Author Topic: Star Trek Movies  (Read 1808 times)


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Star Trek Movies
« on: August 21, 2007, 02:55:03 PM »
 I'd like to know what everyone thinks of EVERY ST movie they have seen.
 Myself I have em all.

 Star Trek the Motion Picture
 An epic scale disaster, brilliant special effects for its day, although star wars still overshadowed it I might add, however the plot was rather poor I mean I saw "V'ger" as Voyager 6 from far off and also they had way way way too many shots of the enterprise traveling through it that always makes me fast forward like 10 minutes.
 Also the crew even though they were reunited never really seemed to hit it off and have any of their own moments together except abit of Kirk and McCoy and Spock alittle but the rest kidna just provided background characters, yes they do this in all the films but it seemed to stick out in this more since it was the first movie.

 Star Trek II the wrath of kahn
 Back on track, this was a brilliant film in every way, the uniforms were so much better than the dull grey of the motion picture, the story so much better because it lead off a particularly good TOS episode and as a result had more of the good old TOS in that the Motion picture.
 And Spock dying was handled very well, originaly he was supposed to stay dead but...

 Star Trek III the search for Spock.
 A movie that I had to watch a few times to fully appreciate it, however I do enjoy this sequel to twok, Kirk having to defy starfleet to help his friend "the needs of the one out weighed the needs of the many" was so much like TOS in that friendship counted over everything else.
 And also the Klingons had a proper good come back with a great commander who more or less shaped most of em to come. Also destruction of the Enterprise. WOW

 Star Trek IV The voyager home.
 I liked this too the last of the trilogy of 2,3 and 4 had more of the old comedy moments back in without getting too camp like as TOS was sometimes.
 Also the whales were a rather unique touch and gave it a more memorable feel since it wasn't just another time travel we must stop these guys from doing this kinda movie.
 Plus demoteing Kirk back to Captain at the end was excellent I think getting him back to his old Captaincy of the new Enterprise.

 Star Trek V the final frontier.
 Hmm interesting one I think, the whole would they meet god bit was good, however EVERYONE knew they wouldnt meet god because then they would have to show god.
 Having the Enterprise taken over by some rag tag band was abit painfull to see however and also half the main cast turning over the Syboks side was unexpected and its good to have a few surprises. I wish the end meeting and battle would have been longer though it was way way too short.

 Star Trek VI the undiscovered country.
 Now were getting into the final days of Kirk and co... and thats fine, they had a good plot here, special FX were great, Sulu had his own command finaly and Christopher Plummer was excellent as Chang. Also a cloaked bop that can fire, how much did everyone want to see that one day?!

 Star Trek VII Generations.
 This one was sad, (not sarcastic way the emotional one) I hated them killing Kirk off but at least it was better than how they originaly had him dying when he follows Soran and jumps alittle bit down near a tree and Soran shot him dead there. Thank god they changed that.
 Also the cast were all utilised well, the two Enterprises looked absolutely stunning and the Enterprise D bowed out well at the end. Also I think that the Riker and Picard beaming aboard the USS Farragut at the end was the best ending scene of any of the movies.

 Star Trek VIII First Contact.
 One word, BRILLIANT - Jonathan Frakes makes damn fine films and he got off to a great star with this one, the Borg were back and looking the most menaceing they ever have, Worf was back from that crap station for abit and the film had an excellent dark feel to it all the way through and Cochranes comedy was funny lol James Cromwell played him perfectly.
 Star Trek IX Insurrection.
 Another Frakes film and a masterpiece I think, Picard disoberying orders and helping a people "Kirk style" for once instead of just loudly objecting and then going ahead with it anyway.
 Got back into the ST feel of "we can help eachother" in this movie which is always good since occasionaly it did just become action oriented sometimes.
 The only thing I didnt think worked was Ruofo or however you spell his name, he just didnt seem right to me... but thats just me.

