Author Topic: Tired of the disrespect  (Read 4252 times)

Offline blaXXer

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #60 on: October 26, 2007, 08:51:17 AM »
hey brian, cool you decided to drop by here.

YOU suck, get a life, moran.

COME TO MY PLACE clicketh me!

Offline DJ Curtis

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #61 on: October 26, 2007, 10:43:59 AM »
Hello I am IKS Yo Mama.

I felt I needed to explain things a bit and in doing so I will give you my honest reply to Cordanilus' e-mail which I gave him/her this morning. here it is

I totally agree with what you have said however a picture of the day which a member uploads that contains a model that they use privately is really not against rules. DJ_Curtis was worried about the mod being released and if it were to be released it would not have been hosted without DJ_Curtis' permission. However, I do agree that posting a picture of a ?private? mod can be a prelude to release, which is how at times we know what to expect.

If Noci3 attempts to release this mod I will not allow it on the site and will suspend his mods on the site until he publicly apologizes for doing so and gives a guarantee that he will not do it again.

I don?t know where a ship comes from in a PotD, it is impossible to know at times.

"What I want to address is DJ Curtis has every right to be upset when his wishes are violated and the moderators of this site do nothing about it."
Yes he has every right to be upset. We have done "nothing" about it because there is nothing to do about it. It's only a screenshot, it doesn't go against the rules, it might be bad tack from the picture taker but it is not against rules, a fact pointed out by Danny, a FF Network Admin on a BC Central forum thread.

We have tried to deter this type of mod theft

If I was DJ_Curtis I would be pissed off too but I am trying to be the guy in the middle and you know how at times that means some will see you as the bad guy, especially in a fractured community that is Legacy. So if you see me as a bad guy then I apologies for giving out the wrong impression, I don?t wish to make enemies and I only wish to give something back to Star Trek for what it has given me.

I will post a news item with something to the effect what you have suggested as I think it is a genuinely good idea. However, personally I am disappointed by this discussion on your BC Central forums, especially some personal attacks against my character,2089.0.html

I am deeply disheartened and distressed by some of the comments, as I do have a lot of respect for the Bridge Commander Community; obviously it seems the sentiment is not reciprocated.

None of you actually know me personally and I have only the interests of protecting the integrity of all star trek communities at hand. I have stopped several ported-BC mods being hosted on Legacy before because I do refer to the original mod to see if the author gives permission to release them freely in their readme.

I do play Bridge Commander and I used to play it online a lot. I still download mods and use them in BC so I do have respect for the people who put time into keeping BC going.
Personally, I don?t like the fact that a lot of Legacy?s mods are BC ports but since the game was shunned by many modders it came to be the bastard child of Star Trek games that no one wants to acknowledge, which is why the rest of the star trek gaming communities are highly negative and abrasive towards it. The fact that Legacy was not widely accepted has only left new modders to mod it. New modders don?t know how to create new ships so they port them from BC, which is a shame because it doesn?t mean proper growth. Some have created new ships such as the Iris, Wombat, LongIsland, LaFayette, Delta, Luna and Devil Ray ships but not everyone has the knowledge to do so. 

Anytime we get a BC port we always make reference to the fact that it is a BC ship and we always make reference to the original author, because it is respectful ? example of  this is here;83052 and here;81925 and here;83051
So it is unfair to say that we don?t acknowledge the original authors and that Legacy is openly stealing mods from BC. Some are porting from BC but when they do the original is always referenced.

I will take you up on your offer and I will try to put out the bushfires from this. Hopefully this scenario will not happen again and I hope this does not affect your opinion of Legacy Files or the majority of its community in a bad way.

Kind Regards
Brian Hourigan (aka IKS)

That is my honest reply.

I appreciate you taking the time to write this down.  I'm glad to hear that will ensure that no restricted mods are posted.

