Author Topic: Star Trek Online thread  (Read 178073 times)

Offline Tuskin38

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3580 on: September 25, 2012, 06:47:57 PM »
I don't think they were try to draw players away at all.

How were two useless weapons going to do that? It was a homage. They games are not even remotely similar.

Offline Darkthunder

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3581 on: September 25, 2012, 08:14:33 PM »
I'm not gonna get into a debate over the content. Clearly we won't see eye-to-eye on Cryptics apparent priorities in terms of new content, or the "purity" of the Trek IP. That purity was destroyed long ago, when they started adding the D'Kyr and NX Classes (250 year old ships by STO standards), and had an entire line of ships on the KDF faction based off 250 year old tech (Raptors). Adding the Wells Class and other temporal ships into the mix, just makes the STO "Trek IP" all the more screwed up.
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Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3582 on: September 25, 2012, 09:30:47 PM »
Maybe they're trying to appeal to the people that LIKE these designs, eh?  It's a game, not a f-ing history lesson.

Personally, I'd love a Wells-class, but by the time I have the money for these stupid keys to get one, as well as a new ship slot, they'll be gone.  That's the only reason I hate these stupid lockboxes.

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Offline Darkthunder

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3583 on: September 25, 2012, 10:46:09 PM »
You may be comfortable with "contaminating the timeline further" with these ships. After all, it's just a game...

Might as well apply the same logic to the next Trek movie, but bring in Galaxy and Sovereign Classes to fly alongside the "new Kirk" Enterprise. It's just a movie, isn't it? I'm generally not "too much" of a canon whore, I regard Trek in much the same way as I regard most tv-shows, movies and games... Entertainment. But when someone starts to mess around with established canon, in ways that are unimaginably inappropriate, that's when I begin to froth at the mouth.

Oh, and by your logic, we might as well bring in Picard in the next movie, to be a tutor for "new Kirk" on how to Captain the Enterprise. To hell with canon, to hell with established historical "facts". There's a limit to how far you can push canon, in the name of "entertainment".

Long story short, if STO were set in the 29th Century, with all new ship designs BY CRYPTIC, plus the 2 established designs (Wells and Aeon Classes), i'd be perfectly fine with that. As is, the game is set in the 25th Century, where there are NO time ships even invented yet. Bringing a ship from the past, into the present. That's one thing. Bringing a ship from the future into the past, that's a whole different can of worms. People cite the "Mobile Emitter" as evidence, that the Temporal Agents allow future tech to remain in the past. But it's a whole lot different, when they start allowing entire ships. Imagine the HUGE technology boost we would've had on our planet, if someone had presented Einstein with a super computer back in the 1940s. And that's just 70 years ago. Now imagine what a difference a technology boost from FOUR HUNDRED years into the future, would have for effect on us.
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Offline FarShot

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3584 on: September 25, 2012, 11:27:26 PM »
Totally agree with Darkthunder on this one, it's what I keep telling everyone at Ninth Fleet.  The only reason I play STO is for gameplay and socialization.  STO's story line is crap and I've thrown it into it's own crappy universe where all characters are reduced to basic stereotypes, diplomacy and exploration barely mean anything to the Federation, and every single number gravitates to 47.  Cryptic may call their work an extension of the prime timeline, but to me, it's as bad as cheesy fanfic capitalizing on the Star Trek intellectual property for kicks and giggles.  At least JJ had the decency to put his stuff in another universe, and it's not nearly as bad.

Offline captain_obvious

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3585 on: September 26, 2012, 11:16:20 AM »
"those lightsaber bat'leths and lirpas", was nothing more than an attempt to attract players away from the then, "new hotness" that was SWTOR.

Using the Galaxy Quest "Omega 13 device" shows a lack of creativity on Cryptic's part. Not to mention an abundance of lazyness, especially in regards to their new time ship "bridges". The KDF bridge is clearly identical to the Wells Class bridge, but with a new coat of paint.

Same thing happened with the ferasans.
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Offline Tuskin38

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3586 on: September 26, 2012, 11:39:06 AM »
but by the time I have the money for these stupid keys to get one, as well as a new ship slot, they'll be gone.

The lock-boxes won't vanish from your inventory, they will still be there if you loot any. Just put them in your bank and open them when you have the money.

Boxes will now stack to 20 as well.

You can also buy them from the dilithium store for 200 a piece.

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3587 on: September 26, 2012, 02:54:36 PM »
You may be comfortable with "contaminating the timeline further" with these ships. After all, it's just a game...

Might as well apply the same logic to the next Trek movie, but bring in Galaxy and Sovereign Classes to fly alongside the "new Kirk" Enterprise. It's just a movie, isn't it? I'm generally not "too much" of a canon whore, I regard Trek in much the same way as I regard most tv-shows, movies and games... Entertainment. But when someone starts to mess around with established canon, in ways that are unimaginably inappropriate, that's when I begin to froth at the mouth.

Oh, and by your logic, we might as well bring in Picard in the next movie, to be a tutor for "new Kirk" on how to Captain the Enterprise. To hell with canon, to hell with established historical "facts". There's a limit to how far you can push canon, in the name of "entertainment".
Don't be a jerk DT.  I've always respected you on these forums.  By YOUR logic, BC shouldn't have Constitution classes in it, even from mods.  STO is a game, and despite being officially licensed, it doesn't affect the canon because it itself is not canon.  It's not like anyone's putting a gun to your head and forcing you to play the game.

And Kori, that's a good idea and all, but it's still a crap shoot.  I could get 50 of the things and not get a single ship or get one I don't want such as the Aeon or the mirror Wells.

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Offline Darkthunder

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3588 on: September 26, 2012, 03:02:37 PM »
There's a difference...

