Author Topic: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.  (Read 1826 times)

Offline Lukas2409

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Title says it all, finally got Supermod working perfectly. I've been restarting the game between mod installs etc.
Patched to 1.1 installed BPlugin Core Gold. Go to install the Nem and Late TNG bridge and get told the Plugin Core isn't installed.

I haven't installed BCMI or BCMP as I'm using BCUT.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is the final thing stopping me from playing the game.

Offline Mario

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2019, 12:22:36 PM »
BCMI\BCMP\BCUT have nothing to do with it. If I remember correctly the only reason why the bridge installers would give such a message was that bridge plugin core wasn't properly installed. Can you try reinstalling Brige Plugin Core and see if that helps?
Acta, non verba.
aka USS Sovereign

Offline Lukas2409

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2019, 08:44:17 PM »
BCMI\BCMP\BCUT have nothing to do with it. If I remember correctly the only reason why the bridge installers would give such a message was that bridge plugin core wasn't properly installed. Can you try reinstalling Brige Plugin Core and see if that helps?

I ended up fixing this, however for some reason it just goes straight to black screen of death when I launch the game now. I got around that by running it in compatiblity mode and administrator but now when I go to actually launch a new game it crashes after the loading screen. I definitely installed everything correctly.

Installed the game.
1.1 patch then launched the game, bcut then installed foundation, launched the game, exited, installed BC Supermod, launched the game, closed it, then BPCore etc.

Offline Mario

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2019, 12:18:52 PM »
Did you install the game in Program Files? If so, reinstall the game outside program files (easiest fix for ya).
Acta, non verba.
aka USS Sovereign

Offline Lukas2409

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2019, 11:22:08 PM »
Did you install the game in Program Files? If so, reinstall the game outside program files (easiest fix for ya).

Why would that help?

I'll try the reinstall, I ended up getting it working, it's weird, have to run in Admin mode, open quick battle before I load an actual mission in SP, however it crashes whenever I go to warp, unplayable.

Offline Mario

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2019, 02:45:22 AM »
Bridge Commander doesn't play nice with UAC. So installing it somewhere else might help.

Technically Bc duplicates files in virtualized folder and game folder. Installers also do the same. This mixes up the whole game.

Can you get me a console report also?
Acta, non verba.
aka USS Sovereign

Offline Lukas2409

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2019, 10:45:05 PM »
That’s strange, because it was in Program filed on my windows 7 install.

How do I get a console report?

And what’s UAC?

Offline Darkthunder

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2019, 11:35:50 PM »
User Account Control

A system added to... Windows 7 and beyond I think. The idea, to try to prevent certain types of software from adversely affecting your system.
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Offline Morgan

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2019, 12:12:37 AM »
User Account Control

A system added to... Windows 7 and beyond I think. The idea, to try to prevent certain types of software from adversely affecting your system.
Windows Vista actually.

So the "Bridge Plugin not installed" message originally mentioned occurs when the BPCore pyc files aren't present.  To generate those, the game needs to be run at least once after installation.  Once that's done, you can install more bridges.

There are console trackers available.  Just pop the attached file into your scripts/custom/autoload directory as a .py file and it'll generate a console dump in the scripts/custom folder each time the game is launched.  Copy/paste the info in that document for us and we'll be able to diagnose the problem.

Code: [Select]
## Console Tracker         by USS Frontier    v 1.7
# When this baby is active, it will continuosly write the stuff from the console
# to a determined file, with a determined delay between each write, thus nullifying the need to have a in-game
# console-dump button.
# and also, if the game freezes, this will still print the console to a file, so
# when restarting the PC you'll probably have a console dump to check what went wrong.
# new features of v1.7:
# - new intelligent blank line detection system added to reduce dump size (*ahem cough cough* GREATLY reduce dump size)
# new features of v1.6:
# - Diferent method of printing the console to a file, another boost in performance =)
# new features of v1.5 over previous version(v1.1):
# - The dump contains the date and time in which the console tracker begun to work (when BC started normally)
#   and when it was last printed.
# - Performance increase
# - Add the date/time in which the dump was updated with new content from the console.
# - BUG FIX: console not showing properly in-game sometimes when AutoPressEnter was enabled
# - Now it is all done in 1 class, yay the code is more organized =)