 Star Trek X Nemesis.
 BAD. No where near enough plot to keep this thing going hence all the action, B4 was stupid I mean that literaly too, you just know that they are going to make him into Data MK II and thats just an awfull concept.
 The whole Clone thing I thought was alright but they really should have got another actor to play Shinzon he just didn't quite cut it for me he just didn't steal the bad guy show so to speak like say Kahn did.
 And lastly they killed Data when originaly Picard was going to die.. What is it with the writers lately they feel they must kill a main character to keep the fans coming? I don't think so.

 Well thats my 2 cents on em, not the most detailed opinions I grant but anymore than that in one post and nobody would read it lol

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Re: Star Trek Movies
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2007, 09:55:56 AM »
Dull.  Really It was pretty damned dull other than the klingon attack at the start (which btw, gave me nightmares for weeks when I first saw the film at the age of 6) and some of the beautyshots of the refitted enterprise were nice but for me the film was nothing but a bunch of beautyshots strung together with a pretty knaff story.  And those uniforms, UGH!

Agreed.  THIS is more like it! I just wish they could redo the special effects as they did with the original series! An awesome was for khan to bow out!

It's Ok, but nothing really special imo. Although the "mr adventure" thing makes me giggle a bit every time.  Not a really fitting end to the enterprise.  Really did want to be in an AWESOME film rather than a merely OK film like this. 

Another good one.  I agree with everything u say about this one. 

Heh, Not all that good, but still made me laugh at the bugginess of the entA in this one (doors not opening, the red alert klaxon being messed up etc) .  The god bit was pretty good, as was the klingon actually saying "I...apologise" :P

Awesome film to see off the TOS crew.  Really good.  And the firewhilecloakedBOP?!?!? WOW!
And the exelscior co-op at the end was nice.

Pffft, did NOT like this one.  A lot like TMP DULL imo.  Hardly  a fitting tribute to the ent-d. 

The best one in absolutely AGES.  plus the p**s head cochrane was great.  and the way data kills the borg queen is pretty imaginitive too. A worthy intro for the Ent-E

Insurection, didn't really think much of this.  The briar patch was a good idea, but I found it pretty...dull again to be honest.. The TNG crew's ST3 perhaps? I may see a pattern..

Nah, not all that bad, but i agree with the shinzon thing, the actor really doesn't pull it off like previous bad guys did.  I don't think he was enjoying  being the bad guy as Ricardo Montablan did whilst being khan (aparently he loved the role so much he agreed to do it for a fraction of the price TWOK's makers were offering.).  Could have, would have, SHOULD have been much better, but it's still ok imo.  MUCH better than anything the makers of stENT ever did. 
I miss :bigdance:


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Re: Star Trek Movies
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2007, 03:07:54 PM »
 Thank you! captain_obvious for the simple reason that A) I more or less agree with most of what you say and b) for making a post in what I was beginning to suspect might never be posted in :P now hopefully the next film will be worthy of a great review.

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Re: Star Trek Movies
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2007, 12:12:27 PM »
I've noticed that the really good films seem to have a really good arch villain in them, TWOK had Khan the ULTIMATE baddie, ST6 had Chang, FC had the Queen.  And mabye it's to do with how much the actor/actress enjoys playing the role?
I miss :bigdance:

Offline UPD Equinox

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Re: Star Trek Movies
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2007, 06:44:09 AM »
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
The Enterprise refit was an absolute masterpiece and it still sits at the top of my enterprise list. The cast was back together which is always a good thing. The plot was loose albiet but had a good tie up with the whole Voyager probe thing. The opening scene with the Klingons getting vaporised. The special effects were awesome for the time. I don't actually mind the uniforms, it suggests a progression that starfleet might take to try and keep a sterile environment, also i guess it was a natural thing for them to try and go 'white'. (Usually a technologically advanced race seems to have white decor.... Camino anyone?) My guess is they tried it but then thought better of it for the second movie.
The plot was loose. As said before, lots of long winded unessescary beauty shots of the enterprise. Although the crew was back together they didn't really hit it off and you didn't get the sense 'that they were a real crew'.

