Author Topic: WIP: USS MANTA former Codename Chip // Most recent update: 05-01-2010  (Read 13401 times)

Offline Phoenix Bondi

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #100 on: October 19, 2008, 03:57:50 AM »
Fricking awsome i really like it :D,tell you wat that will fit in perfectly with DJ's cool Future ships *centery, vivace* dunno wat time line dj put them on

Offline DJ Curtis

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #101 on: October 19, 2008, 12:43:23 PM »

Offline anazonda

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #102 on: October 20, 2008, 08:17:33 AM »
Ok. I've been fiddeling around trying to make textures for the chip... (stupid name i know... just havn't figured a good name out yet).

Now i used the tut found here at BCC and it works (almost) like a charm.

Problems however occur in diffrent versions:

1: Only half my modified texture appears on the ship and the rest shows as wireframe on the basic shape... wich is weard.

2: I have detached several segments from each other in order to texture them individually, however, for some reason when i apply a texture to the segment the tex is go on, it applies to all my segments.. i really dont get it.

Can someone point me to all the texture tutorials accesable on BCC, and if anyone knows what my problem could be... a answer would be helpful?

Offline MarkyD

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #103 on: October 20, 2008, 09:02:00 AM »
can u show us some images of your problem, great work btw ship looks real nice  :)

Offline anazonda

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #104 on: October 20, 2008, 12:36:08 PM »
can u show us some images of your problem, great work btw ship looks real nice  :)

See all thoose black lines... they shouldn be there... i did remove them on the textures... and yet... still there... driving... me... crazy...

Offline limey BSc.

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #105 on: October 20, 2008, 12:44:27 PM »
Did you delete the actual material? If so, did you select "Affect mtl/map in both the scene and in the editor slot?"?

Offline MarkyD

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #106 on: October 20, 2008, 12:50:55 PM »
have u reset the texture after you changed it, sometimes max forgets to update the texture changes, so if you go into materials, and select the material, then hit reset??

Offline moed

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #107 on: October 20, 2008, 01:48:08 PM »
This is coming along very nicely!

Great work.  :D

Offline anazonda

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #108 on: October 20, 2008, 03:22:54 PM »
limey98/markyd: tried both tings at one... don't know what worked so: Thanks to both of you...

Now... next question: Notice the lines (the black ones again). In photoshop they're 1px wide... so wtf are they stretched (blurry and fat) in MAX?

Modeling i done for a while, this is my first texture.

Edit: The texture is 512*1024 BTW

Offline Adonis

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #109 on: October 20, 2008, 05:22:01 PM »
OK, first off, the triangles I marked in red should be welded to where it shows on the attached pic. Secondly, before you ever attempt to map a ship, do a Reset XForm on it. You can find it by clicking the last tab in the right panel in max.
Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by themselves.

Offline anazonda

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #110 on: October 21, 2008, 02:00:37 AM »
Ill try that. Thanks.

I did know about the triangles... just dont know wtf i didn...

Offline anazonda

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #111 on: October 21, 2008, 06:28:42 AM »
Ok. So i did what you guys suggested, only with a backup in wich i did not detatch any segments (so a complete model in one element). i did have to flip the normals after reversing the Xform.. hope that is not a FAIL...

I also tryed to do everything in this tut:,42.0.html , but it seems that i cant do the "Flatten Mapping" portion of the tut (all elements of the menu in that part are disabled).

What do i do.. im kinda lost when it comes to texturing.

Offline limey BSc.

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #112 on: October 21, 2008, 09:01:48 AM »
I also tryed to do everything in this tut:,42.0.html , but it seems that i cant do the "Flatten Mapping" portion of the tut (all elements of the menu in that part are disabled).

You need to click the "Face" button at the bottom. Vertex is selected by default. Alternatively, before clicking "Edit UVW", click the + next to "Unwrap UVW" and select "Face" there.

I actually tend to do things differently than that, if you want, I can post how I do it (after my lunch that is).

Offline anazonda

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #113 on: October 21, 2008, 09:19:12 AM »
I also tryed to do everything in this tut:,42.0.html , but it seems that i cant do the "Flatten Mapping" portion of the tut (all elements of the menu in that part are disabled).

You need to click the "Face" button at the bottom. Vertex is selected by default. Alternatively, before clicking "Edit UVW", click the + next to "Unwrap UVW" and select "Face" there.

I actually tend to do things differently than that, if you want, I can post how I do it (after my lunch that is).

Have Lunch. Then post... please... i need to learn this...

Offline anazonda

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #114 on: October 21, 2008, 09:28:58 AM »
Btw... i've used "Symmetry" to mirror one half to complete the model, yet several of the lines created by the map-view are not properly mirrored? How Come..?

Offline Aeries

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #115 on: October 21, 2008, 10:16:23 AM »
Btw... i've used "Symmetry" to mirror one half to complete the model, yet several of the lines created by the map-view are not properly mirrored? How Come..?
somehow symmetry has never, even once, worked properly for me.

Offline limey BSc.

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #116 on: October 21, 2008, 10:32:06 AM »
Did you map it before or after the symmetry? I've never used symmetry myself. I make things as a whole model. An altenative would be to clone one half of the ship, mirror it, move it into position and weld the seam.

Just about to start working on my "tutorial", though I can't guarantee it will be any good!

Offline anazonda

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #117 on: October 21, 2008, 10:33:21 AM »
Btw... i've used "Symmetry" to mirror one half to complete the model, yet several of the lines created by the map-view are not properly mirrored? How Come..?
somehow symmetry has never, even once, worked properly for me.

Well... In Regular modeling the Edges look fine when in symmetry its only when im trying to create a map...

Offline anazonda

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #118 on: October 21, 2008, 11:03:55 AM »

Sorry... didn see that post... well.. depends really: as i understand it Nemesis takes place around 2376? and the century is what... 2400? ... so closer to the Century than the Sov but still inbetween...

It is supposed to take on the same role as the Akira in the Nemesis period.

Offline limey BSc.

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Re: WIP: Codename Chip // Most recent update: 14-10-2008
« Reply #119 on: October 21, 2008, 12:10:54 PM »
Ok, I still suck at tutorials! Basically, apply a checker texture to the whole model. Select it peice by peice, add the UVW Map modifier. A planar map will usually suffice, but cylindrical and spherical ones are useful. Unwrap the UVW and move around the vertexes untill the checker pattern on the model looks uniform. If you make each section fill the entire box, then move them out of the way. As you get more and more peices, placing them so they don't overlap is hard, but you can scale them.
Once you've done all of them, it's just a case of arranging them all inside the main box, then using Texporter to make the template.

Does that all make sense?