import App
import Foundation
import nt

# these are the variables that the user can change
DelayValue = 0.5                                        #DelayValue ->> The time between each console print > Must be a float number, in seconds
# ----------------------------------------------------- #
FileName = "scripts\Custom\ConsoleTrackDump"            #FileName ->> The file name in which the console will be dumped,
# ----------------------------------------------------- #             don't need to put the file extension (like ".txt",
# ----------------------------------------------------- #     dont need to put it) > Must be a string
# ----------------------------------------------------- #
AutoPressEnter = 1                                      #AutoPressEnter ->> If the script should "auto press enter" on the
# ----------------------------------------------------- #     console for you, automatically getting new error
# ----------------------------------------------------- #     report and lines from the console without the need   > must be 1 (on) or 0(off)
# ----------------------------------------------------- #     of user input.

### the RefreshEventHandler class
# taked out from my GravityFXlib script, this class is here so that this little usefull mod could work without
# the GravityFX mod, but without GravityFXlib, she won't have a nice unique ID
IndexID = 1
class RefreshEventHandler:
def __init__(self, sFunc, nDelay = 0.1, sMode = 'NORMAL'):
global IndexID
self.ModeDict = {'UNSTOPPABLE': App.TimeSliceProcess.UNSTOPPABLE, 'CRITICAL': App.TimeSliceProcess.CRITICAL, 'NORMAL': App.TimeSliceProcess.NORMAL, 'LOW': App.TimeSliceProcess.LOW}
GravFXlib = __import__('Custom.GravityFX.GravityFXlib')
ID = GravFXlib.GetUniqueID("RefreshEventHandler")
ID = "RefreshEventHandler_"+str(IndexID)
IndexID = IndexID + 1
self.ID = ID
self.CLASS = 'Refresh Event Handler'
self.Function = sFunc
          self.Delay = nDelay
self._Refresher = None

def Refresh(self, pObject = None, pEvent = None):
self.Function(pObject, pEvent)

def EditHandler(self, sType, nValue):
if sType == "Delay":
self.Delay = nValue
elif sType == "Priority":
if nValue == 'UNSTOPPABLE' or nValue == 'CRITICAL' or nValue == 'NORMAL' or nValue == 'LOW':
elif sType == "Function":
self.Function = nValue

def StartRefreshHandler(self, sMode):
if not self._Refresher:
self._Refresher = App.PythonMethodProcess()

def StopRefreshHandler(self):
if self._Refresher:
self._Refresher = None

def __repr__(self):
return "<"+self.ID+">"

###the MutatorHandler class
# My custom mutator class, it's the same as the normal MutatorDef from,
# but this will turn on or off the ConsoleTracker if the mutator is enabled or disabled.
class MutatorHandler(Foundation.MutatorDef):
def __init__(self, name = None):
Foundation.MutatorDef.__init__(self, name)
self.x = 0
self.ToggledConsole = 0
def Enable(self):
ConsoleTracker.IsOnline = 1
if self.x == 0:
print "Tracking Console"
self.x = 1
pTop = App.TopWindow_GetTopWindow()
if pTop and not self.ToggledConsole:
self.ToggledConsole = 1
self.bEnabled = 1
for i in self.overrides:
def Disable(self):
ConsoleTracker.IsOnline = 0
if self.x == 1:
print "Not tracking the Console..."
self.x = 0
self.bEnabled = 0
revList = self.overrides[:]
for i in revList:
###the ConsoleTracker class
# In this new version of ConsoleTracker mod, i've changed it all to work by an class instead of a bunch of functions
# writed in the module. So here is the new class.
# It isn't meant to be used by other users/scripts, it works all by herself, so if you want to change any User-Defined Value
# and update the tracker, do it like it is in this example:
# ConsTracker = __import__('Custom.Autoload.ConsoleTracker')
# ConsTracker.DelayValue = 5.0   #----- or any other user defined value you want to change
# ConsTracker.ConsoleTracker.UpdateUserDefinedValues()
QUIThandlerCreated = 0

