Author Topic: Tired of the disrespect  (Read 4306 times)

Offline DJ Curtis

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Tired of the disrespect
« on: October 23, 2007, 05:34:04 PM »
I need to vent a bit.

I've pretty much fuc*ing had it with the people on the interwebz.  It seems that there are a lot of people who play ST:Legacy who are converting and distributing my work for a game that I've made very clear, and very public, that I don't want them to be.  When I restate my position, they call me selfish.

Fu*k 'em.

From now on, I'm not gonna publicly release any more ships.  If people want my work, they'll have to contact me privately and request it.  I'm tired of people who simply can not seem to respect a single, simple request from a modder who has put hundreds of hours into producing high quality products.  No doubt a lot of you guys feel my pain.

Fu*k 'em.  Whose with me? :arms:


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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2007, 05:46:17 PM »
*sets up torrent of Curtis's shipz*


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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2007, 05:56:26 PM »
*sets up torrent of Curtis's shipz*

NOT clever mate  :roll:

Curtis I am with you, these people are just ignorant and totally beyond contempt. 

Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2007, 06:09:46 PM »
you cant really blame the legacyfiles staff member who put them on the site...  it is likely they didnt know...
however, whoever ported them without permission - that person/people should be banned from the FF netwrok sites, IMO...

it should be brought to the FF admins...

Offline Nighthawk

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2007, 06:39:05 PM »
*sets up torrent of Curtis's shipz*
not funny

it should be brought to the FF admins...
heh, lucky you, knowing some folks in the high ranks.....

DJ, if you have a readme file where it says you don't allow them to port it to legacy, then go pursue them with all right. you warned, they didn't hear, well... they're fuc*ed up.
I agree with Jimmy, maybe the admin of LegacyFiles didn't know, but who converted it did, so unless the file is listed under "unknown/annonymous", GO SMACK HIM DOWN!!!!  :D
if you want, ask Dante on how to deal with copyright violations. he knows long the way of it lol

EDIT: maybe, instead of "README", we should name the file "DON'T README. NO, SERIOUSLY, DON'T" maybe so they might be tempted to lurk in.

Offline Voyager16

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2007, 07:11:41 PM »
already noticed this morning, when I saw the Ent-F on PoTD.

Curtis I'm with you!

Offline Dawg81

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2007, 07:58:09 PM »
i agree with u DJ. Ill look into this with my Legacy connections

LS Marie

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2007, 08:53:32 PM »
You know... takes a good lot to get my hubby so agitated.  I really don't understand why someone would take it upon themselves to be such a huge jerk about the whole thing. 

If they like his ship so very much, maybe they should get off their butt and learn to mod just as well.  I don't understand why they feel it is owed to them to have the ship in legacy or why he should submit to their wants for that matter when he does it for his own enjoyment.  I checked the POTD thread that caused this rumbling, and I can't believe how arrogant some of the people are. 

"Oh my goodness!  DJ Curtis doesn't like Legacy and he doesn't want us to use HIS mod in it!  How horrible!" Good grief.  My only consolation is that those nerds are probably never going to get any and won't spread their stupid seed any further.

Offline cordanilus

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2007, 09:02:46 PM »
Oh wow.  I just looked and sure enough.
Yes, I can understand.  It's simply going against the creator of the mod's (of any kind) wishes.

Lol, you funny Marie.  :funny

Let me know what I can do to help.  I stand by your decision. :D

Offline Darkthunder

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2007, 09:07:21 PM »
Here here. It's been said countless times that DJ Curtis doesn't want his ships ported to Legacy, and if they do it should remain for private use. Yes that means PRIVATE, as in "Your eyes only". I think the guy that made the screenshot did wrong by submitting the pic (likely knowing the content was under dispute), and I also think the LegacyFiles admin was in the wrong for approving the pic, without first checking that it's ok to post said pic (due to disputed content in the pic).

It's really not that hard at all for people to read. I'm sure most of you learnt that while in elementary school. However it's unfortunate that so many people choose NOT to read.
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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2007, 09:34:19 PM »
Well, maybe I'm mistaken- but after a rather exhaustive search I found nothing of DJ's on Legacy Files.


Offline DJ Curtis

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2007, 10:47:30 PM »
No, I don't think it has been.  (Sorry Jimmy, I wasn't able to post this earlier, I didn't mean to give that impression)

What was really making me angry was that immediately after I wrote that I didn't want the ship distributed, some idiot was asking the author of the POTD to email him the ship.  How ridiculous is that?

I had to deal with this issue a while back with another of my ships on the official Legacy forums, and I took a lot of flak for my position.

I just don't think that I should have to, or that any other modder should.  The issue isn't my boycott of Legacy, that's a personal thing.  The real issue is the that people some people are unwilling to show respect for the wishes of the mod creator.  Not all, but some.

Offline lint

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2007, 11:35:40 PM »
it kinda sucks, because no matter what you do there will always be a small minority of Legacy players who will do crap like this, They port it for personal use, then they send it to there friends and they send it to there friends and so on,
Im 100% on DJ's side,
But, when you have a game that has about as much playability and entertainment value as Solitaire you can understand why they would want DJ's awesome ships in it, (but thats still no excuse)
I think the best way to prevent this kind of thing is to discuss this with the admins at legacy files and/or filefront, so nothing happens like this again,
Well not through the official channels anyway..


