Author Topic: KM 1.0 Issues  (Read 811 times)


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KM 1.0 Issues
« on: August 01, 2007, 04:26:15 PM »
I am having several issues with my KM 1.0 install.

The first problem is with the abort, exit, cancel menu in QB. When I click on abort mission, the game exits just like you hit the exit button.

The second problem is with abandon ship. Example: I abandon ship and create a new QB game with different ships. QB will not load the new ships and I am stuck on the bridge, or the screen will become frozen looking at Saffi.

Other problems include not being able to load certain systems like Wolf 359 or Psi's Blackhole.

I'd appreciate any help.



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SRC Folder
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2007, 04:29:53 PM »
I almost forgot.

Does the src folder go into the BC root directory, or do I copy the files to their respective folders?

Offline MLeo

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Re: KM 1.0 Issues
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2007, 05:36:08 PM »
Ok, most of these aren't KM specific.

The Abort Mission button crashing the game (that's actually what happens) is known to happen on some large installs (scripts-wise). I suspect it's because of unreleased resources, but since we don't know what is causing it, we can't resolve it.

Abandon Ship issue, have you tried alt+tabbing out of BC, and checked if there is a window with the BC logo/icon?
If there is, that's a console, take a screenshot of it and post it here. This isn't a KM problem, that debug console can pop-up on some errors it thinks are rather important. It also causes BC to "freeze" (pause is a way better word in this case).

Some systems aren't actually meant to be played, though I think these are.
Go through the readme and find the original authors and ask them.

The source folder doesn't go anywhere unless you want to know the source, the installation instructions don't mention them, and only scripters would have an use for them.
I still can't read peoples minds, nor can I read peoples computers, even worse, I can't combine the two to read what is going wrong with your BC install...

"It was filed under 'B' for blackmail." - Morse, Inspector Morse - The dead of Jericho.


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Re: KM 1.0 Issues
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2007, 03:44:50 PM »
my game has always had this problem. ever since i started modding it 3 years ago...