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
Arguably the best movie of the entire franchise. The acting was A+++, Khan played his role to PERFECTION, not only would i really have believed he existed I would have been crapping my pants. The special effects were awesome and the battle scenes were beautifully done too. The whole crew dynamic was back in full force although I thought Scotty in his new role was a little stilted. I also didn't like the engineering room but it was a good precurser to the warp core you see in TNG. Kirks acting at the end was perfect, you could totally empathise with his grief at loosing his best friend but trying not to show such emotion in front of his crew. (My emotional response to this scene was hampered by the fact my dad told me the next movie was about finding spock again...) Not only a great send off to Khan and that storyline but a great addition to the franchise.
If any Trek movie can get a 5/5 this would be it.

Star Trek: The Search for Spock
Although not as good as TWOK it still held the classic trek elements true to form. Again special effects were excellent. Good introduction of Kirk's kid and wife and the family friction was played out well. The kid played the young spock well. Christopher Lloyd did a surprisingly good job of the Klingon captain. Kudos on Kirk's use of the self destruct as an anti intruder weapon :P although i'm never happy to see an enterprise get blown up. Mccoy also does a great job of having the split Mccoy/Spock personallities at the same time, a great meld. Not much bad to say about this one.

Star Trek: The Voyage Home
Personally not one of my favourites. I think my main problem with this one is that it was a little bit to happy go lucky. Thats great for a 45 minute TV show but for a 2 hour movie it kinda looses its replay value. I liked it the first time, but subsequent watchings proved less enjoyable. On first viewing though it had good elements. Checkov's performance was hilarious! I also liked the way they took that chick back to the future with them. Thats a new one for Sci Fi as a genre, and a possible Kirk romance too ;) It was a good story line though and I have to give it too the writers for being so ingenious.

Star Trek: The Final Frontier
To be honest it was ages ago when i saw this movie and I don't remember much about it. The only thing I really remember is the opeing phaser fight and scotty cracking himself on a bulkhead. Neither of which I thought were really trek... I seem to remember this movie as kind of a comic relief in the movie sequence. The story line was too implausable though, they were never going to find god. That much was blatently bleeding obvious. Can't say that much about this one.
Can't give an accurate score.

Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country
Awesome. Almost as good as TWOK. Kirk's animosity toward the Klingons was played out beautifully and used well too. Although he could never match Khan, General Chang played a brilliant bad guy and the cloaked BOP was a nice addition too (It had been a while since they had introduced anything new technologically). I loved the battle scene at the end with Chang spouting 'Klingon' Shakespeare even when he was faced with impending doom at the business end of a torpedo. Sulu turning up with the Excelsior? Brilliant. I love that ship and Sulu makes a great captain. As for things I didn't like about it.... Although it was probably nessescary, I didn't like the Dilithium mine scenes. They just didn't do anything for me. My other pet hate for this movie is that it introduced the whole element of Starfleet subtefuge and the fact that Starfleet officers could be compromised. Something we hadn't seen before, it clashed very badly with Rodenberry's ideals I think.

Star Trek: Generations
Never much liked this one. Soran makes a good villan and I can sympathise with his drive especially after we find Kirk in the Nexus. However to me it felt like a really badly drawn out TNG episode rather than a well thought out movie. The two major things I didn't like was the death of Kirk and the death of destruction of the Enterprise. Kirk, was a LEGEND. He should have died saving the Federation, not just some stupid planet. Also the Enterprise D was badly outsmarted. Destroyed by a lowly BOP? Not a fitting end in my opinion. Im glad the Duras sisters get they're comeuppance but to take the enterprise down with them seems like an unfair tradeoff. In my opinion a bad movie to end an era.

Star Trek: First Contact
Although I like in principle the idea of explaining the history of sci fi universes the script writers rarely do it well. This was a bit of a mixed bag for me. At the start the borg didn't seem as threatening. At the battle of Wolf 359 there are ship husks everywhere blown to peices by the allmighty borg and yet in first contact the Enterprise shows up and seems pretty much unperterbed by the Borg attack. Also as if 4 quantum torpedoes would destroy a borg sphere. The borg to get more menacing later on when they begin to invade the ship but the enterprise crew make several elementary mistakes. (Like not replicating projectile weapons which we have clearly seen working in DS9) I like Cochrane and Deanna does quite a good impression of 'Drunk Councillor' however I don't particullarly like the black chick whatshername. Picard does a convincing job of hating the borg and I like his animosity towards the chick, but i felt that they didn't play up his hatred enough. That for me really gave the movie and his strugle some meaning, but it took kind of a backseat after his initial outburst which was a dissapointment. All in all a pretty good movie but some elements could have been done better.