class ConsoleTracker:
def __init__(self, delay, filename, autoenter):
self._mode = None
self.IsOnline = 0
self.WasFileCreated = 0
self.Console = None
self.Delay = delay
self.File = filename
self.Auto = autoenter
self.InitialTime = None
self.ConsNum = 0
self.TimeList = []
self.Refresher = RefreshEventHandler(self.Update, self.Delay)
def Update(self, pObject = None, pEvent = None):
if not self.Console:
pTop = App.TopWindow_GetTopWindow()
if pTop:
pCon = pTop.FindMainWindow(App.MWT_CONSOLE)
if pCon:
self.Console = App.TGConsole_Cast(pCon.GetFirstChild())
if self.Console and self.IsOnline:
nNewNum = self.Console.GetNumChildren()
if self.Auto == 1:
if nNewNum > self.ConsNum:
pString = App.TGString()
PutHeader = 0
retlist = []
sTime = "#----------------------------------------------------------------------->>> "+self.GetTime()
if sTime not in self.TimeList:
for i in range(self.ConsNum, nNewNum, 1):
pPara = App.TGParagraph_Cast(self.Console.GetNthChild(i))
sString = pString.GetCString()
if sString != "" and PutHeader == 0:
PutHeader = 1
elif sString == "" and PutHeader == 1:
PutHeader = 0
if sString != "":
if retlist:
self.ConsNum = nNewNum
self.Refresher.EditHandler("Delay", self.Delay)
def CreateQUITHandler(self):
global QUIThandlerCreated
if QUIThandlerCreated == 0:
pTopWindow = App.TopWindow_GetTopWindow()
if pTopWindow:
pOptionsWindow = pTopWindow.FindMainWindow(App.MWT_OPTIONS)
if pOptionsWindow:
pOptionsWindow.AddPythonFuncHandlerForInstance(App.ET_QUIT, __name__+".CTQuitHandler")
QUIThandlerCreated = 1
def GetTime(self):
import time
return time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
def UpdateUserDefinedValues(self):
global DelayValue, FileName, AutoPressEnter
self.Delay = DelayValue
self.File = FileName
self.Auto = AutoPressEnter
def Dump(self, sequence):
if self.InitialTime == None:
self.InitialTime = self.GetTime()
if self.WasFileCreated == 0:
file =".txt", nt.O_WRONLY|nt.O_CREAT|nt.O_TRUNC)
nt.write(file, ">> This is a console tracker dump       by USS Frontier" + "\n##############\n")
nt.write(file, ">> This dump started on -> " + self.InitialTime + "\n##############\n")
self.WasFileCreated = 1
file =".txt", nt.O_WRONLY|nt.O_APPEND)
for i in sequence:
nt.write(file, str(i) + "\n")
def QuitDump(self):
if self.WasFileCreated == 0:
file =".txt", nt.O_WRONLY|nt.O_CREAT|nt.O_TRUNC)
nt.write(file, ">> This is a console tracker dump       by USS Frontier" + "\n##############\n")
nt.write(file, ">> This dump started on -> " + self.InitialTime + "\n##############\n")
self.WasFileCreated = 1
#elif self.WasFileCreated == 2:
# return
file =".txt", nt.O_WRONLY|nt.O_APPEND)
sTime = self.GetTime()
nt.write(file, "####################\n>> This dump ended on -> " + sTime + "\n")
nt.write(file, ">> Console Tracker Dump END\n")
self.WasFileCreated = 2
def CreateMutator(self):
self._mode = MutatorHandler("Console Tracker")

def CTQuitHandler(pObject, pEvent):

ConsoleTracker = ConsoleTracker(DelayValue, FileName, AutoPressEnter)

Offline Lukas2409

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2019, 02:03:27 AM »
Never mind BPCore, it's working as well as the bridges, like I said, game just crashes when it's generally required to transition to any other place, I.E Warp in/out or end/begin new episode/chapter/mission

I've copied and pasted details from my other thread to assist

Ok so I've been trying to get the game working on Windows 10 for a while now.