BC is a game, with an active modding scene. It's constantly being modded with all kinds of new ships. It was never intended to be the "unofficial continuation of Trek canon".

STO was (and still is), being advertised as the continuing adventures in the Prime Universe (as opposed to the alternate timeline seen in Trek 09). If they flat out say "We are making our own timeline, with ships from all eras.", then i'd be perfectly fine with it. Wouldn't make me wanna fly the "wrong" ships anyways, but I wouldn't mind it as much.
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Offline Tuskin38

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3589 on: September 26, 2012, 03:37:23 PM »
trailer for the box

Offline captain_obvious

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3590 on: September 26, 2012, 08:15:53 PM »
Kori, boxes always stacked to 20 iirc.

Shadowknight, you should note that BC is ultimately a singleplayer game with a small multiplayer aspect attached.  It is an isolated island which you make what you want.  STO is the opposite.  It is a large multiplayer game by design which happens to have a small single player aspect attached.  In BC it doesn't matter because the experience is what YOU make it. You could mess around with "canon" as much as you wanted and it wouldn't matter.  Naked Archer riding his pet doomsday machine into battle versus the vidiians? You could do that.  STO however much cryptic profess otherwise, is in the hands of cryptic/pwe.  Players have little to no real control and neither do the patent holders as far as I can tell/infer.  Cryptic wants half naked archer riding a pet unimatrix into battle against the hortas? They will do that no matter what we might want. 

These timeships are just a stretch too far in my eyes.  They have mirandas, centaurs, k'tingas, D7's, oberths even NX's but we can't have a retrofitted connie because it would "break immersion" yet we could have a time ship from 500 years further on from the game?  Surely some future guys would want their ships back?  So what, are these ships more of a "lease agreement" rather than outright ownership? Will these "future guys" take back their timeships? 
They have stretched believability/canon too far and have tried to cover it up with some half assed lame duck story.  Time fuckery works at small scales but to have entire fleets doing it? 

I had hopes that sto might be tied in with canon if another series/movie were made set around the same era maybe even with events in game being reflected in the series/movie. High, pie in the sky hopes I'm sure but it would have been a hell of a way to generate interest in the game!
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Offline Darkthunder

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3591 on: September 26, 2012, 08:46:18 PM »
These timeships are just a stretch too far in my eyes.  They have mirandas, centaurs, k'tingas, D7's, oberths even NX's but we can't have a retrofitted connie because it would "break immersion" yet we could have a time ship from 500 years further on from the game?  Surely some future guys would want their ships back?  So what, are these ships more of a "lease agreement" rather than outright ownership? Will these "future guys" take back their timeships? 
They have stretched believability/canon too far and have tried to cover it up with some half assed lame duck story.  Time fuckery works at small scales but to have entire fleets doing it?

Thanks captain (cookie for you). While I have a certain dislike for the older ship designs (Centaur, Miranda, K'Tinga etc), they all have one thing in common: They are older designs. They are designs that "previously existed" in the timeline of which STO is a part of. Now Cryptic decides to pull a rabbit out of their warpcore, and bring in ships that aren't even gonna be invented until 400 years later. As you said, someone in the 29th Century should have an issue with Starfleet using 29th Century ships in the 25th Century. Hell, i'd wager someone in the 25th Century should have an issue with it. It's called the Temporal Prime Directive for a reason.
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Offline FarShot

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3592 on: September 26, 2012, 09:01:21 PM »
Ditto and ditto, DT and CO.

Offline Tuskin38

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3593 on: September 26, 2012, 09:24:35 PM »
According to Jeremy (Borticus) on the forums, the description says "approximately 13 seconds" but the power (and it's tool tip says this in game) is actually 7 seconds, the 13 in the description was a reference to Galaxy Quest.

"Approximately 13 seconds" is a reference to the Omega-13 from Galaxy Quest. We started out with a 13-second duration, but it felt far too long and it eventually landed at 7 seconds.

This post below details how the drive works in game. It has a 5 min cool down.

Offline captain_obvious

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3594 on: September 27, 2012, 11:10:37 AM »
Reading that, I don't even see the point of that console tbh.  A kind of "OHFECKIMGONNADAIGTFONAO" button like RSP can be? Even when combined with the other console it doesn't seem to have a viable purpose.  It doesn't control the fight, it literally shuts the fight down for 7 seconds or so as far as I can tell.  It does no damage either.  It is essentially a glorified self heal that has annoying side effects and that's without even considering the other console! 

I think this is going to be as hated as the old maco shield glitch or the jem hadar/brace for impact doff glitch.  Just imagine this being spammed in kerrat!
But for pve it would be rather handy.. especially nws.
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Offline Tuskin38

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3595 on: September 27, 2012, 02:14:00 PM »

took some pictures of the Wells bridge and of a dev, JamJamz, flying around in the Mobius with both consoles and the Aeon timeship skin applied.

Hes an Artist with the game, I believe he does ships and textures, he made the 'TACRS' textures on the bridge.

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3596 on: September 27, 2012, 04:30:13 PM »
Wow...looks like a Batman spaceship even more than the original Wells class.

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Offline Tuskin38

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3597 on: September 27, 2012, 04:44:34 PM »
Wow...looks like a Batman spaceship even more than the original Wells class.

The Dev even named his ship the USS Mobile of Bat. So apparently he thought so as well.

Offline Shadowknight1

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3598 on: September 27, 2012, 08:11:20 PM »
I didn't even see that. :funny

To Boldly Go...Again.

Offline captain_obvious

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Re: Star Trek Online thread
« Reply #3599 on: September 28, 2012, 07:49:12 AM »
I have to say it looks like they put a lot of work into this, the ship textures look nice but.... I still think "No, no and again, no". 
Those displays on the bridge look like a trekified apple UI too.   

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