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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2007, 12:35:29 AM »
No, I don't think it has been.  (Sorry Jimmy, I wasn't able to post this earlier, I didn't mean to give that impression)

What was really making me angry was that immediately after I wrote that I didn't want the ship distributed, some idiot was asking the author of the POTD to email him the ship.  How ridiculous is that?

I had to deal with this issue a while back with another of my ships on the official Legacy forums, and I took a lot of flak for my position.

I just don't think that I should have to, or that any other modder should.  The issue isn't my boycott of Legacy, that's a personal thing.  The real issue is the that people some people are unwilling to show respect for the wishes of the mod creator.  Not all, but some.

Whatever your choice Curtis this entire community bare the obligatory morons, is behind you 100% you've brought some of the finest models to STBC and set new landmarks for quality, and I hope you keep on bringing such models to STBC and set the boundaries higher :D

Offline blaXXer

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2007, 03:32:02 AM »
ST:Legacy, that 'tarded lil step-cousin of BC.

YOU suck, get a life, moran.

COME TO MY PLACE clicketh me!

Offline Darkthunder

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2007, 03:57:33 AM »
I think it's kinda funny that "IKS Yo Mama", the admin at LegacyFiles gave DJ Curtis a warning due to one of his comments. All DJ said was that he was boycotting the game, and wished others would too.

Quote from: IKS Yo Mama
If you would like to discuss this further in an appropriate manner then please do so without trying to initiate a boycott on Legacy by the community. Comments like that are not helpful and are certainly not appreciated.

Personally, I think IKS needs to learn a thing or two about the communities that came before the "so called" Legacy community, prior to defending all the Legacy fans and stomping on the guys who made MOST of the new content that is currently available for Legacy. I'm not speaking specifically of DJ Curtis now, but all modders from BC who have contributed in one way or another to Legacy, simply by allowing their models to be used in the game. It's like the Legacy people want to "bite the hand that feeds them" in this matter.
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Offline lint

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2007, 07:15:41 AM »
I totally agree with Darkthunder,

Out of all the big mods i have seen for Legacy (Ultimate Universe etc) and the single ship releases posted on legacy files, i reckon its safe to say that 90% of them are ported from armada 2 or BC, and even the armada 2 ports were originally from BC anyway.

I found this especially amusing when i have seen a lot of threads on certain Legacy related forums (which i wont mention) commenting on how BC is outdated, old and pretty much just all together a piece of rubbish and in a couple of threads people actually rubbishing this community and the people who use these exact boards and this site, i wont repeat what was said because i feel some of the language would not be suitable to post on here,
Although i found it amusing i also found it really disrespectful, if it was'nt for BC and its talented modders Legacy would'nt have the ships it has today, :wink:

The actions and comments of certain members in the Legacy community is something i have never witnessed before in any other of the Star Trek FileFront gaming communities (Armada, Elite Force, SFC, BC,) Everyone seemed to get along and respected each others Opinions and Mods, But ever since Legacy made its debut it feels like all of that has gone out the window.
I know, there are some real nice and decent people in the Legacy community, but After Reading the last couple nights certain Threads on Legacy forums Bad mouthing BC, Its community and its modders and NOW the issue with DJ's Century class i cant help to think where all this is coming from, Alot of modders have been asked if there ships can be ported to other games before and alot of them did'nt want them ported, and everyone respected that and did'nt bitch and complain, and they never did what was done with the POTD of the Enterprise F, But certain members of the legacy community seem to be totally void of these aspects.

Its almost seems to me like there is a little competition between BC and Legacy, Personally im not a Legacy Fan but both games have there upsides and downsides like everything else in life, And i think people have over reacted about DJ's decision not to allow his ships to be ported to Legacy, You might not agree with him, You might not understand his decision, And you might even think he is being childish and immature BUT it does'nt matter what you think, it is his choice and he has every right to do whatever the hell he wants with his creations/mods/ships or anything else he releases because its his property,

So my advice to certain people in the Legacy community is, Pull your heads out of your arse and stop bagging BC and its community, If you cant have the ships you want in legacy get over it, otherwise the talented modders we have will stop releasing ships and you will run out of things to download off of BC files to use in your "game".

Sorry for this excessive rant but this has slowly been getting on my nerves and building up, No doubt i will probably cop some slack from this but IMHO certain things i have witnessed in the past week or so are not acceptable by any standard.

This is not directed at the Legacy community, Like i said, there are some really decent/friendly modders and players over there, This is directed at the people who insult, disrespect and flat out attack BCC, BC members, The Game and There Mods on a certain non-official legacy forum (you know who you are).
end of rant.

p.s I apologize if this post rubs anyone up the wrong way, it was not my intention..

Offline Darkthunder

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2007, 09:09:41 AM »
Very good post lint. Although a bit more splitting up with punctuations and line breaks wouldn't hurt next time :P
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Offline cpthooker

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2007, 10:21:05 AM »
DJ I am with you with the lack of respect some people have these days, I even checked to see if the mantis was converted but thankfully it wasn't.

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Offline JimmyB76

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2007, 10:49:28 AM »
(Sorry Jimmy, I wasn't able to post this earlier, I didn't mean to give that impression)
ooooh ok i see how you mean...  i misunderstood, thinking you meant people were uploading your work to legacyfiles...