Author Topic: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments  (Read 2895 times)


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Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« on: November 10, 2007, 01:30:06 AM »
Most folks in the BC community have been keeping tabs on the new trek game "Star Trek Conquest" for WII and PS2 like any good trek fan.

Bethesda software hyped up a lot of trek fans about Legacy only to pump out a game that had average game play for the Xbox 360, and mediocre game play for the PC version. Fans with PC's were left greatly disappointed while Bethesda rolled in the dough pinched from eager fans earlier this year.

This might be their chance to redeem themselves with Star Trek Conquest. One of the videos over at IGN; link available here promising, but I am largely skeptical of gameplay after the disaster with Legacy.

There's another interesting photo on IGN's website here:

This looks distinctly familiar to Star Wars: Empires at War's galaxy chart.

Will Bethesda come through for us on Conquest, or will this be reminiscent of strategy/galactic conquest games already on the market?

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2007, 02:11:00 AM »
I think if we ever saw BOTF and Armada have a love child this game would be it..
I dont think will be any different,
When it comes to trek bethesda dont seem to know what they are doing.
How many times was the release date for legacy pushed back?, 3 or 4 times if i remember correctly, and we still got a half arsed attempt at a game.
It feels more like 3d Star Trek Pinball.
They seem to forget that it takes more than Impressive graphic quality to ensure a good game.
I myself still play botf and for any of you who remember it the graphics were pretty sub-standed, But it made up for it with gameplay and the fact that something different happened everytime you played,
Some of the mods they have for BOTF are pretty awesome aswell, adding shit loads of new ships and graphics and the fact that a mod replaced the Ferengi with the Dominion.

But when it comes down to bethesda and the ability to release enjoyable trek games i am reminded by one saying..
"fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2007, 04:47:33 AM »

Can't wait for 2014 to start.


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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2007, 05:14:53 AM »


that would be the only possibilty to get hq st games again

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2007, 07:42:37 AM »
Mad Doc Software (creators of ST: Legacy) recently released a 300MB+ patch for Empire Earth III (their latest game), and the game itself hasn't even been released yet. That if anything should say how much faith I have in Mad Doc as developers these days... And i'm not getting my hopes up for ST: Conquest either, because it's being released by the same publishers that released the POS game ST: Legacy.
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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2007, 10:39:08 AM »
well, after the failure of ST:Nemesis and the failure of Enteprise and the crappy quality of the most recent Trek games, im afraid its just another nail in the slowly dying coffin which is the Star Trek franchise..

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2007, 11:24:11 AM »
well, after the failure of ST:Nemesis and the failure of Enteprise and the crappy quality of the most recent Trek games, im afraid its just another nail in the slowly dying coffin which is the Star Trek franchise..

I'd have to disagree regarding Nemesis and Enterprise. Sure, neither of them were able to hold up to the high standards of past Trek movies/series, but Enterprise did actually turn out pretty well through seasons 3-4. And Nemesis despite its mistakes, wasn't THAT bad. The only thing they truely did wrong in that movie, is having a newbie non-Trek guy as a director. They should've kept Jonathan Frakes as director. First Contact and Insurrection are great I think.
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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2007, 11:29:37 AM »
oh!, dont get me wrong,
i enjoyed Nemesis and a few episodes of enterprise,
But i meant its a failure to where it matters, The men in the big chairs, the box office and the general well being for the future of trek  :?


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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2007, 12:25:16 PM »
[quote author=darkthunder link=topic=2170.msg38571#msg38571 date=1194711851
I'd have to disagree regarding Nemesis and Enterprise. Sure, neither of them were able to hold up to the high standards of past Trek movies/series, but Enterprise did actually turn out pretty well through seasons 3-4. And Nemesis despite its mistakes, wasn't THAT bad. The only thing they truely did wrong in that movie, is having a newbie non-Trek guy as a director. They should've kept Jonathan Frakes as director. First Contact and Insurrection are great I think.

 Have a BIG COOKIE Darkthunder.

 From that short trailer, if u can call it that, I think of ST: Armada totaly, and that is I am willing to bet a million times better than this will be, as everyone has said, Bethesda just don't seem to make a great attempt or even know what makes a great star trek game, or even just the basis of a good star trek game that the modders can make into a GREAT game (3 guesses for what game im thinking of here).
 They need to ring up Activision and ask em their secrets to ST gaming because THEY made good ones.
 I won't be getting my hopes up after experienceing, ST Legacy and ST Encounters from them, this will be a game that will be quickly bought by fans, and then even quicker sold on Ebay for ?5 I think. Hopefully they will prove me wrong and make a real gem of a game though.


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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2007, 02:34:34 PM »
startrek armada, I and II, both good games. STBC, gotta say with all the stuff everyone's made, any official gaming company is going to be hard pressed to meet a chalange of that size. i got legacy. really, i mean yea, it's the first game i've seen that has all the eras of without any mods, but compared to stbc, the controls are crap, multiplayer's crap cuz it takes an even higher internet connection than Halo 3, sure they over stuffed it with achievement points, but not everyone cares about that stuff. i pretty much just threw it away. if someone were to make another RTS, i dunno. only step from armada i suppose would be to make it have all the eras of ships in it, i mean there's really not much more to the startrek universe after a fully modded out STBC from what i can tell, except a full and complete storyline, or even an ongoing one. and perhaps a bit of armada building capibilities. i mean if you guys actually  managed to convert the game into a startrek equivilant of Battlezone, like a merged armada/STBC, i think that would be like the ultimate achievement. make it so one can control fleets, build fleets, build bases, collect and manage resources, exc. without sacrificing 1st person ship controls, and game expansion. gaming companies are going to wish they'd though of it ^^;