Star Trek: Insurrection
I liked it, mainly I think because you see Picard behaving like a Enterprise captian should. Dissobeying orders. Very Kirky. I also liked the romance they had going with the Baku chick. Very tastefully done and the slow time thing added a sense of mystery which was also very classy. I thought the fight scene with the two Sona vessels was too short lived and I never like a ship giving up its warp core. Never a stylish thing to do. The scene on the collector was well done as was the enterprise fly by. The re-union was a nice touch at the end too. Too me the story line smacked of a TV show that was streched to fit a movie length but at least they pulled it off well unlike Generations.

Star Trek: Nemisis
The premise was sound, although some of the plot elements were a bit weak. As if the new romulan government would trash the idea of infiltration. Whats good for one romulan is good for another. And even if they did trash it the Tal'Shiar would have picked up on that and used him anyway. Although I thought that Shinzon played his individual role well, he didn't nessescarily make a good bad guy. Certainly not in the same vein as Khan or Chang anyway. The Scimitar was a great ship and looked every bit as evil as the name suggested although it would have been way easier to hit the ship than the movie suggested. They were fireing so many disruptors even a blind man could have gotten a firing solution. In my opinion this was a movie made for the masses and was a bad sum up for the TNG crew. It leave the Star trek universe hanging wide open now with the Romulan Empire in dissaray and Data dead. A poor effort for a legendary series.

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Re: Star Trek Movies
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2007, 08:05:11 PM »
Too many beauty shots, not enough plot. Vger being Voyager was a great twist I never saw coming, and the ending was very Trek, but the rest was a bit dull.

Completely carried by it's compelling villain, plausible story and thrilling battle scenes. awesome film.

I found this one a bit dull, never liked the idea of the 'Genesis Planet', Spock's resurrection implausible. Destruction of the Enterprise was a beauty of a moment. Klingons were great.

This movie has dated a LOT. More than any of the other films this one shows it's age. It had funny bits, particularly liked the gags with the cloaked BoP, but overall not one of the greats.

This one was probably the worst film of the bunch. The 'Great Barrier', 'Centre of the Galaxy' and 'Rocket Boots/Lift shaft combination' are bits that should never have been committed to film.
I have less problem with a powerful alien entity masquerading as god, even as an atheist, but the Enterprise being taken over by that rabble was painful to watch.

A Great Film! Chang was Brilliant. Klingons! Excelsior! Sulu! The mines was a bit of a distraction to allow the crew of the Enterprise to solve the murder, but other than that the plot was great. My favourite film.

Urgh. Dull plot and some really irritating bits. Who cares about a planet called Veridian III? If the Galaxy had been at stake, that would have been more interesting. Kirk shouldn't have died like that. The Enterprise D should not have been lost to an obsolete BoP. Even without shields it would have swatted that BoP with one spread of torpedoes. Several BoPs and a vorcha would have been more convincing, they could have had an awesome battle scene and THEN the stardrive could have exploded and the saucer crash.

Best of TNG films. The Borg were really creepy, I liked all the sub-storylines, both on the Enterprise and on Earth. Only bit I didn't like was the Queen. The Borg could have kept more of their 'monster' theme by having the voice of the collective speak her lines, backed up with the actions of individual drones carrying out the collective will. This one flaw completely ruined several episodes of Voyager.

A good episode, very Trek. Enterprise should have kicked more arse, but a very enjoyable film.

B4 wasn't a good idea, Romulans a cool one, Remans an Idiotic one. They should have killed Picard, not Data. Shinzon didn't really work as a villain. A cloaked ship shooting that many disruptors isn't really cloaked. 21st century military tech could have plotted a firing solution that would have had the Enterprise hitting the Scimitar with almost every shot. Romulan empire left hanging at the end.

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Re: Star Trek Movies
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2007, 01:05:40 AM »

Hated it.