Details of my Install.
Legit CD Copy. 1.1 Patch. BC Supermod Bridge Plugin Core with Late TNG and High Res Nemesis Bridge, one high quality nemesis uniform mod and that's it. The game runs fine.

However any time I hit a loading screen it crashes, or any time I go to warp to transition between star systems it crashes making the game unplayable. I'm running the game in cheat/test mode so I can load individual episodes.

It's also got this weird thing going on where I need to boot up Quick Battle before loading up an actual mission/Episode, which is weird. i tried cracking the game to see if that would help and it didn't.

Anyone have any idea why it's doing this? I've installed everything properly and the mods work fine, I installed it the exact same way on Windows 7 and yeah it was unstable but it ran and just took persistence, this is constantly crashing and unplayable. I've also used BCUT now instead of BCMP and BCMI if that makes any difference which I didn't think it would?

Offline Lukas2409

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2019, 02:04:58 AM »
Also I took that console report while at warp as you can see, as soon as it dropped out, crash....

Offline Mario

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2019, 01:24:11 PM »
That’s strange, because it was in Program filed on my windows 7 install.

Strange things happen if you run the game once as non admin, once as admin. Don't run installer as an admin etc as far as I can recall.

A system added to... Windows 7 and beyond I think. The idea, to try to prevent certain types of software from adversely affecting your system.

Regarding files it virtualizes access. For example instead of windows allowing program to write in c:\program files\{install dir} program writes to %appdata% \...\{virtualized directory}. If a program is run with admin access it can see program files directory.

Also I took that console report while at warp as you can see, as soon as it dropped out, crash....
Console is clean, did you try installing the game outside program files?
Acta, non verba.
aka USS Sovereign

Offline Lukas2409

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2019, 01:27:37 PM »
Haven’t tried to install out of program files.

I’ll do that when I’m home. That said, what do I do about BCUT? Just go into it and change the destination path/directory to the new BC install/folder?

Offline Lukas2409

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2019, 01:29:15 PM »
P.S if I don’t run the BC_Prepare for the supermod in admin mode, I just get access denied when it tries to delete/prep the files for the install

Offline Mario

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2019, 07:39:22 PM »
Haven’t tried to install out of program files.

I’ll do that when I’m home. That said, what do I do about BCUT? Just go into it and change the destination path/directory to the new BC install/folder?

IIRC I did implement in BCUT an option to manually select an stbc installation (it will validate that it is also properly selected for ya). So yeah, just point it towards the new folder and you're set.

P.S if I don’t run the BC_Prepare for the supermod in admin mode, I just get access denied when it tries to delete/prep the files for the install

Is this a batch file or something? No clue what it does, freely run it as admin or whatever or if you want verification post it here so I can inspect it.
Acta, non verba.
aka USS Sovereign

Offline Lukas2409

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2019, 01:13:27 AM »
It’s a batch file, it removes a bunch of stuff in preparation for the Supermod install

Offline Mario

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2019, 11:00:26 AM »
Acta, non verba.
aka USS Sovereign

Offline Lukas2409

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2019, 06:13:26 AM »
Reinstalled to a different path exactly as you suggested C:\Bridge Commander.

Made 0 difference, game still crashes when warping from system to system or transitioning in any way.
Everything installed correctly because I can play QB. Before anyone says anything I've had it working properly on my Windows 7 Install with exactly the same install and got through SP fine.

Still makes me load up QB before selecting a mission from the test menu, if I jump straight into SP it crashes.

Offline Mario

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2019, 11:44:43 AM »
Have you checked event viewer for any BC related errors? Can you install console tracker (I think that's what it's called)? Do a run until the crash and post its output here.
Acta, non verba.
aka USS Sovereign

Offline Lukas2409

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Re: Installed Bridge Plugin Core Gold, not allowing me to install bridges.
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2019, 11:55:08 AM »
I don’t know what event viewer is.
Console tracker should be easy enough. I’ll try that tomorrow