Author Topic: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments  (Read 2896 times)

Offline lint

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2007, 01:36:23 PM »
im not saying that releasing a sub standard game is acceptable, but lets face it.
If someone released a perfect trek game us modders would complain that there is nothing for us to do!  :lol:

Offline blaXXer

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2007, 01:42:30 PM »
nobodys talking about 'perfect' you know how hard us trek nerds are to please. :lol:
but seriously, how about a game that does not play like crap? you know, a coherent storyline and all that jazz, or, for example good controls, or realistic space movement, you name it...Legacy had nothing of that sort.

And, given Mad doc's track record sofar, neither had the other games or the planned one, heck they even look sub-standard (yes, I know, handheld-games, but still).

YOU suck, get a life, moran.

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Offline Nighthawk

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2007, 01:48:12 PM »

nobodys talking about 'perfect' you know how hard us trek nerds are to please. :lol:
im not saying that releasing a sub standard game is acceptable, but lets face it.
If someone released a perfect trek game us modders would complain that there is nothing for us to do!  :lol:
they won't. no one can cover the whole demands of the gamers. what you like might not be the same than what I like and viceversa. blaxxer said my point even before I posted lol

my point is that they're scrapping that universe for a few bucks. and what they're going to get is just brush the fans off. they're not even asking what would be better to make a game.
why our mods are welcomed? because we post them here, take suggestions and change them as the community sees it better.
it's ironic, but the idea you initialy had might not be the same idea you release, but you end getting yourself used to it. if you try to make everyone get used to your idea, without changing it at all, no matter what concept it has, no one will like it, because they won't understand it.

meh, that was kinda philosophical.........

Offline lint

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2007, 02:01:49 PM »
those things you mentioned are probably why Klingon Academy still remains as one of my most fav games of ALL time,
Its story line was awesome, fitting right in with Undiscovered Country,
Based on a race other than the federation with the majority of the simulated missions centered on blowing the hell out of federation ships in the event of General Chang Gaining control of the empire and going to war with them.
AWESOME cut scenes with excellent acting and commentaries, non of this camera rotating around the ship with a voice over BS.
The Physics of the game and realism of the control panels, (science, tactical, damage control, engineering, helm, communications) and the general UI.
the awesome places you could engage the enemy, Atmosphere's, Black Holes, Nebula's, The Solar Corona of a sun, asteroid fields and in the rings of a planet.
Keyboard layout, there were so many options and controls in KA almost every key had its own function.
Man, i could go on for so long about how totally awesome that game was, but if you played it you know what i mean by when i say it being on of my favs of all time,
It is pretty much the only game i played that i wish i never did when i finished it because i enjoyed it so much.
They knew how to make games back then, i tell you what..

Offline Nighthawk

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #24 on: November 12, 2007, 02:15:40 PM »
amen brother  :D

Offline Tuskin38

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #25 on: November 12, 2007, 04:34:05 PM »
those things you mentioned are probably why Klingon Academy still remains as one of my most fav games of ALL time,
Its story line was awesome, fitting right in with Undiscovered Country,
Based on a race other than the federation with the majority of the simulated missions centered on blowing the hell out of federation ships in the event of General Chang Gaining control of the empire and going to war with them.
AWESOME cut scenes with excellent acting and commentaries, non of this camera rotating around the ship with a voice over BS.
The Physics of the game and realism of the control panels, (science, tactical, damage control, engineering, helm, communications) and the general UI.
the awesome places you could engage the enemy, Atmosphere's, Black Holes, Nebula's, The Solar Corona of a sun, asteroid fields and in the rings of a planet.
Keyboard layout, there were so many options and controls in KA almost every key had its own function.
Man, i could go on for so long about how totally awesome that game was, but if you played it you know what i mean by when i say it being on of my favs of all time,
It is pretty much the only game i played that i wish i never did when i finished it because i enjoyed it so much.
They knew how to make games back then, i tell you what..

 :shock: I want KA NOW.

Offline lint

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2007, 06:18:30 PM »
oh man,
its about 50 times better than stock BC, i would even say it rivals BC with just KM installed.
KA was so ahead of its time in trek gaming, even though the graphics cant really compare to BC it does'nt matter because it makes up for it in every other aspect,
But i really dont like your chances of finding it in store considering it must be about 8-10 years old by now and the company that developed it (interplay) no longer exist.
Taking those facts into account i hope the moderators dont mind if i suggest you do a search for it on and download it (if the mods dont think me mentioning this is appropriate feel free to remove the previous suggestion).
But considering any other way of finding it would be futile i hope you dont mind me mentioning it  :)

Offline Nighthawk

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #27 on: November 13, 2007, 01:26:39 AM »
maybe if you google the sites of abandonware. although they are sometimes very poor in content, there has to be one that has it. it's like having a video collection without casablanca lol
those old games (or programs) are very hard to get mainly because they were in 3 1/2" or 5 1/4" disks. very few could see the CD era

Offline lint

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #28 on: November 13, 2007, 02:00:33 AM »
im pretty sure its still on mininova or cause i got it from there like a year ago after losing the original game discs.
I remember when i bought Starfleet Academy, That game came on 4 or 5 disc's including chekov's lost missions,
Haha, and you know what, i still actually have it all in the little pocket case it came in,
Considering my track record with scratching cd's and accidently stepping on them its nothing short of a miracle  :lol:

Offline Nighthawk

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #29 on: November 13, 2007, 02:36:42 PM »
there's one "Star Trek Starfleet Academy Bridge Simulator" that I couldn't get to use. I got it for a Sega emulator, but it didn't work.
looked preety nice for its time, tho.

Offline lint

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #30 on: November 14, 2007, 12:31:39 AM »
wow, never heard of that one,

Offline Bren

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2007, 08:46:09 PM »
The games discussed here, in order of Awesomeness:

Star Trek: TNG: A Final Unity - IMHO, the best game ever made. It may not have been discussed yet, but it's to awesometacular not to mention. Even more notable for having NO MODS!

Star Trek: Klingon Academy - Amazing game! Even the bugs in the demo ruled! (coasting at warp speed into a neighboring star system!! :D )

Star Trek: Bridge Commander - We all grew here on the back of the KA modding community.

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy - Effectively an Alpha version of KA, but still excellent.
"The sky calls to us, if we do not destroy ourselves, we will, one day, venture to the stars." - Carl Sagan

Klingon Academy now works on XP/Vista/Win 7 thanks to one dude's patches, click here for details. I highly recommend it!