Author Topic: An episode or a movie?  (Read 3164 times)

Offline cordanilus

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An episode or a movie?
« on: April 12, 2007, 08:02:46 PM »
I am currently developing a video using ST:BC and am still trying to dertermine whether it will be a 43 minute episode or a movie ranging from 1 hour and 30 minutes to 2 full hours.

I am currently writing out the dialog and recording some scenes but there are a few things that I am going to need.

1 - Voice Actors
2 - Permission from mod creators (A list can be compiled)
3 - Technobabble, I have an outdated copy of the Star Trek Encyclopedia. (ST:VOY wasn't even made yet)

The plot outline is already done thus no ideas or suggestions are needed but it may come in handy for future videos I may create so send them anyway.

As of now, only 2 people have downloaded a preview for review purposes.  (both of them are kind of busy right now)

An outdated preview was submitted to BCfiles but I am assuming that it's not going to be posted since it was submitted more than a week ago.  (I could be wrong, I do make mistakes.)

I can be contacted via email at cordanilus at hotmail dot com
or you can post them here.

I am looking forward to anything that follows...'till then.

Offline Rob Archer

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2007, 10:54:38 PM »
permission from Modders: Which modders a list would be helpfull that way we can give a yes or no 

technobabble is found in abundance at "memory alpha" google search it its a really usefull site 

Also if we had some outline of the plot even a little it would be easier to judge.....

 some stories esspecailly localised ones such as those effecting a single ship/planet work out better as single episodes however stories with a higher stake, Earth/Federation/The galaxy are more suited for movies....
like i said we'd need more info on the plot..

Offline cordanilus

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2007, 12:37:06 AM »
I haven't completed the video since it is subject to change at any time, I am still compiling the list of mods I need permission for.

Here's a short list for now, more will be added as time progresses.

- NanoFX2 (Nanobyte)
- Sneaker (Various Scripts)
- Chillers Energy Discharge Shields (ChillerHippie)
- Extended Fleet Orders (NxDefiant)
- Enemy Fleet Orders (Chris Jones)
- GRE Planets Pack (Captain Elgy)
- GRE Background Textures (Captain Elgy)
- Earth v1.0 (BlackRook32)
- Danube Ship Pack (Sean Kennedy)
- Federation Starbase Replacement (Zorg/Morpheus)
- Nebula Bridge (3rd Era)
- Post-Nemesis Sovereign (DR_McCoy1701A)
- C2Lakota (C2Extreme) For kitbashing
- C2Galaxy (C2Extreme) For kitbashing
- Refit Constitution Pack (Zambie Zan) For kitbashing
- Aquiescent Class U.S.S. Ticonderosa (Cavan Millward)
- P$YCH0's Excelsior Pack (P$YCH0) For kitbashing
- KVort_BoP (Sandtrooper_)
- Borg Diamond (Unimatrix 1)
- Borg Omega Cube (Captain Bryan)
- Borg Galaxy Class (Captain Bryan)
- MLeo for
- Assimilated Sovereign (Captain Bryan)
- Assimilated Galaxy (Captain Bryan)

The storyline in so many words...

A crew transferred from the sovereign to a new class of ship, not much to look at but packs a whallop. (Storyline is different from Dante's)  An emergency arises but apparently a test, a mystery of a shaking ship with leads pointing to different places.  What will they find?

14 minutes of it are in near completion but currently uses all my voice (for review purposes).  It feels like a very short video since I kept it interesting.  I like to mislead and misdirect, there is always hints of the future if you know what to look for.  It feel very much like it was written for TNG or something but that's my viewpoint.  14 minutes is definately not enough.

I've yet to hear from Dante and my brother about the video but I can wait (busy people you know).

And thanks for the Memory Alpha suggestion, going to check it out tomorrow (will probably be glued to it like my tv, j/k.)

Offline MLeo

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2007, 05:09:30 AM »
Granted for the, it's actually usuable by everyone as long as they don't claim it's theirs.
I still can't read peoples minds, nor can I read peoples computers, even worse, I can't combine the two to read what is going wrong with your BC install...

"It was filed under 'B' for blackmail." - Morse, Inspector Morse - The dead of Jericho.

Offline DJ Curtis

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2007, 09:05:53 AM »
Bear in mind that much of CR's stuff (Captain Bryan) is based off of Scotchy and CG's work, so you might want to ask him if the permission he got carries forward, or if you need to contact those other guys.

One other comment... not to sound pessimistic, but I have a hard time believing that one can make a movie of ships flying around for two hours particularly stimulating.  You might be better off to take all your best ideas and make something shorter?  Then again, what do I know?

Offline Nighthawk

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2007, 09:22:19 AM »
*whistles like LaForge when surprised*
....a movie? I mean, A MOVIE?

hell, I'm trying to do a simple trailer of roughly 30 seconds and it's taking me a looooooong time lol!!!

anyways, a movie or an episode is something worth to follow closely...

