Author Topic: Gravity Generator in KM question  (Read 587 times)

Offline LordReserei

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Gravity Generator in KM question
« on: February 22, 2009, 12:09:48 AM »
Okay, so I didn't know really which part of the forum to put this is so I thought I'd play it safe and just post it in general. I've had KM for quite a while now and I see this in Brex''s menu but I have yet to find out what it actually does or how to use it.

I mean, by the name I obviously guess that it generates gravity well which would prevent anyone from jumping to warp or hyperspace as in like Star Wars with the Imperial Interdictor Cruiser but I don't know what ships can use the function and basically I'm lost, was wondering whether anyone could shed some light on what ships are capable of using this function or whether there's any at all.

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Offline Kirk

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Re: Gravity Generator in KM question
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2009, 01:12:34 AM »
Read GravityFX's included documentation in the /doc directory.


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Re: Gravity Generator in KM question
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2009, 01:39:46 PM »
in a nut shell, the mod called gravityFX, quite literally simulates the effect of gravity.  with this mod engaged, planets, suns, and blackholes possess a gravity well, that's an Einstienian Gravity well, not from star wars, the gravity well can cause damage to your ship, also if you lose engine power, or the force of gravity overcomes your engines, you will crash into the celestial body causing said gravity well.  if your ship has a gravity generator in the hardpoint, it can in effect counter the force of the gravity wells and generated one of it's own.  However because it has to be added to the hardpoint, hardly any ships have them.

Offline LordReserei

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Re: Gravity Generator in KM question
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2009, 07:34:40 PM »
oooooh, okay, you see, I have GravityFX enabled, have for a while but everytime I use a ship it's grayed out and that's why I've been confused, so just add a Gravity Generator to the hardpoint or are you aware of the kind of ships that do have them?
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Re: Gravity Generator in KM question
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2009, 09:49:01 PM »
Yeah kirk and ACES said it all lol.
That Gravity Generator options in Brex's menu are to control your grav generators, if your ship has one. To add one to a ship you gotta add it in the hardpoint, just like they told ya. And also like they said, GravFX's documentation has all the info you'll need about what to do to correctly add a grav or anti-grav generator in the HP. It just doesn't tell how to use MPE, but just search the forums around here and you'll find that info.

As an example: if you went to the Psi System, there's a blackhole there. That system is part of GravFX, to show how a working blackhole could be made in BC. The blackhole itself is a ship, and as such has a hardpoint, with a very powerfull grav generator, so check it if you want to see a HP with a grav generator. However in the game's /hardpoints folder all HPs from KM will probably be in the un-readable .PYC format, but KM should have the readable .PY version of all HPs in its /src folder if i'm not mistaken, otherwise ust ask for it around here if you want to check the blackhole's hardpoint.

GravFX's readme states this but i'll say it again just so that it is clear:  the gravity force applied by GravFX affects only ships following real physics formulas and all. Anti-gravity force works the same way, however it's vector is inverted (to be anti-grav), and it'll also affect projectiles (most likely torpedoes since they are slower, thus possibly acting like a anti-torpedo shield, which by the way is really nice lol).

It will not prevent ships from warping out.
(However since i'm in a nice mood I might add something like that in Galaxy Charts v2 :P)

A ship's grav well will not counter a planet's well thus making the ship "unaffected". The ship will still be pulled by the planet. The planet won't be pulled by the ship because for technical reasons GravityFX won't affect planets. However a second ship in the area will be pulled by both the planet and the first ship.
Just remember your physics (or math) lessons: addition of vectors. The gravity force is nothing but a vector, so that second ship will be pulled in the direction of the sum of both grav force vectors acting on her.
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