Author Topic: Modding Phaser Arc's in MPE  (Read 941 times)

Offline Glenn

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Modding Phaser Arc's in MPE
« on: September 22, 2007, 04:47:26 PM »
Hi everyone...

I've been editing the hp that came with the C2X Galaxy Class, and I noticed that the phaser arcs are slightly out of alignment and need moving back a little. I've had a go at this in Model Proerty Editor and I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong!?.

I've assigned different values to the Right X,Y,Z fields in the orientation box yet nothing seems to happen!?. Can anyone offer any help or advice in moving these phaser arcs back into alignment... beacause I'm at a loss at the moment!?  :?

I've included a few pics of the ship in MPE, hopefully one of those crackerjack hp'ers will be able to help me out!!

Offline cordanilus

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Re: Modding Phaser Arc's in MPE
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2007, 08:00:13 PM »
In that second pic, go into the "SubSystem Properties" tab and adjust the xyz in there.

The one, in the pic is for orientation (telling the game which way the phaser is facing.)

Offline Glenn

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Re: Modding Phaser Arc's in MPE
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2007, 09:59:13 AM »
Thanks a lot Cordanilus, problem solved. Much appreciated!!  :D 8) :D