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2007, 06:02:27 PM »
Im taking odds on how long it will take The Legacy modding community to give up on that game.
The rest of this year and next year are going to be milestones and defining moments in the entire history of Star Trek gaming and Modding with the development and upcoming releases of The Galaxy Charts, Excalibur and Immersion Mods/Total Conversions, and after they are released i cant even imagine how many other mods will be developed and released because of these break throughs, Countless new systems and exploration possibilites, Fire Fights in your fav BC Ships and what im looking forward to the most, people possibly moddeling dozens of new interiors to explore on dominion, klingon, fed, cardy ships, and even the possibility to beam down to planets to explore structures,
I mean the possibilities are endless.

So when you think about, why would you wanna play anything else?
Professional Developers and Gaming companies are actually employed and getting payed to release crap like Legacy, Encounters, Tactical Assualt and now Conquest,

The stuff that has been released And is currently being developed For Bridge Commander have been done/are being done by Fans and Normal Guys in there spare time and who are often involved in heavy school study or working full time jobs and often have a family life and kids to dedicate time too and have alot less resources companies like Maddoc And Bethesda have at there disposal, but somehow manage to out do these "Trained Professionals" at every turn.

When you think about that it really highlights how much have of a half arsed attempt these companies put into the recent trek games, and it really pisses me off that they get payed damn good money for it,
And they are about todo it again with conquest, release it and charge anywhere from $90-$110, i just wish people would see them for who they are, Money hungry wankers who dont give a shit about the consumer or the negative light they have basked themselves in,
They might be making a quick buck for the sub-standard trek games they have released but that will come back to bite them in the arse because people stop buying there games or just resort to downloading them because they dont want to risk there hard earned money on a product that will most likely be a massive let down.
In the end the trek gamers and consumers (us) will just get over it and stop buying there products and go back to BC (like most of us have already done) And Companies like Maddoc And Bethesda will go Bankrupt because no one trusts them to release decent software and will no longer be interested in there new releases.

So go ahead Big Shots, release your shitty products, your digging your own graves and soon enough they will be too deep to climb out of, And if your lucky someone with throw you a life line in the name of a Buy Out or Takeover,
And ill sit here and ill laugh and ill laugh whilst i drink my beer which wont leave marks on my desk courtesy to my Official ST:Legacy Play Disc Coaster  :D


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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2007, 06:32:47 PM »
 As Mark said recently I believe, "I will give you a cookie if you calm down" :D

 Your absolutely right however in every area, the modders for BC and yes Legacy I say too with its mods, done by normal people in their own time are a billion times more creative, original in design and application and most importantly they care about their work and what it will look like, play like and "feel like" when in game compared to those gaming companies and their staff.
 I would happily as a consumer/gamer have a game made entirely by the modders we have around here than Bethesda, because the modders here and on Legacy (who are one and the same quite abit) know their stuff about ST and what they want in it and since we all share a common interest in ST we get Fantastic stuff as a result for a game that has been taken beyond its limits time and again. *Salutes Modders* *Kicks Bethesda*

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2007, 07:42:17 PM »
i say this with 100% certainty,
If the BC modders on BCC alone had complete control, got payed, had 100% access to the game studio, did'nt have to worry about school study and exams or a 9 to 5 job and the equiptment that the "good" people over at Bethesda and Maddoc have for 1 YEAR,
I can confidently say i would'nt play or have an urge to play any other game for atleast the next 5 years if not more,
Because i think that they would include everything any Trek gamer could want and more.
Im willing to bet they would make it 100% modder friendly, and id even bet they would release the source code aswell *Glares At Activision and Viacom,  :lol:

oh how i like to dream...

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2007, 12:28:45 PM »
oh the illegitimate bastard child of encounters and tactical assault. how captivating...heck, BOTF was superior in every aspect...

YOU suck, get a life, moran.

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2007, 12:56:16 PM »
 BOTF was fantastic in every way, I didn't even care about the relatively low graphics! Still don't too.

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2007, 03:10:48 PM »
If you guys still have BOTF you shoud check out some of the total conversions, they have replaced all the models with good quality ones and added HEAPS of new ships, the Dominion wars mod comes with breen and dominion ships, and they are actually models from bc,
Unfortunatly they were never able to fix the "lag" problem when you reach about 120 turns. <-- BOTF mods, need to sign up btw to enter download section

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2007, 07:53:47 AM »
yeah, already got those mods ;)

YOU suck, get a life, moran.

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2007, 09:18:34 AM »
I really loved BOTF and wanted a sequel but with better space battles, something like Star Wars Empire at war.

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2007, 09:39:44 AM »
yeah, that would have been awesome,
Microprose got bought out shortly after BOTF's release by Hasbro interactive... if i remember correctly?

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Re: Star Trek: Conquest for WII, PS2-Thoughts and Comments
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2007, 10:07:06 AM »
ST should be taken as an adventure concept and as base for games with gameplay and story rahter than just effects and enmarked main menues.
the moment we start aiming for a blockbuster game instead of a fan-pleasing game, we will lose it.
it shouldn't be up to the modding community to make a good game. that's what the tecnicians are paid for. but as the saying says, if you want it well done, do it yourself.