Author Topic: DS9 FX Fighters Strat.  (Read 922 times)

Offline RifleMan80

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DS9 FX Fighters Strat.
« on: May 29, 2008, 11:05:39 AM »
 I'v noticed that the latest version of DS9 FX has peregurine fighters! Excellent! I'v noticed also if you turn the phaser intensity up to 100 %, the pulse cannons turn into little torpedoes. I stuck a squadron of 3 Peragurine fighters against 6 excelsiors. 1 Fighter was lost but anyway. I turned my engines and weapons up, flew really close inside his shield peremiter and took out each excelsior's sensor array. As they fly blind, and if your lucky like i was, they hit eachother at full impulse, destroying eachother. But if one remains, leave ur pulse cannon on ur fighter at 100 % and fire with their shields down and watch that little pulse blast blow holes the size of the deflector dish in the saucer sections.
Downside: When the ship blows up, u ger damaged or you go up with it.

 God bless the Peragurine fighters! DS9 FX rules!

A True Riker's Beard!

Offline Barihawk

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Re: DS9 FX Fighters Strat.
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2008, 12:24:45 PM »
And this is why I curse myself for breaking my install disc.

Offline El

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Re: DS9 FX Fighters Strat.
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2008, 01:41:15 PM »
I'v noticed that the latest version of DS9 FX has peregurine fighters! Excellent! I'v noticed also if you turn the phaser intensity up to 100 %, the pulse cannons turn into little torpedoes. I stuck a squadron of 3 Peragurine fighters against 6 excelsiors. 1 Fighter was lost but anyway. I turned my engines and weapons up, flew really close inside his shield peremiter and took out each excelsior's sensor array. As they fly blind, and if your lucky like i was, they hit eachother at full impulse, destroying eachother. But if one remains, leave ur pulse cannon on ur fighter at 100 % and fire with their shields down and watch that little pulse blast blow holes the size of the deflector dish in the saucer sections.
Downside: When the ship blows up, u ger damaged or you go up with it.

 God bless the Peragurine fighters! DS9 FX rules!

Is there a purpose to this thread? You arent asking a question stating an opinion or providing any value to the forum.