Offline cordanilus

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2007, 11:18:16 AM »
I'll get Scotchy and CG's permission anyway. (You never know, thanks for the info)

Don't worry about sounding pessimistic.
I want to hear from all angles, pessimistic, realistic, fantastic, optimistic and even terrific.

The thing is, I'm leaning towards an episode but, I wanted to know if a movie was a possibility?

I was able to get another person to watch the 14 minute preview, other than few minor glitches such as a typo, stated that there definately has to be more made and an interesting story so far.

I am a poor texturer, not that great of a model maker, can understand some of the scripting but there's one thing I tend to excel at...Ingenuity.

Ex.  When My Ent-A flyby video, dedication video and dedication2 videos were posted, I used the same camera style Dante uses but with an interesting note...  ( I thought that I was the first to create the invisible camera ship )  I was still pretty new to the BC community and haven't downloaded any of the bigger videos yet.  I laughed when I found out that someone else had already made it.

I thought I was bringing something new to the community which is why I made the dedication video but it turned out to be way better than I expected anyway.  I was wondering for a bit who Dante was so I eventually did some research.

Keep your support and doubts coming, I like to hear them all.

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Offline 1701-E

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2007, 08:30:13 PM »
An ambitious project but I do like the sound of things and I'm quite looking forward to seeing the finished product, and if it's like the dedication videos I know I won't be disapointed.

Offline DJ Curtis

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2007, 04:25:57 PM »
Personally, I enjoyed the dedication videos you made, so I'd encourage you on this.

Offline Vortex

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2007, 04:48:47 PM »
Personally, I enjoyed the dedication videos you made, so I'd encourage you on this.
Ahhhhh Nice one DJ. I knew i recognized the name from somewhere! Those dedications seemed a little blurred to me though.

I would love to know more of this "invisible camera ship".
 AS for episode or movie, A movie may drag out in full length, so you could always cut it into 2 eps. ( Like they did with BSG Re-launch :D)

Offline cordanilus

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2007, 04:57:33 PM »
"Those dedications seemed a little blurred to me though."

Yup, they are but I can't get them as clear as Dante's videos since I don't have an uber computer to run Fraps on so I use the S-Video output on my Radeon.  The S-Video output doesn't look as clear, a flaw with s-video out on video cards, but I am trying out the 5.1 Surround encoders.

At the time being, I'm putting together a short preview and hopefully can complete it soon and post it at bcfiles.

Thanks for the support, keep 'em coming.

Offline Bones

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2007, 03:12:32 PM »
Great it's always good to see new videos based on BC  :D and as for the post-nem sovvy you have my permission

Offline Nighthawk

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2007, 03:23:43 PM »
"If you can imagine it, why then can it not be created?"

an ubercrappedgazillion times agreed !!!

Offline Mario

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2007, 09:04:04 PM »
BCS:TB permission granted lol I think nobody will mind

Good luck mate.
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Offline cordanilus

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2007, 12:18:02 AM »
Good Morning.

A preview has been posted here

The same video was sent to bcfiles and currently waiting for it to be posted.

I am still looking for voice actors so if anyone is interested.
My messenger is the same as my email
cordanilus at hotmail dot com

I am still on the learning curve and any suggestions is apreciated.

I hope you enjoy.

Offline Nighthawk

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2007, 09:04:50 AM »
what kind of format are you using?

I ask 'cuz I can't open WMV 8. the computer I'm in is blocked by admin password, and I can't install anything  :(

Offline cordanilus

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2007, 11:23:09 AM »
Sorry guy.

I used WMV 9 to encode it but Youtube uses it's own codec for their website.
You should be able to watch it if you can watch the other youtube videos.

If you still cannot watch it, then I do not know.

Offline Nighthawk

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2007, 11:37:40 AM »
actually, youtube and all those video pages are blocked here  :(
but that's known, so I think I'll be able to watch it at home

EDIT: huh, well, not bad....
some shots reminded me of DS9 footage, y'know, the runabout on fly-by and some others. but it's nice.
you should seriously talk to Dante Leonhart. either to ask for help or to lend a hand. both will be greatly benefied.

Offline cordanilus

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2007, 11:45:45 AM »
I've actually talked to Dante about my video, I even sent him a 14 minute video of what's complete so far.  He is currently very busy with a number of things, I also sent the same 14 minutes to my brother.  I seem to be sending it to busy people but I don't mind waiting.

I have created a second preview on Youtube[/youtube]"]Star Trek Eternity 2nd Preview

Offline Bones

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Re: An episode or a movie?
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2007, 04:00:16 PM »
is it yet another malfunction of my net/pc or that link to second movie don't work  :x btw. first preview was fine especially that roonabout flyby ... nice job you've done here  :)