Author Topic: ST: BC in widescreen (heeeelp!!!!)  (Read 1008 times)

Offline LordReserei

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ST: BC in widescreen (heeeelp!!!!)
« on: February 19, 2009, 12:41:21 AM »
So here's the deal. No doubt there's been a load of posts regarding this but it's 5:34am right now and I've been running on 4hrs sleep, need direct answers. lol

Basically, after a long time I've managed to get ST: BC to accept the widescreen mod through Options.cfg....there's a "but"....I enter 900 for the height and 1440 for the width to match my 1440x900 resolution but when I run ST: BC it gets forced into 1600x1200.

any suggestions or advice?

Note: I also tried a lower resolution like 1200x800 but that forced it to 1024x768
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Offline Dalek

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Re: ST: BC in widescreen (heeeelp!!!!)
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2009, 09:22:19 AM »
Some computer monitors just can't do certain resolutions. I know mine can't do 1440x900 because I tried and I got an error message. It really does depend on your monitor.
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Offline ChronowerX_GT

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Re: ST: BC in widescreen (heeeelp!!!!)
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2009, 11:26:08 AM »
Try 1280x720 or if not 1280x728

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Offline LordReserei

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Re: ST: BC in widescreen (heeeelp!!!!)
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2009, 12:26:39 PM »
ooooooh, yeah, those were the ones I was talking about, the 1680x1050 one where you have to hack the .py files, didn't work for me either lol


nope, 1280x720 or 1280x1280x728 doesn't work, keeps opening ST: BC in 1280x1024. Even thought of just opening the display panel and trying every resolution my monitor can support but over 1280 and the resolution gets forced into 1600x1400 and below 1280 or in the range and it just get thrown, stuck in 1280x1024.

looks like I'm stuck in windowed mode or full screen and it being stretched a lil' which wasn't really bothering me but it would've been handy. And oh yeah, I also tried the hack to mod the GUI, modding several .py files but I could never get that to work in the slightest, always kept saying "Star Trek: Bridge Commander has encountered and error and must close...", you know what I'm talking about right?, I must've been doing something wrong there or something. lol

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Offline DKealt

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Re: ST: BC in widescreen (heeeelp!!!!)
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2009, 01:30:08 PM »
Id been hunting how to get BC working in widescreen for some time,

Eventualluy I came across this articel on Filefront

Worked for me, the one thing to know that the tutorial doesn't mention is that u can't use Notepad to do it, u must use a program sych as Notepad2 or Notepad++, both are free.

Offline ChronowerX_GT

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Re: ST: BC in widescreen (heeeelp!!!!)
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2009, 02:56:38 PM »
Here's a guide a written a while back. It didn't work for everyone hence the 3.8 rating lol.;92849

Having a smoking section in a restaurant is kinda like having a peeing section in a pool...

Offline LordReserei

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Re: ST: BC in widescreen (heeeelp!!!!)
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2009, 03:30:11 PM »
cool, gonna check 'em out and yeah, I've been using notepad++, read somewhere on here that notepad isn't good at handling null characters


ooooooh, yeah, those were the ones I was talking about, the 1680x1050 one where you have to hack the .py files, didn't work for me either lol

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Offline ChronowerX_GT

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Re: ST: BC in widescreen (heeeelp!!!!)
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2009, 04:03:26 PM »
Yeah it's strange cos normal notepad works fine for some people.

Having a smoking section in a restaurant is kinda like having a peeing section in a pool...

Offline MLeo

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Re: ST: BC in widescreen (heeeelp!!!!)
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2009, 04:18:27 PM »
For the options.cfg, notepad can be lethal. It contains so called "null" characters.

And notepad has been known to "gobble" up python files.
I still can't read peoples minds, nor can I read peoples computers, even worse, I can't combine the two to read what is going wrong with your BC install...

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Offline LordReserei

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Re: ST: BC in widescreen (heeeelp!!!!)
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2009, 04:37:29 PM »
kay, well tried both of those guides again, no luck...the one for editing the .py files, BC loads and stop responding so gotta replace the files with backups I had made, I had tried the one off bcf but that didn't work and there was no change there. I'm just gonna stick with windowed mode and when I make vids for youtube, deal with 1280x1024 the crop it. thanks for the help none the less everyone =)
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