Author Topic: KM 1.0 QB Crash w/ .TGL Modification * Resolved *  (Read 919 times)

Offline Blackrook32

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KM 1.0 QB Crash w/ .TGL Modification * Resolved *
« on: July 29, 2007, 10:00:55 PM »
When I tried to alter the CharacterStatus.TGL (changing the Bridge Crew names). The .TGL file saved
normally with the altered names showing. So, when I start up My KM install everything is fine. Until
Quickbattle first loads up. When I select a crewman, the "original" name(s) will appear? And the game
crashes to desktop. I notice that the .TGL editor did not make an "out" file. Ex: CharacterStatus.TGL.OUT.

I dont know if there is a hidden CharacterStatus.TGL file, that the game is referring to or what? I'm at a loss.
I've been trying to figure this out for the past 6 hours. I've attached a copy of the console report.

Any Help would be appreciated


* Edit 08/01/2007: The problem was a misspelling in my Bridge Character scripts, along with altering the Character
Status.TGL. I used a custom mutator USS Sovereign made for my custom Bajoran Militia TC and replaced the modded
.TGL for the original. Once that was done, My modded KM 1.0 ran just fine. :P

Rock On!! -BR32

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Offline MLeo

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Re: KM 1.0 QB Crash w/ .TGL Modification
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2007, 07:14:45 AM »
Right, let's see, I seem to remember that there are 2 tgls involved with character names, Names.tgl and CharacterStatus.tgl, not sure anymore which is the most important one.

If the editor didn't an OUT file then it must have overwritten it.

The game crashes when it tries to load a corrupt (or faulty) tgl. Are you able to load the new tgl back in?
I still can't read peoples minds, nor can I read peoples computers, even worse, I can't combine the two to read what is going wrong with your BC install...

"It was filed under 'B' for blackmail." - Morse, Inspector Morse - The dead of Jericho.

Offline Blackrook32

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Re: KM 1.0 QB Crash w/ .TGL Modification
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2007, 04:22:39 PM »
Right, let's see, I seem to remember that there are 2 tgls involved with character names, Names.tgl and CharacterStatus.tgl, not sure anymore which is the most important one.

If the editor didn't an OUT file then it must have overwritten it.

The game crashes when it tries to load a corrupt (or faulty) tgl. Are you able to load the new tgl back in?

Yes, but it's not showing up in QuickBattle. I'll get the stock crew names, and the game will kick back to desktop. I checked the TGL folder for any mis-matched items. It might be a problem with the .TGL editor and Windows Vista. I'll uninstall the .TGL editor and rienstall it. If the problem continues. Then I'll try another .TGL Editor.


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Offline JimmyB76

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Re: KM 1.0 QB Crash w/ .TGL Modification
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2007, 04:29:00 PM »
which TGL editor are you using?  the one from BCFiles?  cuz, is there another one?  ive recently had issues attempting to edit the Quickbattle.TGL on a new install, where as i had no issues with it at all on a previous install...  weird, really...  doing everything exactly as i did it before, when it was successful, this time isnt for some reason...  ah well...
of course, it could be something else, but if there is another (better) TGL editor than the one at BCFiles, i would love to know where it would be :)

Offline Blackrook32

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Re: KM 1.0 QB Crash w/ .TGL Modification
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2007, 05:09:22 PM »
which TGL editor are you using?  the one from BCFiles?  cuz, is there another one?  ive recently had issues attempting to edit the Quickbattle.TGL on a new install, where as i had no issues with it at all on a previous install...  weird, really...  doing everything exactly as i did it before, when it was successful, this time isnt for some reason...  ah well...
of course, it could be something else, but if there is another (better) TGL editor than the one at BCFiles, i would love to know where it would be :)

I'm using the one from BCF. I think there is a compatability issue with Windows Vista. After rienstalling- Now, it will state that it is saving an CharacterStatus.tgl.out file. But it is no where to be seen in the target directory? I did some searches in Goggle for a .TGL Editor- and it led me right back to BCF? Someone will probally have to make another .TGL Editor for Windows Vista. So, that means no.

I believe there is a .TGL Editor in the Bridge Commander SDK.

I'll check it out. -BR32

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Offline Blackrook32

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Re: KM 1.0 QB Crash w/ .TGL Modification
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2007, 05:24:50 PM »
Meh- It's just a Tutorial on how to make a .TGL file using Microsoft Word.


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Offline Blackrook32

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Re: KM 1.0 QB Crash w/ .TGL Modification
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2007, 07:09:36 PM »
Ok, I think I've figured out what is going on. The .TGL Editor works. You have to set is up to alter all the .TGL's universally. You can do this by accessing the Load file option and changing it in the slot above the "Open" "Close" bottons to the bottom right corner window. Change the selection to "All Files". I think these are the base .TGL's are from the Original game. The Crew names are showing up. But, I still get kicked back to Desktop?

I'm thinking the Old .TGL files are the culprit. The originals date back to 2002 in KM 1.0.


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