Certainly not a Sov hot rod....shes made to take a beating and dish out one as well.

Offline Phoenix Bondi

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #86 on: March 16, 2009, 08:50:33 AM »
oh yer, gotta love it :D

Offline FarShot

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #87 on: March 16, 2009, 10:32:46 AM »
I still like my idea better but that doesn't mean that I don't like yours. :D

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #88 on: March 16, 2009, 12:27:24 PM »
so unique.  i love it.

Offline MarkyD

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #89 on: March 16, 2009, 12:30:08 PM »
Great stuff Raven mate, sep look awsome  :D

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #90 on: March 16, 2009, 01:30:56 PM »
ya no doubt - i cant wait to fly her around! :)

Offline KrrKs

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #91 on: March 16, 2009, 02:16:45 PM »
Actually this Ship looks like its two Parts can really act truely independent from each other. Unlike the Prometheus, from which Saucer just looks like ... a Saucer.
I like that Design!

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #92 on: March 16, 2009, 09:45:02 PM »
Excellent work Raven!

Beautiful design.

Offline Aeries

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #93 on: March 16, 2009, 11:29:48 PM »
OHHH! Put an "e" after the "A" in the class name! xD Hehee, kidding. Kinda.

an idea; phalanx torpedo system? The Mithra's to be equipped with it.

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #94 on: March 17, 2009, 12:29:00 AM »
I love the interesting look of the Deflector.

Offline Raven Night

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #95 on: March 17, 2009, 02:35:48 AM »
Im glad you like it guys. Again, its thanks to DJ for alot of the design improvements. Let me be more specific as to the places his designs took me in a new direction.

First, the saucer. His way of capping the interior bulge on the saucer top, then a flat deck followed by another disk drop off to the edge. That improved the saucer shape.

Next, his window cuts. All of the cuts I had done in the past didnt come out right because they were not deep enough.

Third, his deflectors, and this is a big one. I have always been horrible at Fed deflectors, but DJ gave me both the split design as well an oval take...then I went from there. Decided to minimize actual radiation areas to lessen venerability and came up with what you see...inspired by the Intrepid deflector as well.

There were a number of other smaller ideas from his design cues I picked up on...I tried to use them as inspirations only and make them my own, so as not to plagiarize his wonderful work.

I started picking up too many Sov design cues though, and decided to change the deflector to a "pod in recess" design to make it more unique.

That is not to mention the huge amount of suggestions from the people posting in this thread that led to numerous changes. I think it turned out pretty well, but there is still lots more to do.

Whats incredible to me is that he may, in fact, be able to use some of my design cues for ideas as well...this makes me very happy, as it should be a two way process. This is how I believe modding should operate. We all feed and learn from each other, and all benefit as a result.

I will post my latest sep changes shortly to see if you guys like them.

Offline Raven Night

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #96 on: March 17, 2009, 02:54:03 AM »
Ok, here is my latest changes.

I smoothed out each side of the sep point at the rear of the union, leaving the recess inside and rounding it out. This makes it less dramatic and causes it to flow better into the rest of the hull while still keeping it functional (IE the saucer can still dock straight down on it).

I also raise up the front top a bit where I plan on putting in the bridge. Note that this reduces the volume on the saucer section, especially on the ventral side, but it doesnt cause any space problems, meaning that all decks are still functional and accessible as well as able to fully contain the warp engines and impulse drives.

I will leave judgement to you. I still have to round out the rear socket a bit more, but it now has the overall form I want it to comes the smooth groups.

Offline FarShot

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #97 on: March 17, 2009, 09:34:12 AM »
Can we see the deflector? :)

Offline Raven Night

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #98 on: March 17, 2009, 05:49:56 PM »
Here you go.

I intend to add more polys around the deflector to smooth it out a bit, and then add smoothing groups. At least you get the idea as to where it is going.

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Re: UFOP Ares class Battleship concept work....
« Reply #99 on: March 17, 2009, 08:28:38 PM »
Are there SIX torpedo launchers just under the deflector dish?!  :shock:

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