Best ToS Move Ever.


Haven't seen this one In a long time, need to watch it again.

I think my 2nd favourite TOS Star Trek Film. Time Travel = Awesome for me.

I hated it. well accept for the Fan Dance.

Good film, they should make another one about the Klingons.

Not to bad, not worthy of the Ent-D tho.

My Favourite TNG film ever. Borg + Picard = Gold.

I didn't like it every much

Now, I thought this film would have been good because it was written by a very big Star Trek fan. Now Data dying, well apparently Brent Spiner said that his only condition if he were to do the film is if Data dies. I think how Data died was heroic.


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Re: Star Trek Movies
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2007, 01:57:11 PM »
 Datas death was heroic, however I really think that the writers, directors are gradualy thinking and getting into the mind set that when they end a particular casts era. TNG, TOS whatever that they need to kill off a main cast member to keep everyone entertained, that doesnt entertain me really. Yes Kirks and Datas deaths were both well written and done but still theres such a thing as finaly seeing em off together as they started it all.

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Re: Star Trek Movies
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2007, 11:09:15 PM »
I didn't really understand much of that RhVaurek...

But I have to argue with you, I don't belive data's death was well done. There are so many plot holes that had to be opened up to make him die. For instance he could have easily replicated another transport beacon. He could have just deactivated the weapon throught the control panel instead of having that drawn out confrontation with Picard and then having to blow up the ship.


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Re: Star Trek Movies
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2008, 05:48:37 PM »
1. Not the best way to open the franchise again, the plot was plodding and jst never felt right

2. This was more like it the first tried to be like a 2001 space odyssey, this stuck to its roots and was better for it

3. Decent concept..just stopped as opposed to properly ending

4. Was achance for everyoneto let their hair down, cast crew and fan alike

5. What was Shatner smoking?

6. Tied with 2 over best TOS, plus had my fav Constitution and Excelsior Bridge designs

7. Just...never had that bigtime feel..The D gets destoryed by a defective Bird f Prey????????????

8. Best ever

9. Seemed like an overlong Episode

10. didn't like the Remans as another race thing, plus how could the romulans let a former (Defective) experiment rise up the ranks like that? plus didn't like the new uniforms for the romulans..the DS9 ones were nice

I think apart from First Contact the TNG ones weren't as great was the feel.TOS was in the 60's so the movies having vastly better sets and effects gave it a big time look..the TNG ones not as was not much more different than tv

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Re: Star Trek Movies
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2009, 10:36:04 AM »
1. TMP Quite possibly the worst in the franchise (could be superceded by XI). Slow pace, lack of plot, over use of fill-in effects ruin what would have been a mediocre film at best. Instead, it was just plain horrid. 1/10

2. TWOK Best of the Best of the Best. Woe be to those who denigrate and degrade this film. 10/10

3. TSFS Alright. Nothing special, but the theft of the Enterprise, soundtrack and some of the themes explored are very well done. 6.5/10

4. TVH Nowhere near as good as people seem to think. The 20th Century segments are full of plot holes. Soundtrack is woefully inadequate. 6.5/10

5. TFF Perhaps not as bad as some claim, but certainly down on the bottom of the list. Disgraceful special effects, horrible plot and average acting conspire to drag down what promised to be, at the beginning, a seemingly strong film. 3/10

6. TUC Welcome back Nicolas Meyer to perhaps the second best of the series. Wonderful plot, wonderful soundtrack, great performances. 9/10

7. GEN Alas, poor Enterprise-D. Alas, poor Captain Kirk. Not one of their better efforts in the franchise... and did I mention they blew up the Enterprise-D... twice? 6/10

8. FC Excellent. Borg. The Enterprise-E. Action. Aside from a couple of nits, an excellent and strong film 8/10

9. INS Lack of decent action is the only drawback in this thematically charged film... that, and I actually side with the bad guys in this. 600 people outweigh countless billiions? Shocking. 7/10

10. NEM My third favorite, despite some obvious flaws (although, I can rationalise almost all of them). Love the action scenes. Love them. 9/10

When I have more time, I will elaborate further.