I think you make a good point in mentioning that a potd or screenshot may seem like a prelude to a release, and this is also my concern.  While I am totally assured that this won't be the case on your site, I think it's important that everyone be aware that 'private use' means 'private use'.  In other words, people who convert mods for their own private use should not be displaying them publicly.  This is the disrespect that I'm talking about.  In the case of Noci3, no permission was given because he/she contacted me through the BCFiles email system, which I do not respond to.  The readme specifically states that I should be contacted through BCC PM.

Thanks again for posting.  No hard feelings.

LS Marie

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #62 on: October 26, 2007, 10:50:52 AM »
I should reiterate though that under the copyright law, images of the mod would be subject to the same permission as the mod itself - screenshots or not.  When it becomes PUBLIC in any way, shape or form, it no longer falls under fail dealing provisions.  Also, international treaty in regards to copyright law would trump the rules of any community website.   The POTD would have required permissions from DJ in order to be valid.

Offline cordanilus

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #63 on: October 26, 2007, 11:19:40 AM »
Hey, I just saw that in my PM, lol.

I was just going to report back here with this info but I see IKS Yo Mama beat me to it. :D

I sent a pm back to IKS Yo Mama.
I apologized for the assumption that They (Legacy Files) had to remove that potd, because it is apparently not in the rulebooks to do so.  I'll take reponsibility for my actions and things I have said.

I am trying to come to the same agreement (with Legacy Files) that Chris Jones and I have on

"If and ONLY IF DJ Curtis requests for those pictures to be taken down, then must abide by that request.  Until then, those pictures can stay." is part of my response to IKS Yo Mama.

This does not just apply to DJ Curtis but to all model makers, whether it is in a game or not.

From this PM, I can understand his position.  Not every moderator can screen everything, no one can.  I believe that IKS Yo Mama was trying to put out that "brushfire" in the potd page as any moderator would when it is getting out of hand.  Similar to that of the "Star Trek .vs Star Wars" debates.

I think that the deleting of posts were accurate.  The locking of the thread was done, not with insufficient reason but, with insufficient explaination of that reason.

In my reply, I have also stressed that the definition of "Personal" is pretty much the same as "Private".  That the potd is no longer considered as "Personal / Private".

I am trying to get it posted (or in the rulebooks) that if a modder wishes for something to remain personal / private, that Legacy Files must abide by that request.  I beleive that, yes...even if it is in a different medium, it remain personal / private.  I am sure that this issue will come up again (from seeing all the tension between communities) and that a post, or if it is in the rulebooks, will help bring awareness to the Legacy Files communities of this situation and educate the users there that modders of that community have the same rights and respect of the modders in this community.

For those who dislike Star Trek:Legacy, it is your right to hate it.  I, however, never played that game before and I am sure that the game does not reflect the community that does like it.  (I do nost speak for certain individuals who do not follow the rules and do tend to be arrrogant.)  Clashes are enevitible as they are in the Star Trek vs. Star Wars debates.

I am seeking to settle this dispute.

I was not sure if anyone else had pm'ed IKS Yo Mama about this situation.  I took it upon myself to do this as it can happen to me one day and I prefer to settle this now rather than wait until it has happened again.

I feel that IKS Yo Mama seems to be a reasonable person.  I am glad he has posted here.  I would prefer not to try and relay messeges which could be altered by my interpretation if information is not clear.

I hope I have done what is necessary and is right.
I'll stand up for truth and I will take all responsibility of my actions.

I'm not sure how to end this post and I ran out funny stuff to say, lol :D

Offline Dawg81

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #64 on: October 26, 2007, 11:45:24 AM »
IKS is reasonable hes just making sure the peace is kept on both sides. Hes a good admin

Offline El

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Re: Tired of the disrespect
« Reply #65 on: October 26, 2007, 12:26:53 PM »
I'm locking this for the time being as I feel the issues have been addressed by all concerned and I don't want to give this thread the opportunity to go downhill.

DJ if you want this re-opened for any reason, please give me or another mod a shout.
